

单词 ought
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕That new restaurant's great -- you really ought to try it. 那家新的餐厅非常不错一你真的应该去试试。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy. 新住宅的建设浪潮应当能刺激经济。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕It ought to be possible for partners to disagree on specifics while agreeing in general terms. 合作各方应该有可能在同意总体条件的情况下对某些细节保留分歧。朗文写作活用〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕The public ought to know how the money from taxes is being spent. 公众应当知道税收的去向。朗文写作活用〔R and D〕If we want to get ahead of our competitors, we ought to invest more in R and D.如果我们想领先于竞争对手,就应该在研发上增加投入。剑桥高阶〔REPLACE〕Your car's in good condition but you ought to replace the tires. 你的汽车保养得很好,不过你应该把轮胎换一换了。朗文写作活用〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕Do you think we ought to call the police? 你说我们应该报警吗?朗文写作活用〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕I think animals have rights, and we ought not to use them for experiments. 我觉得动物也有权利,我们不应该用它们来做试验。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Choosing a school is an important decision, and both parents ought to be involved. 选择学校是个重要的决定,父母两人都应该参与。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Do you think we ought to inform the police? 你觉得我们要不要报警?朗文写作活用〔TRY〕You ought to give it a go at least. 你至少也应该尝试一下。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Perhaps you ought to rewrite the first paragraph to make it a little clearer. 也许你该把第一段重写,使它更明白一些。朗文写作活用〔action〕He is a very good table tennis player; you really ought to see him in action.他是个出色的乒乓球运动员,你实在应该看他打球。英汉大词典〔advice〕He ignored the doctor's advice that he ought to lose weight.他对医生劝他应当减肥的意见置之不理。麦克米伦高阶〔adviser〕You ought to consult an independent legal adviser.你应该找独立的法律顾问咨询一下。牛津搭配〔amend〕I realized I ought to amend my answer .我意识到应该修改自己的答案。外研社新世纪〔and〕Finally — and I really ought to stop in a minute — I wish to make the following recommendations.最后——我确实应该停一下——我想作以下推荐。柯林斯高阶〔apologize〕You ought to apologize to her.你应该向她道歉。外研社新世纪〔ashamed〕She ought to be thoroughly ashamed of herself - talking to her mother like that! 她应该感到无地自容才对——她怎么能那样和她母亲说话!剑桥高阶〔ashamed〕You ought to be ashamed of yourself! 你应该为自己感到羞耻!韦氏高阶〔automate〕It ought to be possible to automate the control process.使操控程序自动化应该是可能的。外研社新世纪〔before〕Something ought to have been done before now.先前就该采取措施了。牛津高阶〔benefit〕With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear we ought to have done more.事后看来,我们显然本该做得更多。柯林斯高阶〔book〕If you want to go to Beijing for your holiday, you ought to book up now.假使你准备去北京度假,现在就得去订票了。英汉大词典〔bound〕Well I'm bound to say (=I feel I ought to say), I think you're taking a huge risk.好吧,我必须告诉你,我觉得你是在冒很大的风险。朗文当代〔care〕You really ought to take better care of yourself. If you don't get some rest and start eating better, you are bound to get sick.你真的应该好好照顾自己了。如果再不休息,吃点好的,你肯定会生病的。韦氏高阶〔celebrate〕We ought to celebrate; let's have a bottle of champagne.我们应该庆祝一下;我们喝一瓶香槟吧。外研社新世纪〔challenge〕Every teacher ought to be challenging kids to think about current issues.每一位老师都应激励学生思考当前的问题。朗文当代〔check〕If you are not sure, you ought to check up on the facts.你如果没把握,就该去核对事实。英汉大词典〔come out〕Julian ought to have resigned, then he'd have come out of it with some credit.朱利安本应该辞职,这样他总归还能算是有些功劳。柯林斯高阶〔conclude〕Perhaps I ought to conclude with a slightly more light-hearted question.也许我应该以一个稍微轻松一点的问题来结束发言。外研社新世纪〔concurrence〕Any change ought not to be made without the general concurrence of all concerned.如果没有相关人员的一致同意, 就不应该作任何改动。外研社新世纪〔conscience〕I had a sudden pang of conscience that I really ought to tell the truth.我突然感到一阵内疚,觉得确实应该说出真相。牛津搭配〔dawn on〕It gradually dawned on me that I still had talent and ought to run again.我渐渐醒悟过来自己仍然具备才能, 应该重新开始赛跑。外研社新世纪〔decency〕If they're going to charge people a fee, they ought to at least have the decency to tell them in advance.如果他们要对人们收费,至少也应该事先告诉一声。朗文当代〔decent〕The chairman did the decent thing (=did what people thought he ought to) and resigned.主席做了该做的事,辞职了。朗文当代〔depart from〕We ought not to depart from that principle.我们不应违背那个原则。21世纪英汉〔dispose〕We ought to be able to dispose of the business in an hour.我们应该可以在一小时内处理好这事务。英汉大词典〔do〕The company ought to do something about the poor service.公司应该对劣等服务采取点措施。牛津高阶〔drive ... home〕He ought to drive home.他应该开车回家。21世纪英汉〔earlier〕I ought to get up earlier.我应该早一些起床。外研社新世纪〔fair〕We ought to be fair with one another.我们彼此应该光明正大。文馨英汉〔film〕The scene ought to film beautifully.这个场面摄入电影镜头应当是很美的。英汉大词典〔fit〕The punishment ought to fit the crime.罚需当罪。牛津高阶〔force out〕Ought he to be forced out of the Presidency?应当把他从总统位置上赶下台吗?外研社新世纪〔forgetful〕She ought not to be forgetful of her duties.她不该玩忽职守。美国传统〔forget〕I think you ought to forget her.我认为你应该忘了她。外研社新世纪〔genuine〕It was a genuine mistake and we ought to forgive him.这的确是个误会,我们应当原谅他。麦克米伦高阶〔get a grip (on yourself)〕I just think he ought to get a grip on himself - he's behaving like a child.我真是觉得他应该控制一下自己——他的举止像个孩子。剑桥高阶〔get going〕We ought to get going if we don't want to be late.如果我们不想迟到,现在就该走了。韦氏高阶〔get out〕You ought to get out more.你应该多出去与人交往。外研社新世纪〔get〕It's late, I ought to get back.很晚了,我该回去了。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕The time's getting on—we ought to be going.时间越来越晚了,我们该走了。牛津高阶〔give ... to〕You ought to give a better example to the children.你应该给孩子们做个好榜样。21世纪英汉〔give〕You ought to give up smoking.你应该戒烟。牛津高阶〔gladly〕I ought to be glad about what happened.我对发生的事情应该感到高兴才是。柯林斯高阶〔going-over〕You ought to give the place a going-over with the Hoover once in a while.你应该过一阵子就用吸尘器把家里吸一吸。朗文当代〔gone〕They ought to get married; they are really gone on each other.他们应该结婚,因为他们彼此真诚相爱。英汉大词典〔go〕I think we ought to go back now.我想我们现在应该回去了。朗文当代〔grade〕When a man marries a queen he ought to grade up with her.当一个男子娶了女王,他就应和她平起平坐。英汉大词典〔haircut〕You ought to have a haircut before the interview.面试前你应该理个发。牛津搭配〔himself〕Peter ought to be ashamed of himself.彼得应为自己感到羞耻。牛津高阶〔him〕He ought to buy him a car.他该给自己买一辆汽车。英汉大词典〔him〕He ought to find him a wife.他该给自己找个老婆。外研社新世纪〔home〕A girl ought to be home by ten o'clock.姑娘家应该在10点钟以前回家。英汉大词典〔how〕He did not know how he ought to behave.他不知道自己应该怎样表现。牛津高阶〔immediately〕We really ought to leave immediately.我们真的应该马上就走。剑桥高阶〔in〕I think you ought to be in on this discussion, Ted.我看你应该加入这场讨论,特德。朗文当代〔know better (than to do sth)〕I'm surprised at you behaving so badly - you ought to/should know better.你表现这么差我很惊讶——你该学乖一点儿。剑桥高阶〔know〕She ought to pass the exam—goodness knows she's been working hard enough.她应该考合格,她可真够努力了。牛津高阶〔law〕There ought to be a law against cutting off power supplies in the middle of February.在 2 月中旬断电的做法必须禁止。朗文当代〔leaf〕You ought to take a leaf out of your brother's book, he was never late.你应当学学你兄弟,他从不迟到。英汉大词典〔limit〕I think we ought to put a strict limit on the amount of time we can spend on the project.我认为我们应该严格限制在这个项目上的时间投入。剑桥高阶〔live〕She always said I ought to live alone.她总是说我应该自己住。外研社新世纪〔mean〕You ought to live within your means.你应该量力为出美国传统〔misplace〕She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative.她被不恰当地安排在那个工作岗位上;她应该从事一些更有创意的工作。21世纪英汉〔modal〕You ought to stop smoking.你应当戒烟。牛津高阶〔need〕This ought to be enough money to cover/meet your immediate needs.这些钱应该足够解你的燃眉之急。韦氏高阶〔off〕The guy who did this ought to be offed.干这事的人该杀。朗文当代〔of〕Maya ought to be proud of him.马娅应该为他感到骄傲。麦克米伦高阶〔one〕One ought to make the effort to vote.任何人都应该尽量去投票。剑桥高阶〔ought to〕I ought to call Brian.我应该给布赖恩打个电话。朗文当代〔ought to〕Many people felt that America ought not to take part in the war.许多人感到美国不应该加入这场战争。朗文当代〔ought to〕That ought to be enough food for the four of us.这些食物应该够咱们四个人吃了。牛津高阶〔ought to〕The courts ought to treat black and white defendants in exactly the same way.法庭应当对黑人和白人被告一视同仁。朗文当代〔ought to〕They ought to have apologized(= but they didn't).他们本该道歉的。牛津高阶〔ought to〕They ought to win – they've trained hard enough.他们应该能赢,他们训练得够刻苦的。朗文当代〔ought to〕We ought to be leaving now.我们现在该动身了。牛津高阶〔ought to〕We ought to get together some time soon.我们应该尽快聚一下。朗文当代〔ought〕All of us ought to go.我们大家都应该去。21世纪英汉〔ought〕Basically the system ought to have worked.其实这套系统本应发挥作用的。外研社新世纪〔ought〕By rights the Social Democrats ought to be the favourites in the election. But nothing looks less certain.社会民主党按理应该最有希望赢得这次选举,但一切从未如此不确定过。柯林斯高阶〔ought〕He ought to have reached the house some time ago.他应该早就到房子那儿了。柯林斯高阶〔ought〕I ought not to have done it.我本不该做这件事。英汉大词典〔ought〕I ought to phone my parents.我应该给我的父母打电话。外研社新世纪〔ought〕I really ought to start at once.我实在应该立刻出发。文馨英汉〔ought〕I think I ought to go.我想我该走了。外研社新世纪〔ought〕It's a game that the French team ought to win.这是一场法国队该赢的比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕Perhaps we ought not to interfere.或许我们不应该干预。外研社新世纪〔ought〕Perhaps we ought to have trusted people more.也许我们本当对人多一些信任的。柯林斯高阶〔ought〕She ought to finish by next week.下星期她该完成了美国传统〔ought〕Teachers ought not to swear in front of the children.教师不应当在学生面前骂人。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕That leak ought to be fixed.那个裂缝应该修补。韦氏高阶〔ought〕The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.建设电站的资金本该足够了。柯林斯高阶〔ought〕There ought to be a ban on cigarette advertising.应该禁止香烟广告。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕There ought to be a gas station on the way.路上应该有家加油站。韦氏高阶〔ought〕Though this gives them a nice feeling, it really ought to worry them.虽然这让他们感觉良好, 但他们其实应该为此担心。外研社新世纪〔ought〕Though this gives them a nice feeling, it really ought to worry them.虽然这让他们感觉良好,但他们其实应该为此担心。柯林斯高阶〔ought〕Tom ought to be punished.汤姆应该受到惩罚。文馨英汉〔ought〕We ought not to be quarrelling.我们不应该吵架。外研社新世纪〔ought〕We don't exercise much, but we really ought to.我们锻炼不多,但是我们其实应该多锻炼。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕You ought not to have come here.你本来是不该到这里来的。文馨英汉〔ought〕You ought to come next week.你下星期该来。英汉大词典〔ought〕You ought to get up earlier.你应该早点起床。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕You ought to have listened to the warnings.你早就该听从警告的。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕You ought to have told me that yesterday.你昨天早就该把那件事告诉我了。英汉大词典〔ought〕You ought to see a doctor.你应该去看医生。外研社新世纪〔ought〕You ought to see the beautiful lake.但愿你能去看那美丽的湖;你实在应该去看那美丽的湖。文馨英汉〔ought〕You ought to see their new house – it's enormous.你应该看看他们的新房子,真是大极了。麦克米伦高阶〔ought〕You ought to work harder than that.你应当更努力地工作美国传统〔overstatement〕True emotion ought not to require overstatement.真实的感情不应当需要过分渲染。外研社新世纪〔overstatement〕True emotion ought not to require overstatement.真实的感情不应当需要过分渲染。柯林斯高阶〔pack it in〕I ought to begin to think of packing it in as a journalist.我应该开始考虑结束记者生活了。21世纪英汉〔pass〕If you're passing blood you ought to see a doctor.如果便中带血,你就应该找大夫看看。牛津高阶〔peg〕She ought to be taken down a peg or two.应该煞煞她的威风了。英汉大词典〔pluck up〕Political dishonesty ought to be plucked up by the roots.政治欺骗必须彻底根除。21世纪英汉〔prevail〕The wishes of 20 million people ought to prevail against those of 200 thousand.2,000 万民众的意愿应该会压倒 20 万人的意愿。牛津搭配〔put〕He ought to be put away for a very long time.他应该被好好关上一阵子。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕I think I ought to put you straight – John is just my business partner.我想我必须让你明白,约翰仅仅是我生意上的伙伴。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕You ought to put a stop to that sort of behaviour.你应该制止那种行为。麦克米伦高阶〔really〕You ought really to have asked me first, you know.要知道,你本应先问问我的。英汉大词典〔really〕You know, we really ought to get another car.要知道,我们真的应该换一辆车了。柯林斯高阶〔relax〕I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.我应该放松一下,不要再担心它了。柯林斯高阶〔round〕It ought to make life much easier all round.这会使生活各方面都变得舒心称意得多。外研社新世纪〔see to〕You really ought to have that rash seen to by a doctor.你真的该让医生看看那皮疹了。韦氏高阶〔see〕You ought to see your doctor more frequently.你应该多去看看医生美国传统〔self〕One ought to put public service before self.一个人应当把公共服务置于私利之前。文馨英汉〔shoulder〕When one writes, one ought to consider a reader over his shoulder.写作的时候应当想到那仿佛俯身在作家背后的读者。英汉大词典〔shut〕We ought not to shut our eyes to these facts.我们不应该对这些事实视而不见。朗文当代〔single〕We ought to be able to complete the work in a single day.我们一天就应该能够完成这项工作。麦克米伦高阶〔socially〕We ought to organize more social events.我们应当组织更多的社交活动。柯林斯高阶〔social〕We ought to organize more social events.我们应该多组织些社交活动。外研社新世纪〔stick together〕If we all stick together, we ought to be okay.如果我们大家团结在一起,就不会有事。柯林斯高阶〔stitch〕You ought to stitch up that hole in your jeans.你应当把牛仔裤上的洞缝补上。麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕I ought to stress the point that this was not a trial but an enquiry.我必须着重强调这一点: 这并不是审判,而只是调查。英汉大词典〔string sb up〕He ought to be strung up for what he said about his mother.他那样说他母亲真该被严惩。剑桥高阶〔that〕Education Ministers ought to have placed the interests of consumers – that is pupils – first.教育部长们应该把消费者的利益——也就是学生的利益——放在首位。外研社新世纪〔thing〕You ought to look at this thing another way.你必须从另一角度看这问题。英汉大词典〔think〕He ought to resign, I think.我看他应该辞职。牛津高阶〔this〕This place is run like a hotel ought to be run.这个地方就是按经营旅馆的方式来管理的。外研社新世纪〔time〕At his time of life, he ought to be taking things easy.他这样年纪应该享享清福了。剑桥高阶〔too〕You ought to see a doctor. And quickly, too.你应去看医生,而且要快。英汉大词典〔tuck〕I ought to be tucked up in bed now.我现在该到床上呆着去了。朗文当代〔turn〕He turned off when he ought to have gone straight on.他本应继续笔直往前走,却拐了弯。英汉大词典〔unjust〕The government ought not to enforce unjust laws.政府不应该让不公正的法律付诸实施。外研社新世纪〔un〕I ought to collect the little 'uns (=young children) from school.我该到学校去接小东西们了。朗文当代〔visit〕Anyone who's visiting in Beijing ought to go and see the Palace Museum.不论是谁,只要到北京去游览,都应当去看看故宫。21世纪英汉〔visit〕The education officers ought to visit the schools regularly.教育部门的官员应定期视察各个学校。21世纪英汉〔when〕She stopped short when she ought to have continued.尽管她应该继续下去,她却突然停住了美国传统〔which〕Your claim ought to succeed, in which case the damages will be substantial.你的索赔应当能成功,假如这样的话,损害赔偿金将会相当可观。牛津高阶〔write〕He ought to have enough stories to write a book.他应该有足够的故事写一本书了。麦克米伦高阶An up-to-date dictionary ought to include the latest neologisms.当代的词典应该包括最新的新词和旧词新义。剑桥国际Boys of your age ought to be sweethearting. 你这个年纪的男孩该是求爱的时候了。译典通Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles which are more secure against theft.汽车制造商应该生产出防盗的、更为安全的汽车。剑桥国际Darling, you've been talking to Roger all evening when you really ought to be mingling with the other guests.亲爱的,当你该和别的客人应酬的时候,你却整晚和罗杰说话。剑桥国际He certainly ought to be promoted. 他应该要晋升。译典通He thinks the government ought to impose strict controls on dog ownership, especially in the case of big dogs.他认为政府应对狗(尤其是大狗)的拥有进行严格的控制。剑桥国际I think we ought to consider the practical difficulties of your proposal.我认为我们应该考虑你的建议的实际困难。剑桥国际I think we ought to hold a seminar on communication skills for our sales team.我想我们应该为我们的销售队伍举办一次有关交际技巧的研讨会。剑桥国际I think we ought to put a strict limit on the amount of time we can spend on the project.我认为我们应严格限制我们可以在此项目上投入的时间 。剑桥国际It sounds like a good idea, but you ought to consider the practicalities before you put it into action.这听起来是个好主意,但在实行之前你应该考虑它是否行得通。剑桥国际My doctor said I was looking run-down and ought to take some time to rest.医生说我看上去疲惫不堪,需要休息一段时间。剑桥国际She really ought to strengthen her grip on (= take more control of) the department.她真的应该加强对这部门的控制。剑桥国际She's been intimately involved in the project since it began, so she ought to know a lot about it.从该工程开始以来她就深入地参与进来了,因此她对该工程应该知道得很多。剑桥国际Students ought to study hard. 学生应该努力用功。译典通That Johnny's a real nutcase--he ought to be locked up.那个约翰尼真是个疯子----他应该被锁起来。剑桥国际The bad language in that play overstepped the limits/boundaries of what ought to be allowed on television.那部电视剧里不雅的言语超出了电视上可被允许的限度。剑桥国际The disclosure of information will not be a criminal offence if it can be shown that it was in the public interest (= that people ought to know about it).如果表明某一信息有关公众利益,那么披露这一信息不会是犯罪。剑桥国际The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.新的发现建议妇女应该密切注视她们的胆固醇水平。剑桥国际The salaries of temporary employees ought to be brought into line with (= made similar to) those of permanent staff.临时员工的薪水应与正式员工一样。剑桥国际There ought to be a diagram that shows how to fit these pieces together. 应该有图解指示如何将这些零件安装到一起。剑桥国际These fears ought now to be laid. 这些疑惧现在可以平息了。译典通We ought not/oughtn't to have agreed without knowing what it would cost.我们本不应该不知道这东西会要多少价就同意了的。剑桥国际We ought to clear out this cupboard--it's full of junk.我们应该清理一下小橱----里面塞满了乱七八糟的东西。剑桥国际We ought to hire a public relations consultant to help improve our image.我们应该雇用一名公共关系顾问来改善我们的形象。剑桥国际We ought to set sail soon, while the weather is still favourable (=to our advantage).我们应该趁着天气对我们有利尽快启航。剑桥国际We ought to wait until she's got into her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract.我们应该等她驾轻就熟后再就该合同进行谈判。剑桥国际Well, I reckon they're too soft on mass murderers--they ought to string them up instead of putting them in prison.唉,我觉得他们对杀人狂太仁慈了----他们应该被绞死而不是关入监狱。剑桥国际Women ought not to be in financial subjection to their husbands. 妇女在经济上不应从属于丈夫。译典通You ought really to have asked me first, you know. 要知道,你本应先问一问我的。译典通You ought to bank that money (= put it in a bank) as soon as possible.你要尽快把那笔钱存入银行。剑桥国际You ought to be careful with her. She's a very smooth operator who can make you agree to almost anything.你和她在一起时要小心,她是个圆滑的操纵者,会让你同意任何事情的。剑桥国际You ought to have your eyes seen to by a doctor. 你应该请医生医治眼睛。译典通You ought to hear what she has to say, because she's someone with her finger on the pulse of the city.你得听听她要说的,因为她对这个城市了如指掌。剑桥国际You ought to put a net over your strawberry plants to stop the birds eating the fruit.你应该在你的草莓丛上罩上网,不让鸟来吃果子。剑桥国际You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. 你应该把表朝前拨快十分钟。译典通You ought to read his novels. 你应该读读他的小说。译典通You ought to show that rash to your doctor.你必须让你的医生看那些疹子。剑桥国际Young people ought to be taught about the dangers of alcohol misuse.年轻人应该被告知滥用酒类的危险。剑桥国际Your last essay wasn't up to scratch/didn't come up to scratch (= was not as good as usual). You really ought to make more effort.你上一篇作文没有达到通常的标准。你真的应该好好努力才行。剑桥国际




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