

单词 orders
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FOLLOW〕obey a law or someone's orders 遵守法律或听从某人的命令朗文写作活用〔Myrmidon〕myrmidon A faithful follower who carries out orders without question. myrmidon 忠诚跟随者:坚定不移地执行命令的忠实跟随者美国传统〔TELL〕to give orders in a rude, unpleasant way 以粗鲁、令人不快的态度发布命令朗文写作活用〔above〕waiting for orders from above 等待上级命令韦氏高阶〔archangel〕archangels The eighth of the nine orders of spiritual beings in medieval angelology. archangels 第八级天使:中世纪天使学中九级天使的第八级美国传统〔backlog〕to fill (或 execute) orders backlogged交付积压的订货21世纪英汉〔bray〕bray orders to a waiter 粗声粗气地向侍者点菜英汉大词典〔contented〕be contented to take orders from sb.甘愿听命于某人英汉大词典〔contention〕keep sb. in contention with others for orders from the government 在争取政府订货方面使某人与他人竞争不止英汉大词典〔delivery〕completed orders for delivery 填好的送货单牛津搭配〔disobedience〕disobedience to orders [the law] 违抗命令【法律】文馨英汉〔disobey〕punishment for disobeying orders 对违抗命令的惩罚朗文当代〔disobey〕to disobey orders 违抗命令剑桥高阶〔domination〕dominations Theology The fourth of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called dominions dominations 【神学】 九等天使中的第四等 也作 在此意义上也可称作 dominions美国传统〔error〕errors caused by illegibly written orders 难以辨识的手写指令导致的错误牛津搭配〔evaporation〕the evaporation of orders from Russia俄罗斯订单的凭空消失外研社新世纪〔execution〕the enormous scale of orders and their execution 大规模的定货物及所定货的供应英汉大词典〔export〕how to win more export orders 如何赢得更多的出口订单牛津搭配〔express〕give express orders (instructions) 下达明确的命令(指示) 英汉大词典〔flat〕go flat against orders 断然违抗命令 英汉大词典〔from on high〕orders from on high 来自当局的命令韦氏高阶〔giver〕a giver of orders 施令员韦氏高阶〔issue from〕orders issued from the headquarters从总部发出的命令21世纪英汉〔kitchen〕send orders to the kitchen 将点的菜通知厨师英汉大词典〔miscommunication〕miscommunication of military orders 军令的错误传达英汉大词典〔mobilization〕mobilization orders 动员令文馨英汉〔moratorium〕a moratorium on phone orders 电话定货的暂停英汉大词典〔mound〕mounds of orders for the product 购买这一产品的一叠叠定货单英汉大词典〔obey〕obey orders 执行命令英汉大词典〔order〕orders Formal written instructions to report for military duty at a specified time and place. orders 书面指示:要求在规定的时间和地点汇报军事任务的正式书面指示美国传统〔order〕orders from headquarters 司令部的命令英汉大词典〔order〕all orders and degrees of men 各阶层的人英汉大词典〔order〕go into orders 担任圣职(尤指牧师)英汉大词典〔order〕online orders 网上定购英汉大词典〔order〕religious orders 修会牛津高阶〔order〕religious/holy orders 修道会/圣职剑桥高阶〔order〕the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders of Greek architecture 希腊建筑的多利斯、爱奥尼亚和科林斯柱型英汉大词典〔order〕the lower orders 底层社会牛津高阶〔order〕two orders of mashed potatoes 两份土豆泥英汉大词典〔order〕under the orders of a doctor 遵医嘱英汉大词典〔outgoing〕outgoing orders of Chinese food.中国饭菜的外带订购美国传统〔power〕powers Theology The sixth of the nine orders of angels. powers 【神学】 九级天使中的第六级美国传统〔principality〕principalities Theology The seventh of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called princedoms principalities 【神学】 权天使:九级天使中的第七级 也作 在此意义上也可称作 princedoms美国传统〔question〕military formations, carrying out without question the battle orders of superior officers.毫无异议地执行上级军官的战斗命令的部队编队柯林斯高阶〔rear〕give orders for the women and children to be sent to the rear 下令把妇孺撤至后方英汉大词典〔repeat〕prepare for anticipated repeat orders 准备好办理预期的重复订货 英汉大词典〔repel〕with orders to repel the advance of the enemy带着击退敌人进攻的命令外研社新世纪〔right〕give orders right and left 四下发号施令 英汉大词典〔sessional〕sessional orders [rules] (英国议会的)会期中的议事规程文馨英汉〔steep〕a steep drop in orders 订单的大幅度减少朗文当代〔takeout〕deliver takeout orders for a restaurant 替一家餐馆送熟食到订货客户英汉大词典〔transliterate〕be able to transliterate orders into a language understood only by the waiters and cooks 能把指令译成只有侍者和厨子听得懂的语言英汉大词典〔unshackle〕give orders to unshackle the prisoner 命令松开囚犯的镣铐英汉大词典〔virtue〕virtues Theology The fifth of the nine orders of angels. virtues 【神学】 道德天使:九级天使中的第五级美国传统〔wait〕wait orders 听候命令英汉大词典a decline in orders due to heavy customer destocking 订单因顾客大量流失而减少牛津商务a steady stream of orders 稳定的源源不断的订单牛津商务bulk orders of over 100 copies 超过 100 本的大宗订单牛津商务squaring invoices with purchase orders 保持发票和采购订单一致牛津商务the processes involved in taking and fulfilling orders over the Web 网上接受和执行订单所涉及的工序牛津商务




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