

单词 only to
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bridal〕the bridal party(= the bride and the bridegroom and the people helping them at their wedding, sometimes used to refer only to the bride and those helping her) 新人及协助其婚礼的人牛津高阶〔chosen〕information made available only to the chosen few 只有一小部分人才能知道的信息朗文当代〔end up with〕start with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up with ruining oneself以损人开始,以害己告终21世纪英汉〔narrow〕be known only to a narrow group (或circle) of people 只在小范围里有人知道 英汉大词典〔only〕facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道美国传统〔only〕received a raise only to be laid off.加薪的结果只是被派遣而已美国传统〔pertain〕privileges that pertained only to the wealthier class 属于较富有阶层独享的特权英汉大词典〔recommend〕a committee with power only to recommend 仅享有提议权的委员会英汉大词典〔second〕second only to A 仅次于A文馨英汉〔subsistence〕subsistence agriculture/farming(= growing enough only to live on, not to sell) 收成仅够自身口粮的自给农业牛津高阶〔trade〕a lecture of interest only to the trade 只有同行才感兴趣的演讲英汉大词典〔wound〕intend only to wound, not to kill 只打算打伤而不是打死英汉大词典




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