

单词 official
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ACCUSE〕an official statement accusing someone of a crime 指控某人犯罪的正式声明朗文写作活用〔COMPLICATED〕a complicated official system 复杂的官方体系朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕an official order forbidding something 禁止某事的官方命令朗文写作活用〔HUD〕an official at HUD 美国住房与城市发展部的官员韦氏高阶〔LET/ALLOW〕an official document that gives permission 给予准许的正式文件朗文写作活用〔OFFICIAL〕not official 非正式的朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕to suggest someone as a suitable person for a job or official position 推荐合适人选做某一工作或担任某个官职朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕to visit a place as part of your official duties 作为职责访问某地朗文写作活用〔Vatican〕a Vatican official 罗马教廷官员韦氏高阶〔advance〕try to find out the result of an examination in advance of the official announcement 试图在正式宣布之前打听到考试结果英汉大词典〔appose〕appose an official seal to a document 在文件上加盖公章英汉大词典〔arrogant〕an arrogant official 傲慢的官员英汉大词典〔baptism〕the official baptism of a new battleship 一艘新战舰的正式命名仪式英汉大词典〔business〕visit Africa on official business 因公访问非洲英汉大词典〔capacity〕speak in an official (a private) capacity 以官方(私人)身份发言英汉大词典〔consular〕a consular official 领事官员韦氏高阶〔consul〕a consular official 领事馆官员朗文当代〔contemporary〕drawing upon official records and the reports of contemporary witnesses利用官方记录和当时见证人的叙述外研社新世纪〔corruption〕an official above corruption 不受贿赂的官员英汉大词典〔death〕put/sentence/condemn sb to death (=kill someone or decide they should be killed as an official punishment) 处死某人/判某人死刑朗文当代〔elective〕an elective official 选举出来的官员英汉大词典〔endorse〕the official endorsement of his candidacy 对他候选人资格的官方认可朗文当代〔estimated〕the official estimate of the election result.竞选结果的官方预测柯林斯高阶〔estimate〕official government estimates of traffic growth over the next decade 政府对今后十年交通增长的正式估计牛津高阶〔hand around〕the free Jamaican cigars that were always handed around at official functions.总是在正式场合递送的免费牙买加雪茄柯林斯高阶〔have〕an incorruptible official who could not be had.一位不为贿赂所动的廉洁官员美国传统〔high〕a high official 高级官员英汉大词典〔history〕the official history of the university 大学的官方历史牛津搭配〔hostility〕the official cessation of hostilities against Japan 官方停止对日作战牛津搭配〔line〕the official line on food safety 政府关于食品安全的方针牛津搭配〔mascot〕the official mascot of the Barcelona Games.巴塞罗那奥运会的官方吉祥物柯林斯高阶〔mascot〕the official mascot of the next Olympic Games下届奥林匹克运动会的官方吉祥物外研社新世纪〔measure〕official weights and measures 法定度量衡英汉大词典〔measure〕attract a measure of official attention 引起官方一定的注意英汉大词典〔merchandise〕official Olympic merchandise 奥林匹克运动会官方指定商品牛津高阶〔minute〕minutes An official record of the proceedings at a meeting. minutes 会议记录:会议进程的正式记录美国传统〔mixed up〕a government official mixed up in illegal activities 和非法活动有牵连的政府官员麦克米伦高阶〔official〕official statistics about illegal drug use 有关吸毒的官方数据朗文当代〔official〕according to official statistics/figures 根据官方统计╱数字牛津高阶〔official〕an official biography 正式认可的传记英汉大词典〔official〕an official ceremony 正式仪式韦氏高阶〔official〕an official dinner 正式的宴会英汉大词典〔official〕an official representative.一个官方的代表美国传统〔official〕in an official capacity 以官方身份英汉大词典〔official〕the official exchange rate 官方汇率英汉大词典〔official〕the official responsible for handling the case 负责处理此案的官员牛津搭配〔official〕the official unemployment figures官方的失业人数外研社新世纪〔official〕the company's official logo 公司的正式标识朗文当代〔opening〕the official opening of the new theatre 新剧院的正式落成典礼朗文当代〔preferment〕the preferment of gothic architecture as the town's official style优先选择哥特式建筑作为该镇建筑官方风格外研社新世纪〔recognition〕official recognition of the need for jail reform 官方对监狱需要改革的承认朗文当代〔rhetoric〕official rhetoric on the virtues of large families 有关大家庭优点的官方言辞牛津搭配〔sombre〕a worried official in sombre black一名身穿深黑色衣服、面带忧虑的官员外研社新世纪〔standard〕an official government standard for the purity of silver 白银纯度的政府法定标准朗文当代〔starkly〕secret cooperation between London and Washington that was in stark contrast to official policy.与官方的政策形成鲜明对比的伦敦和华盛顿之间的秘密合作柯林斯高阶〔statement〕an official statement.正式声明。牛津同义词〔team〕the official team photograph官方公布的全队合影外研社新世纪〔visit〕his first official visit to Britain as Russian President 他作为俄罗斯总统对英国的首次正式访问朗文当代〔whole hog〕swallowed the official version whole hog.完全听从官方的说法美国传统a parity of 1.40 pesos to the dollar on the official market 官方市场上 1.4 比索兑 1 美元的平价牛津商务




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