

单词 need for
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔advancement〕society's need for material advancement 社会对物质进步的需要牛津搭配〔airpiracy〕the need for international action to prevent airpiracy 为防止空中劫机的国际性行动之必要文馨英汉〔chronic〕a chronic need for attention 需要长期关注韦氏高阶〔clean-up〕the need for a clean-up of Italian institutions.对意大利各机构进行整顿的必要性柯林斯高阶〔collection〕the need for more efficient tax collection 需要提高税收效率牛津搭配〔commonly〕people who have the greatest need for the use of the commons, the public space.对公共草地这种公用空间需求最大的人柯林斯高阶〔consistent〕the need for a unified and consistent policy 对统一连贯政策的需求麦克米伦高阶〔coordination〕a need for coordination with the training department 与培训部协调的必要牛津搭配〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between both parents 双方父母对话的必要性麦克米伦高阶〔dialogue〕the need for dialogue between the two sides in the dispute 争议双方进行对话的必要牛津搭配〔download〕the bandwidth you need for video, file downloads, and more besides视频、文件下载以及其他更多功能所需的带宽外研社新世纪〔educated〕the need for a broadly educated workforce 对普遍受过教育的劳动力的需要牛津搭配〔elementary〕an elementary need for love and nurturing.爱和抚育的基本需要美国传统〔even〕the need for a more even balance between work and recreation 需要在工作和消遣上更平衡些麦克米伦高阶〔forward-looking〕the need for the party to be forward-looking, to identify with changing attitudes among voters.政党应该放眼未来并与选民态度变化保持一致的需要柯林斯高阶〔forward-looking〕the need for the party to be forward-looking该政党高瞻远瞩的必要性外研社新世纪〔greatness〕the greatness of the need for reform 改革的极度迫切性韦氏高阶〔hard〕a book that is difficult (or hard ) to find. Difficult, however, is often preferable where the need for skill or ingenuity is implied: 很难找的一本书(或 hard ) 。 然而Difficult一词在需要技术独创性的情况下,常会被使用: 美国传统〔hospital〕surgical techniques which avoid the need for a hospital stay 让病人无需住院的外科技术朗文当代〔in-service〕the undoubted need for in-service training.切实存在的在职培训需求柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕indicate the need for a new school 说明有新建一所学校的必要英汉大词典〔kind〕the need for a new kind of leadership 对新型领导的需要牛津搭配〔lead〕the need for the president to give a moral lead总统树立一个道德榜样的需要外研社新世纪〔low〕the need for low-cost housing 对廉价住房的需求朗文当代〔modern〕the need for a strong, modern army对强大的现代化军队的需求外研社新世纪〔need〕a law reflecting a need for better social conditions 反映需要改善社会环境的法规牛津搭配〔need〕her need for friendship 她对友谊的需要朗文当代〔need〕his need for reassurance他对安慰的需求外研社新世纪〔need〕the need for change 变革的需要牛津搭配〔need〕the need for job satisfaction 需要工作带来的满足感朗文当代〔need〕the need for leadership 缺少领导英汉大词典〔obsessive〕obsessive need for quick solutions 对迅速解决办法的过分迫切需要英汉大词典〔overpowering〕an overpowering need for solitude.对孤独的强烈需求美国传统〔paramount〕the paramount need for a peaceful solution to the crisis.和平解决危机的迫切性柯林斯高阶〔pressing〕a pressing need for reform 改革的迫切需要韦氏高阶〔radical〕the need for radical changes in education 对教育进行彻底变革的需要牛津高阶〔rationalize〕a need for rationalization of the industry 对这一行业进行合理化改革的必要性牛津高阶〔reconcile〕an attempt to reconcile the need for industrial development with concern for the environment 协调工业发展的需要和环境保护之间关系的努力牛津高阶〔rethink〕the need for a widespread rethink on attitudes in science education 对自然科学教育中的各种态度进行广泛反思的必要性 英汉大词典〔satisfying〕the need for a personally satisfying set of beliefs 需要一套令自己满意的信念牛津搭配〔screaming〕a screaming need for reform 对改革的迫切需要英汉大词典〔screaming〕a screaming need for reform 迫切的改革需求韦氏高阶〔surrender〕the need for total personal surrender to and dependence on Jesus.需要完全顺从并依靠耶稣柯林斯高阶〔temporal〕firmly believing in the need for the clergy not to become pre-occupied with temporal matters坚信神职人员必须不为世俗之事所牵绊外研社新世纪〔transparency〕a need for greater transparency in legal documents 对法律文件更简明易懂的需求牛津高阶〔vigilance〕the need for increased police vigilance 警方加强警戒的必要性朗文当代〔wardrobe〕everything you need for your summer wardrobe 需要的所有夏装牛津高阶〔wholeness〕the need for wholeness and harmony in mind, body and spirit.保持头脑、身体和精神和谐统一的需要柯林斯高阶the need for a paradigm shift 进行观念上重大改变的必要性牛津商务the growing need for reskilling of workers 对工人日益增长的学习新技能的需求牛津商务




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