

单词 old
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Huguenot〕genōz [companion] from Old High German ginōz genōz [伙伴] 源自 古高地德语 ginōz 美国传统〔OLD〕relating to old people 与老人有关的朗文写作活用〔OLD〕to become or start to look old 变老或开始显老朗文写作活用〔Old Testament〕passages in the Old Testament《圣经•旧约》中的篇章外研社新世纪〔above〕children above ten years old 10岁以上的孩子们英汉大词典〔alive〕an old tradition that is still alive 至今仍然沿袭的老传统韦氏高阶〔bad-tempered〕a bad-tempered old man 脾气暴躁的老人韦氏高阶〔banger〕an old banger 一辆老爷车朗文当代〔bigoted〕a bigoted old man 思想偏执的老人朗文当代〔cliché〕the old bromide that we are what we eat; 认为我们吃的就是自身的迂腐想法;美国传统〔coot〕an old coot 老笨蛋英汉大词典〔costmary〕cost [costmary] from Old English from Latin costum from Greek kostos from Sanskrit kuṣṭhaḥ cost [香膏菊] 源自 古英语 源自 拉丁语 costum 源自 希腊语 kostos 源自 梵文 kuṣṭhaḥ 美国传统〔crabbed〕a crabbed old man 脾气古怪的倔老头英汉大词典〔crow〕an old crow 老太婆英汉大词典〔crutched〕be crutched between love grown old and indifference 处在爱情衰老和情感冷漠之间英汉大词典〔crypt〕people buried in the crypt of an old London church.埋葬在伦敦一所古老教堂的地下室的人们柯林斯高阶〔day〕in days of old 昔时英汉大词典〔demob〕men in old demob suits穿着老旧退伍便服的男人们外研社新世纪〔diminish〕blend of diminuen [to lessen] from Old French diminuer from Latin dīminuere variant of dēminuere dē- [de-] minuere [to lessen] 混合了 diminuen [减小] 源自 古法语 diminuer 源自 拉丁语 dīminuere dēminuere的变体 dē- [前缀,表“减少”] minuere [减弱] 美国传统〔dissolution〕the dissolution of old beliefs 旧信仰的瓦解韦氏高阶〔doting〕an old doting oak 年久腐朽的橡树英汉大词典〔dotty〕a dotty old man 怪老头英汉大词典〔electricity〕an old building with no plumbing or electricity 不通水或电的老旧建筑韦氏高阶〔fraud〕all those fashion frauds who think they are being original by raiding the tired old styles of the '60s.所有那些抄袭 60 年代的过时风格却自认为具有原创性的时尚造假者柯林斯高阶〔hardheaded〕a hardheaded old man 倔强的老人韦氏高阶〔hulk〕the ruined hulk of the old church tower古老教堂钟楼的残垣断壁外研社新世纪〔icebreaker〕using an old joke as a conversational icebreaker 用一个老笑话活跃谈话气氛韦氏高阶〔illumination〕an old manuscript with beautiful illuminations 装饰精美的旧手稿韦氏高阶〔infer〕we inferred that she had been consulting with some new financial advisers,since her old advisers were in favor of tax reductions. 我们推断她同几个新的金融顾问们商量过,因为她的那些顾问们支持减税。 美国传统〔inoffensive〕a quiet, inoffensive old man 安详随和的老人英汉大词典〔interplay〕the interplay between the old and the new 新旧事物之间的相互影响韦氏高阶〔lead〕a path leading from the village to the old church 从村庄通向古老教堂的小道牛津搭配〔legacy〕a legacy from my old teacher 我以前的老师的遗产牛津搭配〔leik〕lend , from Old English lǣnan , to lend, loan from Germanic denominative *laihwnjan . lend , 源自 古英语 lǣnan , 借, 贷款源自 日耳曼语 从名词派生出的动词 *laihwnjan . 美国传统〔little〕a little old lady 身材娇小的老妇人麦克米伦高阶〔musty〕musty old books 发霉的旧书韦氏高阶〔old economy〕old economy practices 旧式工业体系的惯例朗文当代〔old girl〕an old girls' reunion 女校友聚会朗文当代〔old lady〕their old lady他们的老妈外研社新世纪〔old〕old numbers 过期报刊英汉大词典〔old〕an old hand at the game.玩这游戏的老手。牛津同义词〔order〕the evils of the old order 旧制度的种种罪恶英汉大词典〔paint job〕old cars that are given a quick paint job before being sold 出售前匆匆漆过的旧车朗文当代〔passing〕the passing of the old year 旧的一年的流逝剑桥高阶〔poem〕an old house that is a poem 充满诗情画意的老屋英汉大词典〔practical〕the practical problems of old age 年老的实际问题朗文当代〔recognize〕recognize an old crony with a nod 向一位老朋友点头致意英汉大词典〔rehash〕rehash the same old arguments 把旧论据拿出来老调重弹英汉大词典〔rehash〕the embarrassing rehashing of an old scandal.一桩旧日丑闻的尴尬重演柯林斯高阶〔rejig〕rejig an old wartime poster 把一张战时旧招贴画修改翻新英汉大词典〔return〕a return to the old ways of farming 恢复旧式耕作方法韦氏高阶〔rival〕a game against their old rivals , Manchester United 和他们的老对手曼联队的比赛朗文当代〔ruin〕an interesting old ruin 一处有趣的古老废墟朗文当代〔sacking〕a piece of old sacking一块旧麻袋布外研社新世纪〔slum〕aristocratic types who enjoyed slumming around in musty old Scottish castles.喜欢在发霉的苏格兰古堡里体验苦日子的贵族阶层柯林斯高阶〔song〕the same old song of the politician 政客们唱的那套老调英汉大词典〔spruce〕spruce up the bodywork of an old car 把旧汽车的车身整修得既整洁又漂亮英汉大词典〔superposable〕to superpose love upon an old story给古老的故事添加上爱情的情节21世纪英汉〔tag〕cut all the tags off an old frayed rug 剪去破旧地毯拖拖拉拉的破条条英汉大词典〔zwieback〕backen [to bake] from Middle High German from Old High German bahhan, backan backen [烘,烤] 源自 中古高地德语 源自 古高地德语 bahhan, backan 美国传统




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