

单词 opera
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accompaniment〕three tenors singing Italian opera to the accompaniment of a violin在小提琴伴奏下演唱意大利歌剧的三位男高音歌唱家外研社新世纪〔book〕engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢;美国传统〔box〕a private box at the opera 剧院里的私人包厢牛津搭配〔bright〕a bright star of the opera 歌剧明星英汉大词典〔buff〕an opera buff 歌剧爱好者牛津高阶〔celebrated〕a celebrated opera singer/city/novel 著名歌剧演唱家/名城/著名小说剑桥高阶〔comic〕a comic opera 滑稽歌剧牛津高阶〔company〕a small touring opera company 巡演小歌剧团牛津搭配〔corny〕a corny love scene in a soap opera 一部肥皂剧中的感伤的爱情场面文馨英汉〔devoted〕a devoted opera fan 狂热的歌剧迷麦克米伦高阶〔devotee〕a devotee of opera (sports) 歌剧(运动)爱好者英汉大词典〔drama〕emphasize the drama of opera 加强歌剧的戏剧效果英汉大词典〔excerpt〕play excerpts from the opera 演奏歌剧中的几个选段英汉大词典〔follow〕an annotated version of Mozart's opera that allows the listener to follow the score.使听者能够一边欣赏一边对照着看的莫扎特歌剧的注释乐谱柯林斯高阶〔friend〕a friend of the opera 歌剧的赞助者英汉大词典〔from〕the music from Offenbach's opera 选自奥芬巴赫的歌剧的乐曲麦克米伦高阶〔gala〕a gala evening at the Royal Opera House皇家歌剧院的欢乐之夜外研社新世纪〔glorious〕a glorious Edwardian opera house爱德华七世时期宏伟壮丽的歌剧院外研社新世纪〔grandiose〕a grandiose opera house 华而不实的歌剧院牛津高阶〔house〕an opera house 歌剧院牛津高阶〔libretto〕the author of one or two opera librettos.一两个歌剧剧本的作者柯林斯高阶〔link〕the city's traditional link with opera 这个城市与歌剧的传统渊源牛津搭配〔mount〕mount an opera 上演歌剧英汉大词典〔mutate〕opera singers mutating into pop stars 歌剧演唱者转型为流行歌手韦氏高阶〔omnibus〕the omnibus edition of a soap opera 肥皂剧的多集连播剑桥高阶〔opera〕opera stars; an opera libretto.歌剧名星,歌剧的歌词美国传统〔opera〕a comic opera 喜歌剧文馨英汉〔opera〕a grand opera 大歌剧文馨英汉〔opera〕a new opera 一出新歌剧文馨英汉〔opera〕a wellknown opera 著名歌剧英汉大词典〔opera〕an opera company/singer/festival 歌剧团/演员/节麦克米伦高阶〔opera〕an opera director一名歌剧导演外研社新世纪〔opera〕an opera singer 歌剧演唱家朗文当代〔opera〕an opera singer 歌剧歌手,演唱歌剧者文馨英汉〔opera〕an opera singer 歌剧演员牛津高阶〔opera〕an opera singer 歌剧演唱家剑桥高阶〔opera〕an opera singer 歌剧演唱家韦氏高阶〔opera〕go to the opera 去听歌剧文馨英汉〔opera〕go to the opera 去看歌剧演出英汉大词典〔opera〕the New York City Opera 纽约市歌剧团韦氏高阶〔opera〕the Paris Opera 巴黎歌剧院英汉大词典〔opera〕the Vienna State Opera 维也纳国家歌剧院牛津高阶〔opera〕the great composers of opera 伟大的歌剧艺术作曲家麦克米伦高阶〔opera〕to go to the opera 去看歌剧牛津高阶〔paleness〕a soap opera against which other soaps pale into insignificance.让其他同类剧相形见绌的肥皂剧柯林斯高阶〔parody〕a parody of a soap opera 对肥皂剧的讽刺性模仿作品韦氏高阶〔premiere〕the stage premiere of John Adams's opera 约翰・亚当斯的歌剧的舞台首演牛津搭配〔rendering〕an interesting new rendering of Puccini's opera 对普契尼歌剧有趣的新演绎麦克米伦高阶〔run〕a soap opera that has been running for many years 播放了多年的肥皂剧麦克米伦高阶〔score〕the score of an opera 歌剧总谱英汉大词典〔singer〕a famous Italian opera singer 著名的意大利歌剧演唱家朗文当代〔soigné〕the soigné audience in the opera 歌剧院里衣冠楚楚的观众英汉大词典〔solemn〕a special opera with a solemn social message 一部具有严肃的社会主旨的、与众不同的歌剧英汉大词典〔spectacle〕a multimedia dance and opera spectacle 一个多媒体的舞蹈和歌剧的精彩表演朗文当代〔standard〕the standard opera 作为保留剧目的歌剧英汉大词典〔style〕the characteristic style of Beijing opera 京剧的特有风格英汉大词典〔superannuated〕a superannuated opera star 过气的歌剧明星韦氏高阶〔television〕set the television to a soap opera 把电视节目调至肥皂剧英汉大词典〔travel(l)ing〕a travel(l)ing opera company 巡回演出歌剧团英汉大词典〔trite〕a soap opera with a hackneyed plot; 情节老掉牙的肥皂剧;美国传统




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