

单词 ova
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fallopian tube〕Either of a pair of slender ducts through which ova pass from the ovaries to the uterus in the female reproductive system of human beings and higher mammals.输卵管:人以及高等哺乳动物的雌性生殖系统的一对纤细的管子之一,通过它将卵从卵巢传递至子宫美国传统〔female〕A member of the sex that produces ova or bears young.女,雌:产卵或产仔的个体美国传统〔female〕Of, relating to, or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young.女的,女性的:属于、有关或表示产卵或产仔性别的美国传统〔male〕A member of the sex that begets young by fertilizing ova.雄性:能使卵子受精而生产下一代的性别中的一种美国传统〔male〕Of, relating to, or designating the sex that has organs to produce spermatozoa for fertilizing ova.雄的,公的:属于、表明是或与某种性别有关的,此性别具有能产生使成熟卵子受精的精子的器官美国传统〔ovary〕The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone.卵巢:通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素美国传统〔oviduct〕A tube through which the ova pass from the ovary to the uterus or to the outside.输卵管:卵子从卵巢到子宫或外部所经过的管道美国传统〔oviferous〕Bearing or producing ova.带卵的或产卵的美国传统〔ovum〕If two ova are fertilized at the same time, the mother will have twins.如果两个卵子同时受精,母亲就会生出双胞胎。剑桥高阶〔superovulate〕To produce mature ova at an accelerated rate or in a large number at one time.排卵过量:在一段时期内排卵过重或排卵过度美国传统A woman can only become pregnant at or around the time of ovulation (= the period when OVA are produced).一个女人只有在排卵时或排卵期间才能怀孕。剑桥国际If two ova are fertilized at the same time, the mother will have twins.如果同时有两个卵子受精,母亲就会生双胞胎。剑桥国际




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