

单词 on the part of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network. 开始时的误会很快就演变成了网络上的一场故意欺骗了。朗文写作活用〔actinal〕Of, relating to, or located on the part of a radially symmetric animal from which the tentacles radiate or the side where the oral area is found.口侧的:呈放射状对称动物之触角向外伸展的部位的,与这一部位有关的,位于这一部位的或口腔所在部位的美国传统〔attitude〕Changing conditions require an attitude adjustment on the part of business.不断变化的环境要求在经商态度方面作出调整。牛津搭配〔bankruptcy〕Critics view the decision as an example of moral/ethical bankruptcy on the part of the administration.评论家们把这个决策看成政府道德沦丧的一个例证。韦氏高阶〔behalf〕As the agent of; on the part of.作为…的代理;在…一边美国传统〔change〕A change of heart on the part of the organizers led to the reinstatement of the under-fifteen category.组织者改变了看法, 促成了15岁以下级别的恢复。外研社新世纪〔change〕What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects.现在需要的是建筑师态度的转变。柯林斯高阶〔change〕What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects.目前需要的是建筑师们改变态度。外研社新世纪〔compassion fatigue〕A jaded attitude on the part of a contributor toward appeals for donations or charitable aid.同情心疲乏:捐助者对乐捐或慈善援助恳求的一种疲劳态度美国传统〔culpability〕He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government.他补充说政府方面明显负有责任。柯林斯高阶〔culpability〕He added there was clear culpability on the part of the government.他补充说政府方面明显负有责任。外研社新世纪〔culpability〕There was clear culpability on the part of the company.公司方面显然有过失。文馨英汉〔difficulty〕Among the difficulties encountered was a lack of cooperation on the part of the authorities.遇到的困难之一就是缺少权力机关的合作。牛津搭配〔double bluff〕They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence.他们怀疑这是开罗情报人员玩的空城计。柯林斯高阶〔double bluff〕They suspected this was a double bluff on the part of Cairo Intelligence.他们怀疑这是开罗情报人员玩的空城计。外研社新世纪〔due〕The prisoners were recaptured, due more to good luck than good management on the part of the police.犯人重新落网并非因为警方运筹帷幄,而是由于侥幸。英汉大词典〔faith〕The judge did not find any bad faith (= intention to do wrong) on the part of the defendants.法官没有发现被告有任何不良意图。牛津搭配〔faith〕These reforms are totally untested and will require a leap of faith on the part of teachers.这些改革措施完全没有经过检验,需要教师大胆地给予信任。牛津搭配〔fasting〕That would be an astonishingly fast action on the part of the Congress.那将会是由国会方面采取的迅雷不及掩耳的行动。柯林斯高阶〔harden〕His resolve hardened in the face of further denials of the incident on the part of the management.面对资方进一步否认这个事件, 他更加坚定了决心。外研社新世纪〔his〕Formerly, the relations between a teacher and his pupils were dominated by fear on the part of the pupils.以往的师生关系主要是学生惧怕老师。柯林斯高阶〔incompetence〕Several officers had alleged incompetence on the part of the general.数名军官声称这位将军无能。牛津搭配〔judgement〕Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.接受礼物是该党主席的一次判断失误。牛津搭配〔judgement〕The accident was caused by an error of judgement on the part of the pilot.此次事故是飞行员判断失误所致。牛津高阶〔knee〕She took the child and sat it on her knee (= on the part of the leg above the knee when sitting down).她抱起孩子放在自己的膝盖上。剑桥高阶〔misconduct〕There was no misconduct on the part of the police.警方没有滥用职权。牛津搭配〔negligence〕The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver.事故是由于司机的过失造成的。牛津高阶〔negligence〕The accident was the result of negligence on the part of the driver.这场事故是司机疏忽大意的结果。牛津搭配〔on the part of sb/on sb's part〕This was a misjudgment on the part of the government.这是政府方面的误判。剑桥高阶〔part〕Brilliant strategy on the part of Confederate forces ensured their victory at Chancellorsville.盟军巧妙的战略确保了他们在钱瑟勒斯维尔的胜利美国传统〔part〕He expressed appreciation on the part of himself and his colleagues.他代表自己以及同事们表示感谢。英汉大词典〔part〕There are still some doubts on the part of the employers.雇主方面仍心存怀疑。英汉大词典〔regrettable〕Tiredness on the part of the driver caused him to make such regrettable errors.司机太疲劳了,以致犯下此类令人遗憾的错误。英汉大词典〔shortcoming〕They said the accident was due to shortcomings on the part of the pilots.他们说是飞行员的过失造成了这起事故。牛津搭配〔speak〕The whole robbery spoke of (= made it seem that there had been) inside knowledge on the part of the criminals.整个抢劫事件表明罪犯掌握了内情。剑桥高阶〔stupidity〕It was sheer stupidity on the part of the crew.这完全是因为船员的愚蠢。牛津搭配〔tact〕The peace talks required great tact on the part of both leaders.和平谈判需要双方领导人的机智练达。韦氏高阶〔tendency〕The tendency on the part of the children is to blame their parents for everything.子女一方往往事事都怪父母。牛津搭配〔vigilance〕Guaranteeing the safety of students requires continued vigilance on the part of teachers.要确保学生安全,教师需时刻保持警惕。牛津搭配Any hesitation on the part of the government will be seen as weakness.政府方面的任何犹豫都会被看作是软弱。剑桥国际I think that it's delusion (= deceit) on the part of the government to promise that they won't increase taxes.我想许诺不增税是政府的欺骗行为。剑桥国际She took the child and sat it on her knee (= on the part of the leg above the knee when sitting down).她抱起孩子放在自己的膝上。剑桥国际So many boring new buildings reveal a complete lack of imagination on the part of their architects.这么多外形单调的新建筑物说明它们的建筑师完全缺乏创造力。剑桥国际The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。译典通The agreement has been kept on the part of the factory. 工厂方面遵守了协议。译典通The low turn-out for the election denotes a lack of interest on the part of the public.参加投票率之低体现出公众方面缺乏兴趣。剑桥国际The professor was favorably impressed by the aptness to learn on the part of his students. 那位教授对学生们善于学习的能力留下良好的印象。译典通The rigidity on the part of the Ministry of Justice is what caused the early execution of the inmates on the death roll. 法务部的食古不化是造成死刑犯被提早枪决的原因。译典通There is no objection on the part of the owner of the house. 屋主没有什么异议。译典通This sudden change in policy was an act of desperation on the part of the government.这项政策突变是政府方的绝望之举。剑桥国际




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