

单词 packet
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕There are rumours that the government plans to put 20p on the cost of a packet of cigarettes. 有传闻说政府打算给每包香烟加价20便士。朗文写作活用〔BITE〕Barry bit the corner of the packet to open it. 巴里在包装盒的角上咬了一下,把它打开。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕It's more economical to buy the big packet - it's only 50p more than the small one. 买大包装更经济——只比小包的贵50便士。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕He held out a squashed packet of cigarettes and offered me one. 他拿出一包压得皱巴巴的香烟,给了我一支。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕He watched as Grover snitched two packets of sugar from behind the counter. 他看着格罗弗从柜台后面偷了两包糖。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕All cigarette packets carry a government health warning. 香烟的包装上都印有政府的健康警告。朗文写作活用〔attach〕In the UK , packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning attached to them (= on them).在英国,香烟的包装盒上都印有政府的健康警示。剑桥高阶〔before〕Before opening the packet, read the instructions.打开包装盒之前请先阅读使用说明。外研社新世纪〔bickie〕I've bought a packet of choccy (= chocolate) bickies for tea.我买了一包巧克力饼干作茶点。剑桥高阶〔can't make head nor tail of sth〕I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on the packet.我搞不懂包装上的说明。剑桥高阶〔capsule〕He produced a packet of blue capsules.他拿出一盒蓝色胶囊。外研社新世纪〔carry〕Packets of cigarettes must carry a government health warning.香烟盒上必须印有政府的健康警告。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕All cigarette packets carry a government health warning.所有的香烟盒上都印有政府的健康警告。剑桥高阶〔catch〕She tossed the packet of crisps to Kate, who caught it with one hand.她把那包薯片扔给凯特,凯特一只手就把它接住了。麦克米伦高阶〔cigarette〕He went out to buy a packet of cigarettes.他出去买包烟。柯林斯高阶〔cigarette〕She smokes a pack / packet of cigarettes a day.她一天抽一包香烟。牛津搭配〔corner shop〕You used to be able to pop out to the corner shop for a packet of cigarettes.你以前会为了买一包香烟而冲向街头小店。外研社新世纪〔deck〕Slang A packet of narcotics.【俚语】 一包毒品美国传统〔deposit〕Someone was seen depositing a packet.有人看见一个人放下了件小包裹。柯林斯高阶〔devil〕Go on, be a devil. Have another packet of crisps!来, 怕什么, 再吃包炸土豆片!外研社新世纪〔direction〕I couldn't understand the directions on the packet.我看不懂包装盒上的说明。剑桥高阶〔dive〕He dived into his pocket and produced a packet of cigarettes.他猛地把手伸进衣袋里掏出一包烟。朗文当代〔fiddle〕She fiddled with the sugar packet, avoiding his eyes.她摆弄着糖盒,避开他的目光。麦克米伦高阶〔fish out〕She fished the sugar packet out of her iced tea.她从冰茶里拎出糖包。韦氏高阶〔follow〕Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully.要仔细地按照盒子背面的使用说明操作。剑桥高阶〔full〕This crisp packet is only half full.这包马铃薯片只是半满的。麦克米伦高阶〔giant-size〕She bought a giant-size packet of detergent.她买了一包特大号的清洁剂[洗衣粉]。文馨英汉〔go〕They ate the packet of biscuits all in one go.他们一下子把那包饼干全吃光了。牛津高阶〔greedily〕Gervaise and Terry had opened their crisp packets and were munching greedily.热尔韦斯和特里已经打开了薯片包装袋, 嘎巴嘎巴地大嚼起来。外研社新世纪〔inquirer〕I send each inquirer a packet of information.我给每位查询者发送了一份资料。柯林斯高阶〔instruction〕Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.仔细按照包装上的说明操作。牛津高阶〔intake〕It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.包装上写着4片这种面包就包含了建议的每天纤维摄取量的一半。剑桥高阶〔lager〕Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please.来两品脱淡啤酒和一包炸馬鈴薯片。剑桥高阶〔list〕The ingredients in food must be listed on the packet.食物的成分必须列于包装盒上。麦克米伦高阶〔mere〕For the past two decades, North Carolina taxed cigarettes at a mere 2 cents a packet.过去20年里,北卡罗来纳州的香烟税仅为每包2美分。柯林斯高阶〔mere〕North Carolina taxed cigarettes at a mere 2 cents a packet.北卡罗来纳州对每包烟只征税额两美分。外研社新世纪〔mix together〕Many people already buy packets of salad dressing seasonings to mix together at home.很多人已经在买沙拉调料包, 拿回家自己做沙拉。外研社新世纪〔mixing〕For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix.为了节约时间,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。柯林斯高阶〔mixing〕It was a packet mix.这是一小包混合配料。柯林斯高阶〔munchies〕Get me a packet of crisps – I have the munchies.给我一包薯片 — 我馋了。朗文当代〔munch〕They'd munched their way through (=eaten all of) three packets of biscuits.他们狼吞虎咽地吃光了三袋饼干。朗文当代〔openness〕The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes.检查员撕开了那包香烟。柯林斯高阶〔out-of-date〕The packet of sausages was out of date.这包香肠过期了。外研社新世纪〔out〕I just slipped out for a packet of fags.我刚才溜出去买包香烟。英汉大词典〔packet〕A packet of brochures arrived in the post.一包小册子寄达了哨所。麦克米伦高阶〔packet〕A packet of photographs arrived with the mail.一包照片邮寄来了。牛津高阶〔packet〕A warm packet of air rises quickly.小股暖空气会迅速上升。英汉大词典〔packet〕All I had for lunch was a packet of crisps.我能拿来当午餐的总共也就是一包炸薯片。麦克米伦高阶〔packet〕Computer Science A short block of data transmitted in a packet switching network.【计算机科学】 包:在包交换网络中传送的短信息块美国传统〔packet〕Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet.按照包装袋上的说明蒸米饭。外研社新世纪〔packet〕Could you get me another packet of ketchup? 你能再给我拿一小包番茄酱吗?韦氏高阶〔packet〕Elinor bought her a packet of biscuits.埃莉诺给她买了一袋饼干。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕Follow the instructions on the packet.请按照包装盒上的说明使用。牛津搭配〔packet〕He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes.他已经吸了半包香烟。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes.他已经抽完了半包烟。外研社新世纪〔packet〕He puts two packets of sugar in his coffee.他在咖啡中放了两小袋糖。韦氏高阶〔packet〕I bet he's earning a packet.我敢打赌他会赚一大笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔packet〕I bet that car cost him a packet.我敢打赌那辆车花了他一大笔钱。朗文当代〔packet〕I got two packets of broccoli seeds to plant this summer.我买了两包西蓝花籽,今年夏天要种上。韦氏高阶〔packet〕I received the packet of legal papers today.今天我收到了那包法律文件。韦氏高阶〔packet〕It will be cheaper to send it as a small packet.如果把它当作小包裹邮寄的话会便宜些。剑桥高阶〔packet〕It'll cost you a packet.那会花你一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕My kids have summer math packets from their schools.我的孩子有从学校带回来的暑期数学作业要做。牛津搭配〔packet〕Our bookkeeping training packet includes everything you need to get started.我们的记账培训套件包括了入门需要的所有东西。剑桥高阶〔packet〕Paul tore open the packet as soon as it arrived.保罗一收到包裹就拆开了。朗文当代〔packet〕Someone's making a packet out of it.有人从中狠赚了一笔。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕Someone's making a packet out of this business.有人做这个生意发了大财。剑桥高阶〔packet〕That car must have cost a packet.买那辆汽车一定花了一大笔钱。牛津高阶〔packet〕The car cost me a pretty packet.这辆汽车花了我一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔packet〕The furniture wasn't expensive but we spent a packet on shipping charges.家具不贵,却花了我们一大笔运费。韦氏高阶〔packet〕The ingredients should be listed on the packet.成分应该在包装上列出。麦克米伦高阶〔packet〕You could save yourself a packet.你可以节省一大笔钱。外研社新世纪〔packet〕You could save yourself a packet.你能为自己省一大笔钱。柯林斯高阶〔packet〕Your information packet includes a map and a schedule of all the events at the conference.你的信息包中包含一张地图和会议所有活动安排的时间表。韦氏高阶〔pay packet〕He goes out gambling as soon as he gets his pay packet.他一拿到工资就出去赌博。外研社新世纪〔pay packet〕It's easy to go on expensive holidays when you have a pay packet the size of hers.如果你的薪水有她那么多的话,花大钱去度假就不在话下了。剑桥高阶〔powder〕A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,刑侦专家正在对其进行分析。剑桥高阶〔price〕What's the price of a packet of cigarettes?一包香烟多少钱?外研社新世纪〔rip-roaring〕Micky had a rip-roaring time spending his first wage packet.米奇领到第一笔工资,痛快地玩了个够。朗文当代〔sachet〕A small packet of perfumed powder used to scent clothes, as in trunks or closets.香囊:(如放在箱子或壁橱里的)用于熏香衣物的一小包香粉美国传统〔safe〕I had a huge responsibility to ensure these packets remained in safe hands.我负有确保这些包裹得到妥善保管的重大责任。外研社新世纪〔safe〕I had a huge responsibility to ensure these packets remained in safe hands.我负有确保这些包裹得到妥善保管的重大责任。柯林斯高阶〔screw〕A small paper packet, as of tobacco.小纸袋:小纸袋,如烟草盒美国传统〔seal〕I noticed that the seals of the packet had been broken.我注意到那只小包已被拆封。英汉大词典〔shake〕The contents of the packet may shake down in travelling.旅途中包裹里的东西可能震落。英汉大词典〔slap〕They've slapped another 10 pence on a packet of cigarettes.他们在每包香烟的价格上又加了10便士。麦克米伦高阶〔smoke〕I used to smoke a packet of cigarettes a day.我曾经一天抽一包烟。剑桥高阶〔smoke〕She bought a packet of smokes.她买了一包烟。外研社新世纪〔squeeze〕The children were squeezing the packets to find out what was inside.孩子们使劲捏那些小包装, 想要弄明白里面装的是什么。外研社新世纪〔sweet〕She bought a packet of sweets to suck on the way.她买了一包糖果在路上吃。剑桥高阶〔symbol〕The symbol on the packet is a guarantee that the food has been produced organically.包装上的这个标识保证这种食品是有机的。朗文当代〔than〕The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet.这台收音机重量仅为几盎司,比香烟盒还小。柯林斯高阶〔thaw〕Thaw frozen meat in its packet and then cook as soon as possible.先将冻肉连包装解冻,然后尽快烹煮。朗文当代〔undated〕In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.在每一个小包裹中都有几扎信件, 大多数未标日期。外研社新世纪〔undated〕In each packet there are batches of letters, most of which are undated.每个包裹里都有一摞摞的信件,其中大部分都没有日期。柯林斯高阶〔unload〕They were trying to unload 5,000 stolen packets of cigarettes.他们正试图把偷来的5,000盒香烟抛售掉。麦克米伦高阶〔vitality〕According to the packet, these vitamin pills will restore lost vitality.据包装上的说明,这些维生素片可以恢复活力。剑桥高阶〔wage packet〕He was handing the men their brown wage packets.他正在把棕色工资袋递给那些人。外研社新世纪〔wage packet〕She got £25 in cash in her first wage packet.她的第一份工资拿到了25英镑。剑桥高阶〔wage packet〕They take home a generous wage packet.他们拿到手的工资非常可观。外研社新世纪〔wage packet〕They work long hours in order to take home a fat wage packet.为了多赚点儿工资,他们加班加点地工作。柯林斯高阶〔wage〕He got his first wage packet at fourteen years old.他在 14 岁时领到了他的第一份工钱。牛津搭配〔warning〕The government has unveiled new health warnings for cigarette packets.政府公布了新的用于香烟盒上的健康警示语。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕The law insists that cigarette packets carry a health warning.法律强调香烟盒上必须带有吸烟有害健康的警告。麦克米伦高阶〔warning〕There's a warning on the cigarette packet that says "Cigarettes cause cancer".香烟的包装盒上有一条警告:“烟草严重危害健康。”剑桥高阶〔waste〕The packets are measured to reduce waste.包裹的大小经过测量以减少浪费。柯林斯高阶〔way〕She had munched her way through a packet of biscuits.她吃掉了一整包饼干。朗文当代〔wrench〕I wrenched the packet from his grasp.我从他紧握的手里猛地拽走了那个纸包。朗文当代A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,侦破专家正在对其进行分析。剑桥国际According to the packet, these vitamin pills will restore lost vitality.根据外包装上说明,这些维生素丸可以恢复失去的活力。剑桥国际All cigarette packets carry a government health warning.所有的香烟盒上都有政府的健康警告。剑桥国际As a part of their latest marketing wheeze they've planted fifty-pound notes in a number of the crisp packets.作为最新营销策略的一部分,他们将50英镑的钞票放进了许多油炸土豆片的小袋子里。剑桥国际Cigarette packets are required to carry a health warning.香烟盒上必须附有健康忠告。牛津商务Don't leave the packet open, or the cornflakes will go soft.不要让袋子敞开着,否则玉米片会变软的。剑桥国际Employees know what their bonus will be before they open their pay packets.员工在发薪前就知道自己的奖金额。牛津商务Finish up the old packet of biscuits before you open a new one.在开新的之前先把那盒旧的饼干吃完。剑桥国际Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully.请认真遵照包装袋后面的说明做。剑桥国际He bought a packet of chocolate (= covered with a layer of chocolate) digestives.他买了一袋巧克力全麦饼干。剑桥国际He bought a packet of cigarettes. 他买了一包香烟。译典通He bought a packet of rubber johnnies from a slot machine in the pub.他从小酒店的自动售货机里买了一盒橡胶避孕套。剑桥国际He bought a pad of notepaper and a packet of envelopes.他买了本笔记簿和一沓信封。剑桥国际He gave me a packet of fags. 他给了我一包烟。译典通He said he'd given up smoking, but the empty packets in the rubbish bin were a dead give-away (= showed the secret truth).他说他已戒烟了,但垃圾箱里的空烟盒把真相给完全暴露了。剑桥国际He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。译典通He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day. 他每天至少抽半包烟。译典通He smoked at the least half a packet of cigarettes a day. 他每天至少抽半包烟。译典通He snipped off the corner of the packet. 他将包的一角剪了下来。译典通I bought a packet of nuts and raisins.我买了包坚果和葡萄干。剑桥国际I can't make head or tail of these instructions on the packet.我不理解盒子上的指示。剑桥国际I couldn't understand the directions (= information telling you what to do) on the back of the packet.我不懂包装背面的指导说明。剑桥国际I used to smoke a packet of cigarettes a day.我曾经一天抽一包烟。剑桥国际I watched him fidgeting with the packets on the shelf.我看着他心不在焉地摆弄架子上的小包。剑桥国际I'd like a packet of tabs, please.我想买一包烟。剑桥国际I've bought a packet of choccy (= chocolate) bickies for tea.我已经买了一包巧克力饼干作为茶点。剑桥国际If you save up ten coupons from the cornflakes packet you can get a free teddy bear.集满十个玉米片包装袋里的赠券,你就能免费得到一个玩具熊。剑桥国际In Britain, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning attached (to them) (=on them).在英国,香烟盒上印有政府的戒烟警告。剑桥国际It makes (good) sense to (= It shows good judgment to) buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end.买大包的更划得来,因为最终算下来是更便宜的。剑桥国际It says on the packet serve hot or cold.包装上说冷、热食用均可。剑桥国际It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommended daily intake of fibre.包装上写着四片这种面包就包含了你每天纤维建议摄取量的一半。剑桥国际It says on the packet that these crisps contain no additives.包装上说这些炸马铃薯片不含添加剂。剑桥国际It's easy to go on expensive holidays when you have a pay packet the size of hers.当你的工资和她的大小一样时,去度些昂贵的假日就不在话下了。剑桥国际Marco's such a glutton--he ate a whole packet of biscuits while he was watching the film.马科真能吃----看电影时他把一包饼干全吃了。剑桥国际Orders under 2 kg are sent as a small packet.两千克以下的订货用小号包裹发货。牛津商务She bought a packet of shaved ham. 她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。译典通She bought a package of cookies (Br and Aus a packet of biscuits).她买了一袋小甜饼。剑桥国际She smokes a packet (Am pack) of cigarettes (= the contents of a packet) a day.她每天抽一包烟。剑桥国际She was arrested after being discovered with packets of cocaine sewn into the lining of her coat.在被发现她外套的衬里中缝了几包可卡因后,她被捕了。剑桥国际She's gone out to get a packet of fags.她出去买了一包烟。剑桥国际Someone's making a packet out of this business.有人做这个生意发了一大笔财。剑桥国际The contents of this packet may settle (= become closer together by falling towards the bottom of the container and staying there, so that the container seems to contain less than it really does).包里的东西会自行压紧一些。剑桥国际The hermetic seal on the packet means that the food lasts longer.封袋上的密封印表明食物能保存更长的时间。剑桥国际The label on the packet indicated all the ingredients in the biscuits.小包上的标签标示了饼干的所有成分。剑桥国际The mailman brought a small packet. 邮差送来了一个小邮包。译典通The streets around the stadium are always strewn with beer cans, cigarette packets and other litter after a match.比赛结束后体育场周围的街道上总是被扔满了啤酒罐、香烟盒以及其它的垃圾。剑桥国际The warning is written in small type on the back of the packet.警告语用小号文字印在了包装袋的背面。牛津商务The workforce is demanding larger pay packets.职工要求提高工资。牛津商务There was a long list of preservatives on the packet.在包装上列出了一长串防腐剂。剑桥国际These packet soups contain vegetables that have been dehydrated/dehydrated vegetables.这些袋装汤料含有脱水蔬菜。剑桥国际They expect to make a packet over the next few years.他们期望在今后几年内赚大钱。牛津商务They're described on the packet as‘orange-flavoured biscuits with a thick coating of chocolate.在盒子上它们被描述成“涂着厚厚巧克力层的橙味饼干”。剑桥国际This packet of crisps costs 25p.这包油炸马铃薯片要25个便士。剑桥国际Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please.请来两品脱淡啤酒、一包炸薯片。剑桥国际We mark each packet with a sell-by date.我们在每一个包上标上保质期。牛津商务We watched her munch (her way) through two packets of peanuts.我们看她津津有味地嚼了两包花生米。剑桥国际




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