

单词 newt
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔newt〕This wet area also attracts frogs, toads and newts.这片潮湿地区也吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈一类的生物。柯林斯高阶〔newt〕This wet area attracts frogs, toads, and newts.这片湿地吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈。外研社新世纪〔pissed〕He was a bloody nuisance, pissed as a newt.他是个该死的讨厌鬼, 喝得酩酊大醉。外研社新世纪〔regenerate〕Newts can regenerate their limbs.蝾螈的肢体可以再生。柯林斯高阶〔urodele〕Any of various amphibians of the order Caudata, including the salamanders and newts, in which the larval tail persists in adult life.有尾目两栖动物:一种有尾目的两栖动物,包括蝾螈和水螈,特征为幼虫期的尾巴,在成年期仍旧存在美国传统Newts are amphibians and live mainly on land, but breed in water.蝾螈是两栖动物,主要在陆上生活,但在水中繁殖。剑桥国际In “Macbeth”, the witches' spell includes the words “Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog.” 在 《麦克白》中,巫师的咒语包括“水螈之眼,青蛙之趾,蝙蝠之毛,狗之舌。”剑桥国际




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