

单词 operate on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Java〕A trademark used for a programming language designed to develop applications, especially ones for the Internet, that can operate on different platforms.爪哇语言:用于开发应用程序的程序语言标志,尤指可在不同平台运行的网络应用程序美国传统〔MEDICAL TREATMENT〕It can be risky to operate on very old people. 对老年人动手术可能风险很大。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by a number of processes that operate on different time scales. 二氧化碳经过一系列的过程从大气层中被除去,这些过程所需要的时间段各有不同。朗文写作活用〔abdomen〕Dr Patel operated on his abdomen.帕特尔医生给他做了腹部手术。外研社新世纪〔abnormality〕They were about to operate on a boy with an abnormality in his urinary opening.他们即将给一个尿道口畸形的男孩动手术。外研社新世纪〔black economy〕A sizable hidden segment of a country's economy that operates on numerous unreported private cash transactions.黑色经济,非法经营:国家经济中相当数量被隐藏的部分,以未被告发的私人现金交易而进行美国传统〔brain〕The surgeon operated on his brain.外科医生对他作脑手术。英汉大词典〔byte〕A sequence of adjacent bits operated on as a unit by a computer.字节:计算机中作为一个单位处理的一系列相邻的位美国传统〔cable car〕A car designed to operate on a cableway or cable railway.空中缆车:用于在缆绳索道上工作的车子美国传统〔case〕They'll operate on the more serious cases right away.他们马上要给那些病情较重的病人动手术。英汉大词典〔elevated railway〕A railway that operates on a raised structure in order to permit passage of vehicles or pedestrians beneath it.高架铁道:一条位于高架建筑上的铁路,以使车辆或行人在下面通过美国传统〔empower〕The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.军队得到授权,在行动中可以开枪射杀。柯林斯高阶〔fissure〕He was operated on for bleeding piles and an anal fissure.他因为痔疮出血和肛裂而进行了手术。外研社新世纪〔hocus〕Her arm has been hocussed, now operate on her.她的手臂已麻醉好,现在动手术吧。21世纪英汉〔list〕He was operated on and listed as in critical condition.他动了手术并被列入危重病人名单。英汉大词典〔numb〕The injection will numb the area to be operated on.注射将会麻醉手术部位。韦氏高阶〔obstruction〕They're going to operate on an obstruction in her colon.他们准备对她结肠里的阻塞物进行手术。麦克米伦高阶〔operate on〕He has been operated on three times.他已经做了三次手术。外研社新世纪〔operate on〕The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries.为国王做手术的外科医生通报了国王伤势的最新详情。外研社新世纪〔operate〕Calculators and computers operate on the same principle.计算器和电脑的运行原理相同。外研社新世纪〔operate〕He was operated on for detachment of the retina.他作了视网膜剥离手术。英汉大词典〔operate〕The actress will have to have her eyes operated on.那个女演员的眼睛必须动手术。英汉大词典〔operate〕The driver of the car was operated on immediately.马上为汽车司机动了手术。麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕The man was a young man. Life had not yet operated on his face.那个男子是个年轻人;生活的风霜对他的面容还没有什么影响。英汉大词典〔operate〕The organization operates on a non-profit basis.该机构是非营利组织。麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕The surgeon operated on her for appendicitis.外科医生为她动阑尾切除手术。英汉大词典〔operate〕The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries.为国王动手术的外科医生通报了其伤势的最新详情。柯林斯高阶〔operate〕The tractor operates on diesel oil.拖拉机用柴油开动。英汉大词典〔operate〕They need to operate on her stomach (NOT operate her stomach).他们要给她的胃部动手术。朗文当代〔operate〕Two sorts of forces operate on it.两种力量对它起作用。英汉大词典〔operate〕We may have to operate on your leg.我们可能要对你的腿进行手术。麦克米伦高阶〔operate〕We will have to operate on his eyes.我们得给他的眼睛动手术。牛津高阶〔plane〕Like all talented musicians, he operates on a different plane from most people.像所有的天才音乐家一样,他与大多数人处在不同的层次上。牛津搭配〔press〕Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale.与美国不同,英国报刊都是行销全国的。牛津高阶〔principle〕Windmills differ in design, but all operate on exactly the same principle.风车的设计不同,但操作原理都是完全相同的。麦克米伦高阶〔profit margin〕Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins.许多小公司靠非常微薄的利润率维持经营。剑桥高阶〔stand-alone〕Each of its factories operates on a stand-alone basis.它的每个工厂都是独立运营的。麦克米伦高阶〔streetcar〕A public vehicle operated on rails along a regular route, usually through the streets of a city.市内有轨电车:沿固定路线开动的公用车辆,通常穿越城市的街道美国传统〔supersymmetry〕A hypothetical symmetry that relates fermions to bosons and gravitational force to forces that operate on the subatomic level.超对称性:将费密子与玻子相联系以及将万有引力与亚原子作用的力相联系的假想对称性美国传统〔trephine〕To operate on with a trephine.作手术:用环钻对…进行手术美国传统〔triphibian〕Designed to operate on land, water, or in air.长于陆海空作战的,三栖的:可在陆上、水上或空中操作的美国传统〔unethical〕I thought it was unethical for doctors to operate on their wives.我原以为医生给自己的妻子动手术是不合乎职业道德的。外研社新世纪He was operated on by Ben Saling, the heart transplant pioneer.给他动手术的是本·沙林,心脏移植的先驱。剑桥国际I think this government operates on the basis of expediency, not of principle (= they do what they think will help them, not what they think they should do).我认为这个政府行事以自身利益为基准,而不是从原则出发。剑桥国际It's important for knee injuries that the surgeon who operates on you also supervises the after-care and physiotherapy.对于膝盖受伤重要的是手术的外科医生又监督手术后护理和理疗。剑桥国际Many small companies operate on very narrow margins.许多小公司微利经营着。剑桥国际Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins.许多小公司靠非常微薄的利润运转。剑桥国际The manufacturing plant operates on a make-to-order basis.这家制造厂实行订单式生产制度。牛津商务The surgeon operated on her for a tumor. 医生为她的肿瘤开刀。译典通The surgeon operated on him to remove the tumor. 外科医生给他做手术以切除肿瘤。译典通




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