

单词 net
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brussels lace〕Net lace with an appliqué design, formerly made by hand but now usually made by machine.布鲁塞尔花边:一种针绣的花边,原先用手工织成,现在通常机织而成美国传统〔LOOK FOR〕Browsing the net one afternoon, I came across Tom's homepage. 一天下午,我在上网浏览的时候找到了汤姆的个人网页。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕US external net liabilities rose throughout the 1980s. 20世纪80年代美国的净外债一直在上升。朗文写作活用〔PULL〕At about five o'clock the beach was full of activity, with the fishermen hauling in their nets. 5点左右,渔夫拉起网来,沙滩上一阵热闹。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net. 全球通讯组织通过互联网把生态及其他政治活动积极分子联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The net result of global warming will be a rise in sea levels. 全球变暖的最终结果是造成海平面上升。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Don't hit it too hard - just nudge it over the net. 别打得太重,只要把它轻推过网就行。朗文写作活用〔angle〕Beckham fired his angled shot just wide of the net.贝克汉姆射出一记弧线球, 只偏离球门一点点。外研社新世纪〔asset〕Net assets have grown to $169 million.净资产已经增加到 1.69 亿美元。牛津搭配〔back-heel〕He back-heeled the ball into the net.他用脚跟把球回踢入网。外研社新世纪〔backhander〕She hit a backhander into the net.她反手击球,球未过网。韦氏高阶〔backhand〕She backhanded the ball into the net.她反手击球下网。外研社新世纪〔backhand〕The British star went 6-1 up in the tie-break, winning when Popp hit a backhand return into the net.这名英国球星在决胜局以6比1领先, 随着波普反手回球下网, 他赢得了比赛。外研社新世纪〔backheel〕He managed to backheel the ball into his own net.他成功用后脚跟将球送入自家大门。剑桥高阶〔bale up〕They baled up some fishes with a net.他们用网舀起一些鱼。21世纪英汉〔ball〕She hit a high arching ball over the net.她打出一个网上高抛球。韦氏高阶〔ball〕Try to kick the ball into the back of the net.争取把球踢进网里。麦克米伦高阶〔barrage balloon〕A balloon anchored singly or in a series over a military objective to support nets that hinder the passage of enemy aircraft.阻拦气球:单个或一系列的固定在军用物体上的气球,以支撑阻碍敌机通路的网络美国传统〔basket〕Either of the two elevated goals, each consisting of a metal hoop from which an open-bottomed circular net is suspended.球篮:两个升高的球篮之一,每个由一金属环上挂有一个无底的圆网组成美国传统〔binding energy〕The net energy required to remove an atomic electron to an infinitely remote position from its orbit.结合能:把原子核内的电子从其轨道移至无限远所需要的净能量美国传统〔bobble〕The ball bobbled into the back of the net.球蹦到了球网背面。柯林斯高阶〔bobble〕The ball somehow bobbled into the net.球不知怎么在地上弹了几下钻入网窝。牛津高阶〔bottom〕I steered it into the bottom corner of the net with my left foot.我用左脚把那东西搞到网罩的底角去了。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕The ball bounced twice before hitting the net.球弹了两次才击到网上。麦克米伦高阶〔bowstring hemp〕The fibers of any of these plants, used for bowstrings, cordage, mats, and nets.虎尾兰麻纤维:任一种这类植物的纤维,用于制作弓弦、绳索、席子和网美国传统〔brail〕A small net for drawing fish from a trap or a larger net into a boat.抄网:从罗网或一个稍大的网中拖鱼进入船中的小网美国传统〔bunt〕The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated.鱼网的网身:象袋子似的重网的中间部分,所有的捕获物都集中于此美国传统〔cannon〕The ball cannoned off the goalpost and into the net.球击中门柱后进入网内。韦氏高阶〔capital account〕A statement of the net worth of a business at a given time.资本净值:关于一企业在一定时间上所有净值的一份记录美国传统〔capture〕The animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos.那些动物用网捕获后被卖到当地的动物园。牛津高阶〔cast/spread your net wide〕Companies are casting their nets wide in search of young, talented employees.公司广撒网,遍寻有才能的年轻员工。韦氏高阶〔cast〕A throwing of a fishing line or net into the water.撒网:把钓线或网投入水中美国传统〔cast〕The old fisherman cast his net into the river three times every morning.老渔翁每天早晨向河中撒三次网。21世纪英汉〔cast〕Velikovsky had cast his net wide in search of supporting evidence for his theory.为了找到能支持其理论的证据,维利柯夫斯基把网撒得很开。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕Drift nets are used mainly for catching tuna.流网主要用来捕捞金枪鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔clip〕She clipped the ball into the net.她把球斜劈入球网。牛津高阶〔contribution〕Residents made a net contribution to public finances of $2.6 billion.居民们对公共财政的净贡献额为 26 亿美元。牛津搭配〔corner〕The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net.球飞进了球网的远角。柯林斯高阶〔crazily〕The ball bounced crazily over his shoulder into the net.球不可思议地弹过他的肩膀,钻进了球网。柯林斯高阶〔cross〕He headed the ball into the net, after a great cross from Pele. 他接贝利一记精妙横传,一甩头把球送入了网窝。剑桥高阶〔curl〕He curled the ball into the net.他一记弧线球入网。外研社新世纪〔deterrent〕I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds.我在草莓上罩了网,免得鸟歇上去。牛津同义词〔diagonal〕Peters received a diagonal pass and headed the ball into the net.彼德斯接到斜传球后将球顶射入网。剑桥高阶〔disentangle〕The fish disentangled itself from the net.那条鱼逃出了网。牛津同义词〔doomsday〕March 18 could be doomsday for thousands of homeless families if the government's proposals to remove the safety net of the homeless legislation are not stopped.如果政府撤销资助流浪者的立法提案得不到阻止, 那么对于成千上万无家可归的家庭来说, 3月18日将是世界末日。外研社新世纪〔dragnet〕A net for catching small game.猎网:用于捕获小猎物的网美国传统〔dragnet〕A net for trawling; a trawl.拖网:用于在水底拖曳捕鱼的网;拖网美国传统〔drift net〕A large fishing net buoyed up by floats that is carried along with the current or tide.流网:依靠浮子浮起,随海流或潮汐漂流的一种大型鱼网美国传统〔earnings〕Her net earnings last year were $15 000.她去年的纯收入是 1.5 万英镑。牛津搭配〔either〕The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.篮筐分别从体育馆两头的天花板上悬吊下来。柯林斯高阶〔electric potential gradient〕The net difference in electric charge across a cell membrane.电位梯度:细胞膜两侧的电荷净差美国传统〔employ〕The safety net is an image commonly employed in everyday life.安全网是日常生活中广为使用的一个形象比喻。牛津搭配〔entrap〕We used the net to entrap a school of fish.我们用网捕了一群鱼。韦氏高阶〔excluding〕The families questioned, excluding those on income support, have a net income of £200 a week.除了需要低收入补助金的家庭外, 受访家庭的净收入为每周200英镑。外研社新世纪〔expense〕Net interest expense increased to $5.9 million from $4.1 million.净利息支出从 410 万增加到了 590 万美元。牛津搭配〔exporter〕With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel (=it exports more fuel than it imports).随着北海石油和天然气生产的扩大,英国已成为燃料的净出口国。朗文当代〔feather〕The puck came to Primeau, who just feathered it into the net.冰球来到普里莫跟前, 他轻轻一带就把它送入网了。外研社新世纪〔filet〕A net or lace with a simple pattern of squares.网格状花边,方格网:带有简单方格网眼图案的网或花边美国传统〔filter〕Net users can filter out unwanted emails with software.网络用户可以使用软件过滤掉不需要的电子邮件。朗文当代〔float〕A buoyant object, such as a cork, used to hold a net or fishing line afloat.浮子:能浮动的物体,如用来使网或钓线浮起来的浮标美国传统〔float〕Fishing nets are often held in position by floats.渔网常常用浮子固定。剑桥高阶〔flue〕A fishing net.渔网美国传统〔free〕He was unable to free his legs from the net.他没办法把缠在腿上的网解开。韦氏高阶〔gain〕The Democratic Party needed a net gain of only 20 votes.民主党只需要多 20 张选票。朗文当代〔ghost net〕A plastic drift net that has been abandoned by a fishing boat and that entangles and kills fish, porpoises, seabirds, and other marine life.鬼网:从渔船上扔到水里的一种塑料的飘浮网,可以网住并杀死鱼、海豚、海鸟和其它海生物美国传统〔gill net〕A fishing net set vertically in the water so that fish swimming into it are entangled by the gills in its mesh.鱼刺网:垂直设在水中的渔网,因此鱼游过时,网会把鱼鳃缠住美国传统〔gill-netter〕One who uses a gill net to catch fish.刺网渔夫:用刺网捕鱼的人美国传统〔gillnet〕To catch (fish) by means of a gill net.刺网:用鱼刺网捕(鱼)美国传统〔hammer〕He hammered the ball into the net.他一记猛射,将球踢进网。牛津高阶〔hammer〕Owen hammered the ball into the back of the net.欧文一记劲射,球直入网窝。麦克米伦高阶〔have〕I soon had the fish in a net.我不一会就网住了那条鱼。牛津高阶〔high〕You'll have to hit the ball quite high to get it over that net.你必须把球打得相当高,这样它才能过那网。剑桥高阶〔hit〕He hit the ball over the net.他击球过网。麦克米伦高阶〔income tax〕A tax levied on net personal or business income.所得税:对个人或企业净收益所征收的税款美国传统〔ion〕An atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons.离子:由获得或失去一个或更多的电子而获取了一个净电荷的一个原子或一组原子美国传统〔lawless〕Her lawless hair was caught in a net.她的一头乱发被网子钩住了。英汉大词典〔let〕I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.网到鱼后又把它放生,我挺开心的。柯林斯高阶〔level〕He slipped the ball into the net to level the score at 1 / 1.他送球入网,把比分扳平到 1 比 1。朗文当代〔lobster pot〕A slatted cage with an opening covered by a funnel-shaped net, used for trapping lobsters.捕虾篓:一种板条制笼子,开口处以漏斗状网覆盖,用于诱捕龙虾美国传统〔loft〕From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net.他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。外研社新世纪〔loss〕The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million.公司宣告净亏损 150 万元。牛津高阶〔mend〕Fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们在修补他们的渔网。韦氏高阶〔mend〕You can watch the fishermen mending their nets.你可以看着渔夫们修补渔网。外研社新世纪〔mesh〕Any of the open spaces in a net or network; an interstice.网孔,空隙:任一种网或网状物的镂空部分;空隙美国传统〔microgravity〕An environment in which there is very little net gravitational force, as of a free-falling object, an orbit, or interstellar space.微重力:对于自由落体、轨道、或是星球间空间有着非常微弱净重力的环境美国传统〔net weight〕The net weight is 250g.净重250克。外研社新世纪〔netting〕The act or process of fishing with a net.撒网:用网捕鱼或撒网捕鱼的过程美国传统〔netting〕The act or process of making a net.织网:做网或做网的过程美国传统〔net〕A butterfly was trapped in the net.一只蝴蝶陷在网中。文馨英汉〔net〕A fold of danger nets him round.他处境危险。英汉大词典〔net〕All bank and building society interest is paid net.所有银行和建房互助协会的贷款都要支付纯利息。柯林斯高阶〔net〕Balances of £5,000 and above will earn 11 per cent gross, 8.25 per cent net.结余在5,000英镑及以上将获得11%的毛利, 8.25%的净利。外研社新世纪〔net〕Bruce spends most evenings surfing the Net (=looking at information in different places on the Internet) .布鲁斯晚上大多在因特网上浏览信息。朗文当代〔net〕He had an income of £10,000 net.他有1万英镑的税后收入。外研社新世纪〔net〕He hopes to net some new clients on the golf course this weekend.他希望本周末能在高尔夫球场上争取到一些新客户。麦克米伦高阶〔net〕He just couldn't get the ball back over the net.他就是无法回球过网。外研社新世纪〔net〕His penalty kick placed the ball decisively in the back of the net.他的点球稳稳地射进网窝。剑桥高阶〔net〕How many fish did you net this afternoon? 你今天下午张网捕到多少鱼?剑桥高阶〔net〕I earn $50,000 gross, but my net income (= income that is left after tax has been paid) is about $36,000.我总共赚了50000美元,但净收入为36000美元。剑桥高阶〔net〕I found a really useful website about allergies on the Net.我在网上找到一个关于过敏反应的非常有用的网站。剑桥高阶〔net〕I put a net over my strawberries.我在草莓上盖了张网罩。外研社新世纪〔net〕Record companies are casting their nets wide in search of new talent.唱片公司为了发掘新人正在大面积撒网。朗文当代〔net〕The net weight of something excludes the weight of the material that it is packed in.净重不包括包装材料的重量。剑桥高阶〔net〕The company reported a net loss of $56 million last year.公司报告去年净损失为 5,600 万美元。朗文当代〔net〕The company suffered a decline in net profit for the third quarter.公司第三季度的净利润下滑。韦氏高阶〔net〕There are plenty of talented players who slip through the net and never get to play professionally.许多有天分的运动员都因为没被发掘,永远无法成为职业选手。韦氏高阶〔net〕Unfortunately the animals are often caught in fishing nets.不幸的是,这些动物经常被渔网套住。牛津搭配〔net〕We earned around £80,000 net last year.我们去年大约净赚了8万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔net〕What you actually receive is net of deductions for the air fare and administration.你实际上得到的是除去机票和管理费的净值。外研社新世纪〔net〕You might find something on the Net.你也许能从因特网上找到些什么。朗文当代〔net〕You should net the strawberries to keep the blackbirds away.你应该用网罩住草莓, 免得乌鸫啄食。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕Of or relating to a particle, an object, or a system that has a net electric charge of zero.电中性的:粒子、物体或系统电位为零的或与之有关的美国传统〔nudge〕He nudged the ball past the goalie and into the net.他轻松地将球推过守门员,送入网中。牛津高阶〔opposing〕The opposing team must try to keep the ball in the air before hitting it back over the net.对方球员必须在球落地前将球击过网。外研社新世纪〔outflow〕There was a net outflow of about £50m in short-term capital.短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕As Nadal came in to the net, Murray passed him a superbly placed shot.当纳达尔上来封网时, 穆雷打出了一记落点极佳的穿越球。外研社新世纪〔pastime〕Her favourite pastime is surfing the net.她最喜爱的消遣形式是上网。外研社新世纪〔pile driver〕He hit a pile driver into the net from 20 yards out.他从20码外一记猛踢,把球射入了网。韦氏高阶〔plunge〕Its net profits plunged 73% last year.去年它的净利润突然下跌73%。外研社新世纪〔plunge〕Its net profits plunged 73% last year.去年,它的净利猛跌了73%。柯林斯高阶〔post〕The company posted a net loss of 8 million dollars last year.该公司宣布去年净亏800万元。英汉大词典〔price〕He has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有价值 1 千万元的个人净资产。牛津高阶〔profit margin〕The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.这个集团去年的净利润率为30%。外研社新世纪〔profit〕The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.净值利润率:在给定的计算期间内商业企业的净值增加的比率美国传统〔result〕The net result of all these changes is that schools should be able to deliver a better service to pupils.所有这些改革的最终结果就是学校应该能给学生提供更好的服务。朗文当代〔reticulate〕To form a net or network.形成网或网状物美国传统〔reticulate〕To make a net or network of.使…成网状:用…制成网或网状物美国传统〔ricochet〕The ball ricocheted off the goalkeeper and into the net.球打在守门员身上弹进了网。剑桥高阶〔run〕His net worth runs into seven figures.他的净值达到了七位数美国传统〔safety net〕The benefits system provides a safety net for those in real need.这一救济金系统为那些真正需要的人提供了一个安全保障体系。麦克米伦高阶〔safety net〕The program provides a safety net for people who have lost their jobs.这个项目为失去工作的人们提供保障。韦氏高阶〔safety net〕The welfare system was set up to provide a safety net for the poor.建立福利制度以为贫困人口提供保障体制。剑桥高阶〔safety net〕Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.对于低收入工人来说,福利救济是唯一真正有效的保障措施。柯林斯高阶〔salary〕His net monthly salary is €2,500.他的净月薪为2500欧元。剑桥高阶〔scoop〕He scooped out the leaves from the pool with the net.他用网从水塘里捞树叶。韦氏高阶〔scramble〕Rooney managed to scramble the ball into the net.鲁尼勉力把球送进了网窝。牛津高阶〔screamer〕She kicked a screamer into the net.她迅速把球踢进了球网。韦氏高阶〔serve〕He served the ball into the net.他发球不过网。英汉大词典〔shot〕He cracked a terrific shot into the bottom corner of the net.他起脚一记漂亮的射门,将球踢入球门下角。牛津搭配〔shot〕Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net.泰勒一脚低射,把球射入网角。牛津高阶〔slice〕He managed to slice a shot over the net.他设法把球斜切过网。牛津高阶〔slip through the net〕There are laws to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does slip through the net.虽然有保护精神病患者的法律,可是时不时会有人没有被照顾到。剑桥高阶〔slip〕In a class of 30 children, it is easy for one to slip through the net and learn nothing.在一个有 30 个孩子的班级里,很容易有个别孩子照顾不到,什么也学不到。朗文当代〔slip〕We tried to contact all former students, but one or two slipped through the net.我们试图同所有的校友取得联系,但有一两个未能找到。牛津高阶〔smack〕Beckham smacked the ball into the net.贝克汉姆将球怒射入网。麦克米伦高阶〔snag on〕Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.当地渔民的渔网不断被水下物体钩住。外研社新世纪〔snag〕Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.当地渔民的渔网老是被水下的东西钩住。柯林斯高阶〔snag〕The nets snagged on some rocks.渔网缠在礁石上了。牛津高阶〔strike〕He struck a superb shot into the back of the net.他以一记漂亮的射门将球踢入网窝。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。牛津高阶〔surfer〕Net surfers can use their credit cards to pay for anything from toys to train tickets.上网者能用信用卡购买从玩具到火车票的任何东西。柯林斯高阶〔surfer〕No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。柯林斯高阶〔surf〕I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。牛津高阶〔surf〕She spends hours every day just surfing the Net.她每天花数小时时间在网上冲浪。麦克米伦高阶〔surtax〕A tax levied on corporations or individuals after net income has exceeded a certain level.超额累进所得税:对收入超过一定水平的公司或个人所征的税美国传统〔sweetly〕He headed the ball sweetly into the back of the net.他把球稳稳地顶入网窝。牛津高阶〔swell〕After-tax net profits swelled 22.5 per cent to $81.5 million in the year to June.截止到今年六月份, 税后净利润增长了22.5%, 达到了8,150万美元。外研社新世纪〔thrash〕The fish thrashed about in the net.那条鱼在网中乱蹦乱跳。英汉大词典〔through〕The ends of the net pass through a wooden bar at each end.网的两端各穿过一根木棒。柯林斯高阶〔tighten the net〕The police are tightening the net around the smugglers.警方逐渐缩小包围圈,逼近走私人员。剑桥高阶〔toe poke〕He managed to stick out a leg and toe-poke Ramsey's cross into the net.他成功出脚,用脚趾部位把拉姆齐横穿而来的球送入网窝。剑桥高阶〔top〕The ball curled into the top corner of the net.球沿着一条弧线飞进了球门上角。剑桥高阶〔volley〕He volleyed the ball into the net.他凌空抽射, 把球踢进了球门。外研社新世纪〔volley〕He volleyed the ball into the back of the net.他凌空一脚把球踢入网窝。牛津高阶〔volley〕She hit a forehand volley into the net.她正手截击球未过网。牛津高阶〔wealth〕The average family increased its net wealth by 50% between 1989 and 2001.1989 年至 2001 年间,家庭平均净财富增加了 50%。牛津搭配〔winning gallery〕A winning opening in court tennis below the side penthouse and on the hazard side of the net.走廊得分区:室内网球得分的开口,位于边遮棚以下和网的得分边之上美国传统〔worst-case〕In a worst-case scenario, net capital flows could fall as low as $60 billion.在最坏的情况下, 净资本流量可能下降到600亿美元。外研社新世纪Net profit before minority interests rose to €550 million.支付少数股权益之前的净利润上升至 5.5 亿欧元。牛津商务Britain will soon be a net importer of oil and gas.英国不久将成为石油和天然气的净进口国。牛津商务Capital Southwest reports net assets of $240.1 million.西南资本公司报告净资产为 2.401 亿元。牛津商务Capital assets with a current net realizable value of less than $5 000 are considered minor items.流动可变现净值低于 5 000 元的资本资产是小额项目。牛津商务Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.海豚常常钻入捕金枪鱼的网中。剑桥国际Excluding the impact of foreign currency translation, net sales rose 2%.排除外币折算的影响,净销售额增长了 2%。牛津商务He sent two English players off one way with a feint and then rolled the ball into the opposite corner of the net.他虚晃一脚,把两个英国队员骗到另一个方向,然后把球踢进了球网的另一个角。剑桥国际His net monthly salary is £ 1 500.他的月薪净收入为1500英镑。剑桥国际His lawless hair was caught in a net. 他的一头乱发被网钩住了。译典通I didn't even see which way I kicked the ball and it was just a fluke that it went in the net.我甚至不曾看到那球我是往哪儿踢的,它只是侥幸滚进了网内。剑桥国际If the marked price is €100 and the discount is 5%, the net price is €95.如果标价为 100 欧元,折扣 5%,则净价等于 95 欧元。牛津商务Interest on the investment will be paid net (= tax will already have been taken away).投资的利息将按扣税后的金额支付。牛津商务On Thursday the coffee retailer reported a net revenue of $300 million for the last four weeks.星期四咖啡零售商报告称最近四周的净收入为 3 亿元。牛津商务Shorrock took the penalty kick, making the ball swerve (= move in a curve) into the top right-hand corner of the net.罚点球时,肖罗克一个弧线球将球踢进右上角。剑桥国际Subtracting the tax bill of $52 500, we are left with a net profit of $97 500.扣除 52 500 元的税款,我们还有 97 500 元的净利。牛津商务The net weight of something excludes the weight of the material that it is packed in.某物的净重不包括包装材料的重量。剑桥国际The average net worth of a household is €22 000.家庭的平均净值为 22 000 欧元。牛津商务The basketball swooshed through the net.篮球嗖的一声入网。剑桥国际The company recorded net sales of €166 million for the fourth quarter.这家公司报告第四季度的净销售额为 1.66 亿欧元。牛津商务The country is a net importer of oil (= it imports more than it exports).这个国家是石油的净进口国(进口超过其出口)。牛津商务The fish were caught in the meshes of the net. 鱼被网线钩住了。译典通The footballer volleyed the ball into the net. 那足球队员将球凌空抽射入网。译典通The goalkeeper made a valiant dive for (= jump towards) the ball, but couldn't stop it going in the net.守门员朝着球猛一鱼跃,但是没能拦球进网。剑桥国际The graph shows the company's net profits over the past ten years.这张图显示公司过去十年的净利润。牛津商务The living-room windows have net curtains which let in sunlight but stop passers-by looking in from the street.起居室的窗子有网眼帘,它能让阳光射进,但阻挡过路人从街上朝里看。剑桥国际The player sidestepped his opponent and kicked the ball into the net.运动员侧步避开了他的对手将球踢进了网里。剑桥国际The police are tightening the net (=coming closer to catching) around the smugglers.警察渐渐收拢包围圈,逼近走私犯。剑桥国际There was a safety net below the acrobats at the circus.马戏演出时,杂技演员下面装有安全网。剑桥国际This bar of chocolate weighs 100 grams net.这根巧克力净重100克。剑桥国际Time after time she charged to the net, leaving the Spaniard with time and room to make her passing shots.一次又一次她冲向球网,留给这西班牙人时间和空间打出她的超身球。剑桥国际You ought to put a net over your strawberry plants to stop the birds eating the fruit.你应该在你的草莓丛上罩上网,不让鸟来吃果子。剑桥国际You should put some nets over your strawberry beds to keep off the birds.你应在草莓苗床上遮网来防鸟。剑桥国际




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