

单词 notion
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔antediluvian〕an antediluvian notion of etiquette 过时的礼节概念英汉大词典〔argumentation〕the notion that through argumentation an agreement will ultimately be reached经过辩论最终一定能达成一致意见的理念外研社新世纪〔bearer〕the traditional bourgeois notion of the citizen as a bearer of rights.认为公民是权利拥有者的传统中产阶级观念柯林斯高阶〔bearer〕the traditional bourgeois notion of the citizen as a bearer of rights认为公民拥有各种权利的传统资产阶级观念外研社新世纪〔bewhiskered〕a bewhiskered notion 陈腐的见解英汉大词典〔collocation〕the basic notion of collocation.搭配的基本概念柯林斯高阶〔communicative〕the notion of communicative competence.交际能力的概念柯林斯高阶〔communicative〕the notion of communicative competence交际能力的概念外研社新世纪〔crude〕a crude notion 不成熟的想法英汉大词典〔degrade〕the notion that pornography degrades women.认为色情作品有辱女性尊严的观念柯林斯高阶〔ding〕ding a notion into sb. (或sb.'s ears) 把一个想法反反复复灌输给某人英汉大词典〔drub〕drub a silly notion out of sb.'s head 反反复复地讲得某人打消蠢想法英汉大词典〔drub〕to drub the notion into a person强使某人接受某种观念21世纪英汉〔encouragement〕the notion that tax encouragements and the like would be sufficient to increase people's appetite for supporting charity.认为税收激励政策及类似措施足以提高人们支持慈善事业的兴致的想法柯林斯高阶〔errant〕an errant notion 错误的想法文馨英汉〔erroneous〕the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood献血会感染艾滋病的错误观念外研社新世纪〔exoteric〕an exoteric notion 通俗的概念英汉大词典〔exploration〕an exploration of the notion of deja vu对“似曾相识”这个概念的探讨外研社新世纪〔fanciful〕a fanciful notion 毫无根据的想法英汉大词典〔foggiest〕not to have the foggiest notion what …对…根本没什么概念外研社新世纪〔hazy〕a hazy notion 模糊的概念 英汉大词典〔hierarchy〕the notion of 'cultural imperialism' implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.“文化扩张主义”意味着一种文化等级体系的存在,其中有些文化要比其他文化更强大。柯林斯高阶〔impute〕the notion of mental illness as a label imputed to some people's behaviour将心理疾病归于一些人的行为标记的观点外研社新世纪〔indistinct〕an indistinct memory; an indistinct notion of how to proceed.模糊的记忆;对如何前进的模糊想法美国传统〔ineffable〕the mystical notion of an ineffable God不得直呼上帝名讳的神秘观念外研社新世纪〔just〕a just notion of the boy's abilities 对这男孩能力的正确看法英汉大词典〔misconceived〕a misconceived notion 错误的观念韦氏高阶〔misty〕a misty notion 模糊的概念英汉大词典〔nerd〕the notion that users of the Internet are all sad computer nerds.认为因特网用户全是可悲的计算机呆子的看法柯林斯高阶〔nerd〕the notion that users of the Internet are all sad computer nerds认为因特网使用者都是可悲的电脑呆子的观念外研社新世纪〔notion〕take a sudden notion to do sth.突然想到要做某事英汉大词典〔notion〕the notion that human beings are basically good 人性本善的观念朗文当代〔nubilous〕a nubilous notion 模糊的观念英汉大词典〔of〕a vague notion of democracy.模糊的民主概念柯林斯高阶〔pert〕a pert notion 一个激动人心的想法英汉大词典〔prescind〕the philosophical notion of force, prescinded from matter and gravity 与物质和重力不相混同的力的哲学概念英汉大词典〔public service〕the notion of public service and obligation which has been under such attack.受到备受攻击的关于公益事业和义务的观念柯林斯高阶〔public service〕the notion of public service and obligation which has been under such attack备受攻击的公益事业观和义务观外研社新世纪〔scotch〕scotch the old notion 破除旧观念英汉大词典〔slippery〕the slippery notion of 'standards' “标准”一词的模糊概念朗文当代〔supremacy〕the dangerous notion of white supremacy(= that white races are better than others and should control them) 危险的白人至上观念牛津高阶〔take〕take a notion 产生一个念头英汉大词典〔uncritically〕the conventional notion of women as uncritical purchasers of heavily advertised products.认为女人会不加辨别地购买那些大做广告的产品的传统观点柯林斯高阶〔uncritical〕the conventional notion of women as uncritical purchasers of heavily advertised products认为女人会不加辨别地购买那些大做广告的产品的传统观点外研社新世纪〔unscientific〕unscientific notion 非科学概念 英汉大词典〔whimsical〕a whimsical notion 离奇的想法英汉大词典




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