

单词 obliges
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔good〕The contract obliges you to make good any damaged windows.合同规定任何损坏的窗户均由你方修理。韦氏高阶〔oblige〕Her job obliges her to work overtime and on weekends.工作迫使她平时加班、周末上班。韦氏高阶〔oblige〕In certain countries the law obliges parents to send their children to school.在某些国家里,法律强制父母送子女上学。英汉大词典〔oblige〕The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.法律强制公司向其雇员支付适当的工资。剑桥高阶〔oblige〕The law obliges the government to release certain documents to the public.法律要求政府向公众公开某些文件。韦氏高阶〔oblige〕This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。外研社新世纪〔oblige〕This decree obliges unions to delay strikes.该法令迫使工会推迟罢工。柯林斯高阶〔oblige〕Your carelessness obliges firmness on my part.你那粗枝大叶的作风使我不得不对你严格。英汉大词典Current EU law only obliges companies to publish results every six months.欧盟现行法律仅规定公司每六个月公布一次经营业绩。牛津商务The Hippocratic oath obliges doctors not to give information about their patients to people who are not involved in treating them.希波克拉底誓言要求医生不能把有关他们病人的消息透露给与病人治疗无关的人。剑桥国际The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.法律强制公司支付给雇员适当的工资。剑桥国际




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