

单词 multinucleate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Reed-Sternberg cell〕A giant binucleated or multinucleated macrophage that is characteristic of Hodgkin's disease.里德-斯登堡细胞:具双核或多核的特大巨噬细胞,是霍奇金氏病的症状之一美国传统〔coenocyte〕A multinucleate cytoplasmic mass enclosed by a single cell wall, as in slime molds and certain fungi and algae.多核细胞:由单个细胞壁包围的多核细胞质物质,如在粘液菌和某些真菌及水藻中美国传统〔multinuclear〕Multinucleate.(细胞等)多核的美国传统〔muscle fiber〕A cylindrical, multinucleate cell composed of numerous myofibrils that contracts when stimulated.肌纤维:由无数的受到刺激时收缩的肌原纤维组成的一种圆柱形的多核细胞美国传统〔osteoclast〕A large multinucleate cell found in growing bone that resorbs bony tissue, as in the formation of canals and cavities.破骨细胞:一种巨大的多核细胞,发现于吸收骨组织的生长骨中,如在管和腔的形成时的生长骨中美国传统〔plasmodium〕A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm formed by the aggregation of a number of amoeboid cells, as that characteristic of the vegetative phase of the slime molds.原质团:由大量变形虫细胞聚集形成的细胞质的多核团,与粘菌的无性繁殖阶段的特性类似美国传统〔zygospore〕A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi.接合孢子:由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中美国传统




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