

单词 oklahoma
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Iowa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.艾奥瓦人:美洲土著居民的一支,过去居住在衣阿华州的部分地区和明尼苏达州的西南,其后裔今天居住在内布拉斯加州,堪萨斯州,和俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔Kansa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern and central Kansas, with a present-day population in eastern Oklahoma.坎萨人:原居住在堪萨斯州东部和中部的美洲印第安人,现在居住在俄克拉荷马州东部美国传统〔Mickey Mouse〕He works for some Mickey Mouse outfit (= company) in Oklahoma.他在俄克拉何马一家名不见经传的小服装公司工作。剑桥高阶〔Missouri〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.密苏里族:美洲土著居民(印第安人)的一支,原居住于密苏里州中北部,现其后裔和奥托人居住在俄克拉荷马州的中北部美国传统〔Quapaw〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Arkansas along the Arkansas River, with a present-day population in Oklahoma.瓜坡族:一支美洲土著人,原居住在阿肯色州的阿肯色河流域的部分地区,现居住在俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔case〕He saw McVeigh casing the Oklahoma City federal building before it was bombed.俄克拉何马城联邦大楼被炸之前,他看见麦克维在那儿窥探。麦克米伦高阶〔cowboy〕He cowboyed in Texas and Oklahoma.他在得克萨斯州和俄克拉何马州当过牛仔。韦氏高阶〔hail〕She hails from Oklahoma.她来自美国俄克拉荷马美国传统〔improbability〕His financial situation forced him to go and teach in, improbably enough, Tulsa, Oklahoma.他的经济状况迫使他很不可思议地去了俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨教书。柯林斯高阶〔improbably〕His financial situation forced him to go and teach in, improbably enough, Tulsa, Oklahoma.他的财务状况迫使他做了件不可思议的事:去俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨教书。外研社新世纪〔major〕She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.她被评选为俄克拉何马大学历史专业的优等生。外研社新世纪〔major〕She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.她被评选为俄克拉何马大学历史专业的优等生。柯林斯高阶〔oil patch〕The oil-producing region of the United States that includes Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.石油产区:美国产石油的地区,包括得克萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和路易斯安那州美国传统〔panhandle〕Often Panhandle A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. 常作 Panhandle 柄状狭长地带:从比较广阔的地域突出去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚美国传统〔sooner〕Sooner A native or resident of Oklahoma. Sooner 捷足者:美国俄克拉荷马州人或居民的别称美国传统〔uss〕USS Oklahoma 美国军舰俄克拉何马号牛津高阶He works for some Mickey Mouse outfit in Oklahoma.他在俄克拉荷马为一群不重要的人工作。剑桥国际In Texas and Oklahoma, you can see many ranch-style buildings. 在德克萨斯和奥克拉荷马,你可以看见许多牧场式的建筑。译典通The nerve center of the Customs Service's squadron of antidrug patrol planes is in Oklahoma City.海关反毒品巡逻飞机中队的指挥中心在奥克拉荷马城。剑桥国际




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