

单词 newly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕At first a newly independent country relies heavily on the maintenance of existing links with the former colonial power. 新独立的国家在最初阶段很大程度上仰仗与旧殖民势力维持既有的关系。朗文写作活用〔DEVELOP〕In 1911 the newly emerging car industry faced a crisis. 1911年新兴的汽车业面临着危机。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕Newly discovered evidence showed that there had been a miscarriage of justice. 有新发现的证据表明存在着司法不公。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕Howard was working on the translation of a newly discovered novel by Jules Verne. 霍华德在翻译一本新近发现的儒勒·凡尔纳的小说。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕The newly discovered planets around distant stars are similar to Jupiter in size. 远处星球附近新发现的一些行星和木星差不多大小。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The newly reorganized company is now in the black. 这家近期重组的公司现在赢利了。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕A newly married couple have moved into the house next door. 一对新婚夫妇住进了隔壁的房子。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕Mr Chandler is now director of the company's newly formed publishing division. 钱德勒先生现在是新近成立的出版部的经理。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕The group meets regularly in the newly built Chinese community center. 这个小组定期在新近建成的华人社区中心聚会。朗文写作活用〔SHOUT〕Let's all give a big cheer for the newly married couple! Hip, hip, hooray! 我们大家来给这对新人喝彩!嘿嘿好哇!朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕The article describes the vulgar excesses of the newly rich. 文章描写了那些暴发户种种庸俗放肆的行为。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕After World War II, the catchword for a newly health-conscious society was ‘protein’. 第二次世界大战后,一个开始注重健康的社会的口号是“蛋白质”。朗文写作活用〔affiliate〕Croats in the Herzegovina region sought to affiliate their lands with newly independent Croatia.黑塞哥维那地区的克罗地亚人试图把他们的土地并入新近独立的克罗地亚。外研社新世纪〔amiss〕A word of advice to the newly married pair may not be amiss.为新婚夫妇进一言并无不当。文馨英汉〔apperception〕The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are related to past experience.统觉:借助以往经验来理解一事物之新发现的属性的过程美国传统〔appointed〕I'd like to introduce our newly appointed members of staff.我来介绍一下我们刚任用的职员。剑桥高阶〔arrest〕The newly developed drug has arrested his cancer.这种新药已控制住他的癌症。英汉大词典〔augment〕Police units were augmented with newly recruited men and women.警察部队以新招收的男女扩大了自己的队伍。英汉大词典〔beef〕He said that the newly published government report didn't have much beef in it.他称新发布的政府报告没什么力度。剑桥高阶〔benedict〕A newly married man who was previously considered a confirmed bachelor.新婚男子:以前被认为是坚定的独身主义者的新近结婚的男子美国传统〔bit〕The newly developed medication is every bit as effective as the old one.新研制出的药物和以前的一样有效。麦克米伦高阶〔bloom〕A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.涂抹粉霜:类似的涂抹,例如涂抹新铸的钱币美国传统〔build〕Even newly built houses can need repairs.即使是新建的房子也可能需要维修。柯林斯高阶〔built〕Even newly built houses can need repairs.即使新建房屋也可能需要修葺。外研社新世纪〔cell plate〕A partition formed during cell division in plants and some algae that separates the two newly formed daughter cells.细胞板:在植物和一些藻类细胞分裂时产生的一种将新成形的子细胞隔开的隔离物美国传统〔confined〕He sends food to sick people and newly confined mothers.他给病人和刚分娩的母亲送去食物。外研社新世纪〔conjoin〕The renovated buildings will conjoin with a newly designed building to form the university's new Visual Arts Centre.这些修复的建筑将与一座新设计的大楼相连,组成大学新的视觉艺术中心。剑桥高阶〔copper〕He could see the bright gleam of the boat's newly coppered hull.他能看见这艘船新镀铜的船体闪闪发光。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The newly built houses in front cut into the value of his house.屋前新建的那些房屋降低了他的住房的价值。英汉大词典〔describe〕I took out my newly acquired protractor and described a circle.我取出新买的量角器画了个圆。外研社新世纪〔disbud〕To prevent the growth of newly developing horns on (livestock).去除幼角:阻止(家畜)新长出的角的生长美国传统〔district〕A government council was to be elected by constituents of newly districted local government areas.政务会将由新划分的地方行政区的选民选举产生。外研社新世纪〔dividing line〕The dividing lines on the street were newly painted.街道上的分界线是新漆的。韦氏高阶〔division〕A type of propagation characteristic of plants that spread by means of newly formed parts such as bulbs, suckers, or rhizomes.植物遗传类型:由新生部分方式繁殖的植物繁殖类型,如球茎、分枝或根茎等美国传统〔establish〕He was appointed to the newly established Department for Safety.他被派到新成立的安全部工作。牛津搭配〔exalted〕I felt exalted and newly alive.我感到兴高采烈,充满新的活力。牛津高阶〔export〕English has been newly exported to that area.英语新近传入那个地区。英汉大词典〔first-class〕The Altea is a newly built first-class hotel.阿尔特阿是家新建的高级宾馆。柯林斯高阶〔first-timer〕Six of the newly elected directors are first-timers on our board.新选出的董事中有六位是新任。文馨英汉〔gamine〕Her newly cropped hair gives her a fashionably gamine look.她刚刚剪短了头发,看上去有些男孩子气,很时尚。剑桥高阶〔get ... off〕That grass is newly seeded, please get off!那片草地是新种下的,请走开!21世纪英汉〔gossamer〕Gossamer lightness made the scherzo newly refreshing.轻盈的旋律使那首谐谑曲令人耳目一新。外研社新世纪〔hatchling〕A newly hatched bird, amphibian, fish, or reptile.新孵化的鸟、两栖动物、鱼或爬行动物美国传统〔honeymoon〕A holiday or trip taken by a newly married couple.蜜月假期,蜜月旅行:新婚夫妇的假期或旅行美国传统〔inductee〕One who is inducted, especially a person newly admitted to military service.被征召入伍者:被征入军队的人,尤指刚入伍的人美国传统〔innovation〕Something newly introduced.新方法,新技术:新介绍的东西美国传统〔internship〕She was newly an M.D., doing her internship.她新近取得医学博士学位,正在做实习医师。英汉大词典〔larva〕The newly hatched, earliest stage of any of various animals that undergo metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and appearance from the adult.幼体:某些动物在刚刚孵化出来并完成变形之后的最初阶段,在形体和外貌上与成体大不相同美国传统〔larva〕The newly hatched, wingless, often wormlike form of many insects before metamorphosis.幼虫:许多昆虫在变形前的,刚孵化出来的,没有翅膀的,通常象蛆虫般的形状美国传统〔line up behind〕Not all people lined up behind the newly elected union leader.并不是所有的人都拥护新当选的工会领袖。21世纪英汉〔married〕The newly married couple left for their honeymoon in Spain.这对新婚夫妇动身到西班牙度蜜月去了。牛津搭配〔married〕When she first came to London, she was newly married and out of work.她初到伦敦时,刚刚结婚,而且没有工作。朗文当代〔minted〕He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle.他似乎对这辆刚出厂的新车很满意。外研社新世纪〔minted〕He seemed to be pleased by this newly minted vehicle.他似乎很满意这辆新出厂的车。柯林斯高阶〔more〕The newly discovered notes are nothing more than Lang's personal journal.新发现的笔记只不过是朗的个人日志。柯林斯高阶〔neophyte〕Roman Catholic Church A newly ordained priest.【罗马天主教】 新祭司:新任命的牧师美国传统〔newly〕Here is where we keep the newly arrived merchandise.我们把新到的货品存放在这里。韦氏高阶〔newly〕She was young at the time, and newly married.她那时年龄不大,刚结婚。柯林斯高阶〔newly〕That is a newly acquired habit.那个习惯最近才养成。韦氏高阶〔newly〕The room is newly painted.这个房间最近被粉刷过。韦氏高阶〔newly〕They are a newly married couple.他们是新婚夫妇。韦氏高阶〔nouveau riche〕One who has recently become rich, especially one who flaunts newly acquired wealth.新贵:最近变富的人,尤指夸耀新近得到的财富的人美国传统〔opposite〕There's a newly married couple living opposite(= on the other side of the road).有一对新婚夫妇住在马路对面。牛津高阶〔orbital〕The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.新发现的这个天体具有不同于任何其他行星的运行轨道。柯林斯高阶〔orbital〕The newly discovered world followed an orbital path unlike that of any other planet.新发现的这个天体运行轨道不同于任何其他行星。外研社新世纪〔outlaw〕Trade union membership was virtually outlawed under the newly introduced legislation.根据新近推行的法律,工会成员身份实际上变成非法的了。麦克米伦高阶〔pace〕He paced his newly recarpeted office.他在新换过地毯的办公室里踱来踱去。英汉大词典〔plantation〕A newly established settlement; a colony.殖民地,新开发地:新建立的移民地;殖民地美国传统〔playback〕The act or process of replaying a newly made record or tape.重放:重放新录制的唱片或磁带的行为或过程美国传统〔pockmark〕Heeled shoes have a habit of pockmarking newly polished floors.高跟鞋容易在新抛光的地板上留下斑斑痕迹。外研社新世纪〔polished〕His newly polished shoes gleamed.他新上光的鞋子闪闪发亮。麦克米伦高阶〔pregnant〕She was newly pregnant at the time.当时她刚怀孕。牛津搭配〔press〕He finished with a light press of the earth over the newly planted seed.他最后在新播下的种子上轻轻压了压土。英汉大词典〔priority〕The newly founded airborne division gets priority in men and equipment.这个新组建的空降师在人员和装备方面都享有优先权。英汉大词典〔progress〕Fluky weather conditions will set back the progress of a newly introduced strain of wheat.变化多端的天气情况会有碍新引进品种小麦的生长。英汉大词典〔proof〕Any of a limited number of newly minted coins or medals struck as specimens and for collectors from a new die on a polished planchet.新铸币样:各种被作为标本新铸成的有限数量的钱币或金属,收集者们在光滑的硬币坯上涂上一层新色而锤炼美国传统〔prosperous〕Suburbs sprawled out to provide homes for the newly prosperous.市郊无序地向外扩展以便为新富起来的人提供住房。牛津搭配〔pull〕Their troops pulled back out of the newly occupied area.他们的部队撤出了那个新占领的地区。英汉大词典〔quarrel〕This newly wedded couple are always quarreling.这对新婚夫妇总是吵架。21世纪英汉〔ram down〕The soil round the newly planted trees must be rammed down with the feet.新种的树四周的土壤必须用脚踩实。21世纪英汉〔range〕The newly designed gun ranges 9 kilometres.新设计的大炮射程为9公里。21世纪英汉〔receive〕His newly published novel was well received.他新出版的小说受到人们的欢迎。21世纪英汉〔recognize〕The U.S. government has now recognized the newly formed country.美国政府目前正式承认了那个新成立的国家。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕The international community has refused to recognize (= officially accept the existence of) the newly independent nation state.国际社会拒绝承认这个新独立的国家。剑桥高阶〔recruit〕A newly engaged member of a military force, especially one of the lowest rank or grade.新兵:刚被征召入某军事力量的成员,尤指最低层或最下级的成员美国传统〔rediscover〕Despite the newly rediscovered friendship, there's no doubt that more difficulties lie ahead.尽管最近重新恢复了友好关系,但接下来无疑会面临更多的困难。柯林斯高阶〔redline〕It is said that the newly designed bomber is redlined at 850 miles an hour.据说新近设计的轰炸机安全飞行速度为每小时850英里。21世纪英汉〔revel in sth〕She's revelling in her newly found freedom.她纵情享受着刚刚得来的自由生活。剑桥高阶〔revise〕To prepare a newly edited version of (a text).修订:准备(教科书)的新编版本美国传统〔rockslide〕The usually rapid downward movement of newly detached segments of bedrock.岩滑:新近分离的基岩断块迅速向下的移动美国传统〔scent〕The sweet fresh scent of newly baked bread filled the house.新出炉的面包的鲜甜香味弥漫着整个房子。麦克米伦高阶〔settlement〕A newly colonized region.新殖民地美国传统〔shearling〕The skin of a shearling or of a newly sheared sheep or lamb, tanned and with the wool on.新剪绵羊皮:这样的羊或新剪过的绵羊或羊羔的皮,经鞣制后仍保留羊毛美国传统〔slip-sheet〕A blank sheet of paper slipped between newly printed sheets to prevent offsetting.衬纸:加在新印刷的纸张之间以防位移的空白纸美国传统〔sow〕This grass is newly sown.这草皮是新种的。英汉大词典〔spire〕A slender, tapering part, such as a newly sprouting blade of grass.动叶,抽条:逐渐向顶端变尖变细的部分,如新长出的草叶美国传统〔splice〕An old friend of mine, newly spliced, recently invited me to dinner in his new marital home.我的一位刚结婚不久的老朋友最近邀请我到他的婚房去吃晚饭。柯林斯高阶〔squab〕A young, newly hatched, or unfledged pigeon.雏鸽:年幼的,刚刚孵出或未长满羽毛的鸽子美国传统〔starting point〕The newly built airport acts as a starting point for safaris into the game parks and reserves of northern Tanzania.新建的机场是去坦桑尼亚北部野生动物园和保护区观看野生动物的出发点。柯林斯高阶〔starting salary〕My starting salary as a newly qualified teacher wasn't enough to support a family.我刚刚获得教师资格,起薪养活不了一家人。剑桥高阶〔stooge〕The newly appointed mayor is widely regarded as a government stooge.人们普遍认为新任命的市长是政府的傀儡。剑桥高阶〔tack〕Stickiness, as that of a newly painted surface.(油漆的)粘性:黏稠,如新漆表面的黏稠美国传统〔take〕The newly planted vines quickly took hold.新种下的葡萄藤很快就扎下了根美国传统〔the primrose path〕Unable to enjoy his newly acquired wealth, he felt he was being led down the primrose path to destruction.无法享受他新近取得的财富,他感到正被引向毁灭的歧途。剑桥高阶〔then〕Roberts was then a newly married man.罗伯茨当时刚结婚。柯林斯高阶〔then〕Roberts was then a newly married man.罗伯茨那时新婚不久。外研社新世纪〔tussle〕Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.众官员为谁负责最近备受关注的失业议题一事争得不可开交。柯林斯高阶〔tussle〕Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.官员为谁负责最近备受关注的失业议题一事争得不可开交。外研社新世纪〔weanling〕Newly weaned.刚断奶的美国传统〔weanling〕A newly weaned child or young animal.幻儿,仔兽:刚断奶的幼儿,离乳仔畜美国传统〔while the going is good〕Many people fear that the newly elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good.很多人担心新当选的政府会被军事政变推翻,所以趁形势尚稳定纷纷离开自己的国家。剑桥高阶〔wither〕His newly acquired Americanisms quickly withered on his lips.他新学到的美国话很快不再挂在嘴上了。英汉大词典〔yeanling〕Newly born; infant.刚出生的;幼小的美国传统Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls. 刚孵出的小鸡像绒毛球。译典通A huge balloon bore (=carried) the newly married couple aloft.一个巨大的气球将新婚夫妇带到了空中。剑桥国际Already, the newly created organization is experiencing problems.新成立的组织已经面临着许多问题。剑桥国际At least one of the newly privatized industries is expected to announce a huge pretax profit/loss for the last financial year.至少有一家新近私营化的工业企业会宣布去年财政年度有巨额的税前利润/亏损。剑桥国际East and West Berliners celebrated astride (=on both sides of) the newly redundant Wall.东西柏林人在刚成为多余的柏林墙两侧共同欢庆。剑桥国际He is taking up the newly created post of group creative director.他就任了集团新设立的创意总监的职务。牛津商务He put up a stake to support the newly planted tree. 他竖了一根桩支撑新种的树。译典通He said that the newly published government report didn't have much beef in it.他说刚发表的政府报告没什么力度。剑桥国际Her newly cropped hair gives her a fashionably gamine look.她新剪的头使她看上去像个假小子,很时髦。剑桥国际I was wearing a newly / recently acquired jacket.我穿着一件新买的夹克衫。剑桥国际I'd like to introduce our newly appointed members of staff.我来介绍一下我们新任用的员工。剑桥国际Iceland was the first country to establish diplomatic ties with the newly independent Baltic states.冰岛是与最近独立的波罗的海国家建立外交关系的第一个国家。剑桥国际It is newly minted jargon. 这是新造的行话。译典通Many newly established firms are non-union.许多新成立的公司不接受工会。牛津商务Mendelssohn's Wedding March is a popular piece of music that is often played as newly married couples leave the church.新婚夫妇常伴着门德尔松的婚礼进行曲走出教堂。剑桥国际She's revelling in her newly found freedom.她正在尽情享受她新近获得的自由。剑桥国际She's the newly crowned (=She has just become) world champion in the javelin.她是标枪项目的新世界冠军。剑桥国际That newly brought in stallion loped around the ranch. 那只新进的马儿在农场上大步慢跑了一圈。译典通The newly (= recently) formed residents’association has made an official complaint to the police about the incident.新近成立的居民委员会向警方就这起事故提出正式的投诉。剑桥国际The newly appointed mayor is widely regarded as a government stooge.新任命的市长被普遍认为是政府傀儡。剑桥国际The newly built plant abuts on the highway. 新建的工厂靠近公路。译典通The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disease. 这种新药遏止了疾病的蔓延。译典通The newly formed company does not yet have a mission statement.这家新组建的公司还没有公司宗旨。牛津商务The newly formed company will be a Goliath in the insurance sector.这家新成立的公司将是保险业界的巨擘。剑桥国际The newly liberalized markets of this region are seen as a golden opportunity by foreign businesses.外国企业将这个地区新近放开的市场视为一次良机。剑桥国际The newly merged company has its headquarters in Oslo.这家新合并的公司总部设在奥斯陆。牛津商务The newly redundant workers were furious to see robots doing their old work.最近被解雇的工人看到机器人在做他们以前的工作很气愤。剑桥国际The board of directors decided to conduct a public offering of newly issued shares.董事会决定对新发行的股票进行公开上市。牛津商务The international community has refused to recognize (= officially accept the existence of) the newly independent nation state.国际社会拒绝承认这个新独立的民族国家。剑桥国际The movie begins with the seduction of newly qualified young lawyer by a top law firm with an offer that's impossible to refuse.电影一开始,刚取得律师资格的年轻人就受到诱惑,一家高级律师事务所提出了无法拒绝的优厚待遇。剑桥国际The walls are newly painted. 墙重新粉刷过。译典通They've just recruited a group of newly minted (= recently qualified) MBAs.他们刚刚招聘了一批刚毕业的工商管理硕士。牛津商务Vietnam's economy has had one of the highest rates of growth among newly industrialized countries.越南是新兴工业化国家中经济增长率最高的国家之一。牛津商务We have established diplomatic relations with the newly independent nations. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。译典通You have to factor out newly opened or closed stores when comparing sales between one year and the next.在比较当年和来年的销售额时,应该剔除掉新开业或关闭的商店的销售额。牛津商务You will see new growth (= newly developing parts of a plant) sprouting in the spring, even if the plant seems dead at the moment.即使这棵植物现在象死了一样,但你将会在春天看到发出的新芽。剑桥国际




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