

单词 overgrow with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NARROW〕At that point the path got narrower and more overgrown with weeds. 在那个地方,小路变得狭窄起来,而且杂草蔓生。朗文写作活用〔allow〕They allowed the garden to become overgrown with weeds.他们任凭花园杂草丛生。韦氏高阶〔bracken〕An area overgrown with this fern.欧洲蕨林:被这种蕨覆盖的地带美国传统〔brake〕An area overgrown with dense brushwood, briers, and undergrowth; a thicket.矮树林:稠密的灌木、荆棘和下层植物繁茂生长的地带;灌木丛美国传统〔bushy〕Overgrown with bushes.灌木丛生的美国传统〔hawthorn〕Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小路上很多地方都长满了山楂树。柯林斯高阶〔hawthorn〕Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小道上很多地方长满了山楂树。外研社新世纪〔jungle〕Land densely overgrown with tropical vegetation.热带植丛:长满了密集的热带植物的地带美国传统〔mossgrown〕Overgrown with moss.生满苔的:长了太多苔藓的美国传统〔overgrown〕The canal bank was thickly overgrown with bushes.运河岸边灌木丛生。牛津搭配〔overgrown〕The field is overgrown with weeds.这片地里杂草丛生。剑桥高阶〔overgrown〕The garden is overgrown with weeds.花园里杂草丛生。韦氏高阶〔overgrown〕The garden will be overgrown with weeds by the time we get back.我们回来的时候,花园里会长满杂草。朗文当代〔overgrown〕The garden's completely overgrown with weeds.花园里长满了杂草。牛津高阶〔overgrown〕We hurried on until we reached a courtyard overgrown with weeds.我们匆匆往前走,来到一个野草丛生的院子。柯林斯高阶〔overgrown〕We hurried on until we reached a courtyard that was overgrown with weeds.我们匆忙前往, 来到了一个杂草丛生的庭院。外研社新世纪〔slash〕Often slashes Wet or swampy ground overgrown with bushes and trees. 常作 slashes 长满灌木的洼地:长满了灌木和树木的湿地或沼泽美国传统〔viny〕Overgrown with or abounding in vines.长满或充满藤的美国传统〔weed〕The yard was overgrown with weeds.这个院子长满了杂草。麦克米伦高阶〔weed〕The yard was overgrown with weeds.这座庭院杂草丛生。牛津高阶〔woody〕The garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.花园里长满了诸如山楂、黑莓之类的木本植物。剑桥高阶A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees. 沼泽低地通常是灌木丛生或长满树木。译典通It's a shame that those fields have been allowed to become so overgrown with weeds.真丢脸,竟让那些土地上长满杂草。剑桥国际The garden is overgrown with weeds. 花园里杂草丛生。译典通The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.花园里的刺藤和忍冬长得太多了。剑桥国际When we bought the house, the garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.当我们买下这座房子的时候,花园里长满了山楂,荆棘等木本植物。剑桥国际




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