

单词 outpouring
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔grief〕a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings.举国上下对枪击事件中的遇害者所表现出的万分悲痛之情柯林斯高阶〔grief〕a huge outpouring of national grief for the victims of the shootings举国上下对枪击受害者所表现的万分悲痛之情外研社新世纪〔outpouring〕a remarkable outpouring of new ideas 新思想的大量涌现牛津高阶〔outpouring〕an outpouring of anti-Western feeling.反西方情绪的大爆发柯林斯高阶〔outpouring〕an outpouring of anti-Western feeling反西方情绪的大爆发外研社新世纪〔outpouring〕an outpouring of comment in the press 报刊上的大量评论英汉大词典〔outpouring〕an outpouring of creative energy 创造力的迸发朗文当代〔outpouring〕an outpouring of grief 悲伤的倾吐朗文当代〔outpouring〕an outpouring of joy 喜气洋溢英汉大词典〔outpouring〕an outpouring of lava 涌出的岩浆英汉大词典〔outpouring〕an outpouring of lava; an outpouring of charges and countercharges.涌出的岩浆;大举进攻或反攻美国传统〔outpouring〕an outpouring of love and affection 疼爱和关怀的倾注韦氏高阶〔pent-up〕the sudden outpouring of pent-up emotion被压抑的感情的突然迸发外研社新世纪




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