

单词 boxed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔box ... in〕His car was boxed in by two other cars on the final lap.他的汽车在最后一圈遭到了其他两辆汽车的封堵。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕Living in that small flat,she feels boxed in.她身居斗室,感到很闷气。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕She feels boxed in at the fatiguing work and wishes greater freedom to develop her ideas.她在令人疲劳的工作中感到憋气,希望能有更大的自由去实现她的理想。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕The motor is boxed in.发动机是包装在里面的。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕The tea ought to be boxed in.茶叶应装入盒中。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕The title of the news was boxed in.那条新闻的标题被加上了花边。21世纪英汉〔box ... in〕We boxed the house and garden in with fences.我们用栅栏把房子和花园围了起来。21世纪英汉〔box about〕They boxed about in the boat.他们乘小船周游。21世纪英汉〔box in〕Armstrong was boxed in with 300 metres to go.还剩300米的时候, 阿姆斯特朗被堵住了。外研社新世纪〔box in〕Armstrong was boxed in with 300 metres to go.阿姆斯特朗在离目的地还有300米的地方被堵住不能动弹。柯林斯高阶〔box in〕I feel boxed in by all these rules.我感觉被这些条条框框所束缚。韦氏高阶〔box in〕I never want to be boxed in.我从来不愿受约束。外研社新世纪〔box in〕The other bicyclists boxed her in and she couldn't move ahead.其他骑自行车的人把她堵住了,她无法往前骑。韦氏高阶〔box in〕We got boxed in in the inside lane.我们被困在内车道了。外研社新世纪〔box off〕The captain boxed the ship off.船长使船微微调向。21世纪英汉〔box off〕The room was boxed off.那个房间被分隔开来了。21世纪英汉〔box sb in〕She did not want to send her son to a school where he would be boxed in by so many rules and regulations.她不想把儿子送到一所被规章制度束手束脚的学校。剑桥高阶〔box sb/sth in〕When I got back to my car, I found it had been boxed in by a lorry.回来时发现我的车被一辆卡车堵在里面了。剑桥高阶〔box up〕She boxed these shoes up.她把鞋子装进匣子里。21世纪英汉〔box up〕She has boxed up all her books.她已把她所有的书都装在箱子里了。21世纪英汉〔box up〕The sheep were all boxed up.羊群全被混杂了。21世纪英汉〔box up〕They were boxed up in a small shed during the flood.洪水泛滥时他们被困在一间小棚里。21世纪英汉〔boxed in〕At school I boxed and played rugby.在学校时我既打拳击又玩橄榄球。柯林斯高阶〔boxed in〕He feels boxed in at work and wants greater freedom to develop his ideas.他觉得在工作上所受限制太多,想要更多的自由拓展自己的想法。剑桥高阶〔boxed in〕I was boxed in, and had to wait for the driver of the other car to get back.我被堵在里面了,只能等另外一辆车的车主回来。剑桥高阶〔boxed in〕The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.财政大臣被通货膨胀目标和英镑逼得束手无策。柯林斯高阶〔boxed in〕The two fighters had previously boxed a 12-round match.这两位拳击手之前已经打了一场12回合的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔boxed〕Our gourmet chocolate range now includes liqueur chocolates, all beautifully boxed.我们的美味巧克力系列现在包括酒心巧克力, 都有精美盒装。外研社新世纪〔boxed〕This boxed collection captures 64 of the greatest modern love songs.这套盒装专辑收录了64首最好听的当代爱情歌曲。柯林斯高阶〔box〕Alley has boxed since he was 15 .阿里从15岁起就成为职业拳击手。21世纪英汉〔box〕He boxed up the pears he had picked.他把他所摘的梨装于箱中。文馨英汉〔box〕He hates being boxed up in his home all day.他讨厌整天关在家里。21世纪英汉〔box〕He keeps those two very different ideas boxed off from each other in his mind.他把那两个截然不同的想法在头脑中区分开来。英汉大词典〔box〕I boxed up some clothes and books to donate to charity.我把一些衣服和书装进箱子里准备捐给慈善机构。剑桥高阶〔box〕I was boxed in until the other driver came back.我被困在里面,一直等到另一个司机回来才脱身。麦克米伦高阶〔box〕I've boxed (against) some of the best.我曾和一些最好的拳击手较量过。剑桥高阶〔box〕I've boxed some of the best.我已和某些最好的拳击手进行过拳击比赛。21世纪英汉〔box〕Joe and Frazer boxed with each other.乔和弗雷泽挥拳互殴。英汉大词典〔box〕Key sections of the report are boxed off.报告中的关键部分已经用方框圈出来了美国传统〔box〕Married for only a year, Connie already felt boxed in.才结婚一年,康妮已经感觉受到了束缚。朗文当代〔box〕She felt boxed in by all their petty rules.她觉得被他们的琐碎规章束缚住了手脚。牛津高阶〔box〕Someone had parked behind us and boxed us in.有人把车停在我们后面,困住了我们。牛津高阶〔box〕The apples and pears were boxed and shipped.苹果和梨被装箱用船运走。21世纪英汉〔box〕The favourite was boxed in against the rails by other cars.最有希望获胜的汽车被其他汽车阻拦在栏杆边了,无法跑在前头。21世纪英汉〔box〕The legislature was boxed in by its earlier decisions.立法机关受它的早期决议限制美国传统〔box〕The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly.桔子装箱后即行运走。英汉大词典〔box〕The parking lot was crowded, and he was boxed in.停车场很拥挤,他被困在里边出不来。英汉大词典〔box〕The school knocked down the walls that boxed off classrooms.学校把分隔教室的墙拆除。英汉大词典〔box〕They boxed him in.他们把他围在中间予以箝制。21世纪英汉〔box〕They boxed him up in a small room.他们把他关在一个小房间里。文馨英汉〔box〕They boxed the glassware and books before the movers came.在搬运家具的人到来之前他们将玻璃器皿和书籍装箱。21世纪英汉〔box〕We were boxed up all night in a railway carriage.一整夜我们都挤在火车车厢里动弹不得。英汉大词典〔box〕When I came back I found my car had been boxed in.当我回来时发现我的汽车被困住而驶不出来了。21世纪英汉〔ear〕If he had said that to me, I 'd have boxed his ears.假如他当时那么对我说, 我会抽他一耳光。外研社新世纪〔package〕A wrapped or boxed object; a parcel.包裹:包好的或用盒子装好的物件;包裹美国传统〔rematch〕The two men boxed a draw and were rematched in Las Vegas five months later.这两个人的拳击比赛战成平局, 被安排于五个月后在拉斯维加斯再战。外研社新世纪〔wrestle〕As a boy he had boxed and wrestled.他小时候练过拳击和摔跤。牛津高阶Her forthcoming live album will be released as a three-CD boxed set.她即将出版的现场实录的唱片集将以盒装三张激光唱片为一套发行。剑桥国际I've boxed (against) some of the best. [T; I + adv / prep] 我曾与最好的拳击手斗过拳。剑桥国际Strawberries are usually boxed before being shipped to market. 草莓通常装箱后再运往市场出售。译典通They were boxed up in a shed on the hill during the flood. 发洪水时他们被围困在山上的一座小屋里。译典通When I came back I found my car had been boxed in (= other cars were so close to it that I could not move it).回来时我发现我的车被困在中间了。剑桥国际




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