

单词 norfolk
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Henry〕A promontory of southeast Virginia at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay east of Norfolk.亨利角:美国弗吉尼亚州东南部的岬角,位于诺福克以东的切萨皮克湾入口处美国传统〔Norwich terrier〕Any of an English breed of small, sturdy, short-legged terriers, identical with the Norfolk terrier except for ears that stand straight up.挪威㹴:英国种小而结实短腿的㹴,除了挪威㹴的耳朵是直立的以外,与诺福克㹴相似美国传统〔around〕She lives around Norfolk.她住在诺福克附近美国传统〔back up〕His employers, Norfolk social services, backed him up.他的雇主——诺福克社会服务中心给予了他支持。柯林斯高阶〔country〕I was a simple country boy from Norfolk.我当时是一个来自诺福克的朴实的乡下男孩。外研社新世纪〔country〕I was a simple country boy from Norfolk.我是一个来自诺福克的朴实的乡下男孩。柯林斯高阶〔lieu〕The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.诺福克公爵把这些画留给了国家,以代替交纳遗产税。剑桥高阶〔pine〕Any of various other coniferous trees, such as the Norfolk Island pine.(其它)针叶状树:其它针叶状树,如尼福克岛松美国传统〔treasure trove〕A Roman soldier's pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove.一个金属探测爱好者在诺福克郡发现了一枚古罗马士兵的薪金币,经过鉴定被宣布为无主珍宝。剑桥高阶He worked as an independent craftsman in the Norfolk worsted industry.他是诺福克精纺毛料行业的一名独立手艺人。剑桥国际Some human bones were found by a Norfolk farmer last week, when he was ploughing one of his fields.上周一位诺福克郡的农民在自家田里耕地时发现了一些人骨。剑桥国际The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.这些画被诺福克公爵作为继承税留给该国。剑桥国际The society's august patron, the Duke of Norfolk, gave a speech at the annual dinner.这个学会受人敬重的赞助人诺福克公爵在年度宴会上致了辞。剑桥国际




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