

单词 offers
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ACCEPT〕to take money or a gift that someone offers you 接受某人给你的钱或礼物朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕a hotel that offers air-conditioned rooms at relatively inexpensive prices 一家提供空调房间、价格比较公道的酒店朗文写作活用〔NO〕ways of politely saying no when someone offers you something 某人提出给你某物时有礼貌地拒绝的说法朗文写作活用〔SELL〕to sell something to the person who offers the most money 把某物售予出价最高的人朗文写作活用〔after-sales service〕a local retailer who offers a good after-sales service.提供高质量售后服务的当地零售商柯林斯高阶〔after-sales service〕a local retailer who offers a good after-sales service一家提供良好售后服务的当地零售商外研社新世纪〔bed-and-breakfast〕a small hotel that offers bed- and-breakfast 提供住宿加次日早餐的小旅馆韦氏高阶〔boutique〕a boutique hotel that offers an escape from the outside world 让人远离尘世喧嚣的精品酒店牛津高阶〔budget〕a book which offers great ideas for decorating on a budget 为装修控制预算而提供良策的一本书朗文当代〔business〕set up/start up in business The scheme offers free advice to people wanting to set up in business.这一计划为想要开办企业的人提供免费的咨询。朗文当代〔challenge〕a career that offers a challenge 大有作为的事业英汉大词典〔challenge〕a career that offers a challenge.大有作为的事业美国传统〔comfort〕a book which offers comfort and help to the parents of children with cancer 一本给子女罹患癌症的父母提供安慰和帮助的书朗文当代〔connectivity〕a phone company that offers excellent Internet connectivity.提供极佳网络联机的电话公司美国传统〔counteroffer〕salary offers and union counteroffers (资方提出的)加薪建议和工会的反建议英汉大词典〔credit〕a store that offers credit; bought my stereo on credit.提供赊帐的商店;我赊购了一台音响美国传统〔energy〕equipment that offers long-term energy savings 能持久节能的设备牛津搭配〔indemnity〕a plan that offers indemnity against further financial loss 免受进一步经济损失的保障计划英汉大词典〔match〕an excellent match between our goals and what your company offers 贵公司所提供的与我们所定的目标的高度契合牛津搭配〔more〕accommodation which is roomy and offers more than generous stowage.住宿宽敞,储藏空间绰绰有余柯林斯高阶〔new〕a medical breakthrough that offers new hope to cancer patients 给癌症患者带来新希望的医学突破朗文当代〔offer〕a hotel that offers conference facilities.提供会议设置的旅馆美国传统〔rape〕a centre that offers support for rape victims 强奸受害者救助中心麦克米伦高阶〔ray〕a treatment that offers a ray of hope for cancer sufferers 给癌症患者一线希望的治疗方法朗文当代〔repudiate〕repudiate offers of friendship 拒绝接受(别人的)友好表示 英汉大词典〔seating〕a theater that offers semicircular seating.提供半圆形坐椅的剧院美国传统〔shopper〕special offers designed to tempt shoppers 吸引购物者的特价品牛津搭配〔snug〕a snug little shop that offers the best soups 一家供应上等汤肴的舒适小店英汉大词典〔special offer〕special offers on dishwashers 洗碗机的特价优惠朗文当代〔unbeatable〕unbeatable offers 最优惠的报价牛津高阶〔unsolicited〕unsolicited offers 主动提供帮助的表示英汉大词典〔untold〕a game that offers untold wealth to the most talented players 为最有天赋的运动员带来巨大财富的比赛朗文当代〔variety〕variety of sth Cafe Artista offers a wide variety of sandwiches.Artista 咖啡馆提供种类繁多的三明治。朗文当代bargain offers on home entertainment 家庭娱乐产品大减价牛津商务bargain fare offers 廉价机票优惠牛津商务big cash-back offers 大额现金回扣报价牛津商务trial offers of new software 新软件的试用装牛津商务




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