

单词 next summer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A level〕Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies.明年暑假劳拉将参加戏剧和宗教研究两门课的高级程度考试。柯林斯高阶〔COURT/TRIAL〕The case won't come to trial until next summer. 这个案子要到明年夏天才提交法庭审理。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕Looking ahead to next summer, where would you like to go? 计划一下明年夏天,你想去哪儿?麦克米伦高阶〔buzz〕The movie, due out next summer, is already creating a buzz.下一个夏季上映的这部电影已引发热议。牛津搭配〔exam〕He'll sit his exams next summer.他明年夏天要参加考试。朗文当代〔go ahead〕The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer.这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在谢菲尔德举行。柯林斯高阶〔hope〕My hope is that by next summer I'll have saved enough money to go travelling.我希望的是明年夏天我能攒够钱去旅行。朗文当代〔middle〕The house should be finished by the middle of next summer.房子应该在明年仲夏时完工。韦氏高阶〔mind〕She has in mind a trip to Europe next summer.她打算明年夏天去欧洲旅行。英汉大词典〔preparation〕The festival was a great success, and preparations are underway (=have started) for another one next summer.节庆活动举办得很成功,现在已经开始筹备明年夏天的下一届活动了。朗文当代〔release〕The band hopes to release their new album by next summer.这个乐队希望在明年夏天到来之前发行新专辑。韦氏高阶〔retake〕I'm doing my retakes next summer.我要在明年夏天重新参加考试。剑桥高阶〔sit〕She will sit A levels in English, French and history next summer.她明年夏天将申请英语、法语和历史高级程度考试证书。外研社新世纪〔stitch〕I must discard these old shirts and stitch some before next summer.明年春天前我必须扔掉这些旧衣服,缝一些新的。剑桥高阶〔stow (sth) away〕I think I'll stow the camping equipment away in the loft until next summer.我想我会把露营装备存放在阁楼里,明年夏天再用。剑桥高阶〔summer〕We're going to Italy next summer.明年夏天我们要去意大利。朗文当代〔toilet training〕We're planning to toilet train him next summer.我们正计划明年夏天对他进行大小便训练。韦氏高阶〔wed〕The couple plan to wed next summer.这俩人计划在夏天结婚。牛津高阶I think I'll stow the camping equipment (away) in the loft until next summer.我想我会把露营装备储藏在阁楼,直至明年夏天。剑桥国际I'm going back to college in September and doing my retakes next summer.我将于9月回到学院,并于明年夏天参加重考。剑桥国际I'm not sure where we're going next summer but I rather fancy the Antipodes.我还不能确定明年夏天我们去哪儿,但我挺喜欢澳洲。剑桥国际I've stored my thick sweaters and jackets (away) at the back of the wardrobe until next summer.我将我的厚毛衣和外套储藏在衣橱深处直至下个夏季。剑桥国际




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