

单词 organs
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BODY〕Her vital organs are intact and she has a good chance of recovery. 她的重要器官未受损伤,所以复原的机会很大。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕This diagram shows the position of the main organs of speech. 这张示意图显示了主要发音器官的位置。朗文写作活用〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕People who want to donate their organs after their deaths should make their intentions clear. 想死后捐献器官的人应该表明自己的意愿。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Human organs, preserved in jars, lined the shelves of the laboratory. 实验室的架子上放着一排排保存着各种人体器官的坛子。朗文写作活用〔acropetal〕Developing or maturing from the base toward the apex, as in those plant organs in which the younger tissues are nearer the apex.向顶的:从基部向顶端发展或成熟的,比如在一些植物的器官中较新生的组织更靠近顶端美国传统〔adherent〕Botany Joined but not united. Used of dissimilar parts or organs.【植物学】 贴生的:连结但不成一体的。用于指不同的部分或器官美国传统〔affect〕The disease affects many different organs of the body.这种疾病会侵袭身体的许多器官。麦克米伦高阶〔analogy〕Biology Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure.【生物学】 同功:不同演化来源或结构的器官有相似的功能或位置美国传统〔anastomosis〕Medicine The surgical connection of separate or severed tubular hollow organs to form a continuous channel, as between two parts of the intestine.【医学】 吻合术:把独立的或几段管状中空器官接合起来形成一个连续通道的外科连接,如在肠的两段中间美国传统〔aorta〕The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs.主动脉:系统血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里美国传统〔artery〕Anatomy Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.【解剖学】 动脉:任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管美国传统〔articulate〕To utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary movements of the speech organs.发音:通过使发音器官的必要运动发出(语音)美国传统〔articulator〕One of the organs of speech, such as the lips or tongue.发音器官:一个发音器官,如嘴唇或舌头美国传统〔auditory〕Of or relating to hearing, the organs of hearing, or the sense of hearing.听的:属于或关于听、听觉器官或听力感觉的美国传统〔auricular〕Of or relating to the sense of hearing or the organs of hearing.听觉的:属于或关于听觉或听觉器官的美国传统〔auscultation〕Medicine The act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders.【医学】 听诊:以听取内部器官,如心脏或肺的声音来帮助诊断某些疾病的行为美国传统〔axis〕Botany The main stem or central part about which organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged.【植物学】 茎轴:象枝条这样的器官或植物的基本构成体被排列于其上的主茎或中心部分美国传统〔basipetal〕Of or relating to the development or maturation of tissues or organs or the movement of substances, such as hormones, from the apex downward toward the base.向基的:与组织或器官的形成发展或与如荷尔蒙类物质运动有关的,从顶部向下往基部运动美国传统〔biomaterial〕A biocompatible material that is used to construct artificial organs, rehabilitation devices, or prostheses and replace natural body tissues.生物材料:生物相容性材料,可用于构造人造器官、康复设备或假肢以及人体组织替代品美国传统〔bladder〕Botany Any of various hollow or inflated saclike organs or structures, such as the floats of certain seaweeds or the specialized traps of bladderworts.【植物学】 囊状物:一种中空或充气的囊状器官或结构,如某种海草的浮囊或狸藻的特有存水囊美国传统〔blastomycosis〕A fungal infection caused by a blastomycete and characterized by multiple inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.芽生菌病:由芽生菌引起的一种真菌传染病,其特点为皮肤、粘膜或内部器官多样的发炎损害美国传统〔break〕If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs break down.要是长期这样糟蹋身体,主要器官肯定出毛病。英汉大词典〔breast〕Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.乳房,乳腺:女人胸部两个分泌乳汁的腺状器官之一;人的乳腺美国传统〔carefully〕What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.我们目前对该疾病的认识是通过对病变器官的仔细研究得来的。柯林斯高阶〔cephalization〕An evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralization of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body.头部形成,头向集中:动物界神经和感觉器官向头部或身体前部集中的一种进化趋势美国传统〔choir〕A division of some pipe organs, containing pipes suitable for accompanying a choir.一组管风琴:由包括适合于为唱诗班伴奏的管乐器的一些管风琴所组成的部分美国传统〔ciclosporin〕Ciclosporin is used to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.环孢霉素用于防止器官移植排斥。剑桥高阶〔circulate〕The virus circulates via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs.病毒通过血液循环传播并造成多种器官病变。外研社新世纪〔compression〕Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs.坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。柯林斯高阶〔compress〕Poor posture compresses the body's organs.姿势不当会压迫人体器官。外研社新世纪〔consequently〕The molecules are absorbed into the blood-stream and consequently affect the organs.这些分子被吸收到血液里,从而影响器官。朗文当代〔consonant〕A speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs.辅音:一种由语言器官的收缩所致的部分或完全的气流阻塞产生的语音美国传统〔contributor〕Vitamin D is a major contributor in the overall health of body organs.维生素D是保证身体器官健康运转的重要因素。外研社新世纪〔cunt〕The female genital organs.阴道,阴部:女性生殖器官美国传统〔cutaneous〕Lesions are more common in internal organs but may rarely be seen as one or more cutaneous ulcers.机能障碍一般多见于内部器官,但偶尔也会以一处或多处皮肤溃烂的情况反映出来。剑桥高阶〔cyclosporine〕An immunosuppressive drug obtained from certain soil fungi, used mainly to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.环孢抑制剂:从某些土壤真菌中获得的一种免疫抑制剂,主要用来防止移植器官的排斥反应美国传统〔cyclosporine〕Cyclosporine is used to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.环孢菌素用于抑止器官移植的排异反应。剑桥高阶〔degeneration〕Medicine Gradual deterioration of specific tissues, cells, or organs with corresponding impairment or loss of function, caused by injury, disease, or aging.【医学】 变性:特定的组织、细胞或器官随着受伤、疾病或年老而导致的相应的功能的削弱或丧失,而形成的逐渐的变质美国传统〔delicate〕The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.眼睛是人体最娇贵的器官之一。牛津高阶〔dependent〕The various organs of the body do not function in isolation but are mutually dependent.身体的不同器官不是独立运作而是互相依存的。牛津搭配〔desex〕To remove part or all of the reproductive organs of; neuter.阉割:割去部分或全部生殖器官;阉割美国传统〔differ〕The two organs have certain similarities but they differ in the way they function.这两个机构有一些相似之处, 但运转方式不同。外研社新世纪〔dilated cardiomyopathy〕Dilated cardiomyopathy leads to fluid build-up in the ankles, abdomen, lungs, and other organs.扩张性心肌病会导致脚踝、腹部、肺部和其他一些器官产生积液。剑桥高阶〔dioecious〕Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异体的:雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的美国传统〔dioecious〕Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species.雌雄异株的:在一个个体上产生雄性器官,而在另一同种的个体上产生雌性器官的美国传统〔dioicous〕Having sex organs on separate plants; unisexual. Used of mosses and related plants.雌雄异花的:繁殖器官生在不同的植株上的;雌雄异花的。用于指苔藓及相关植物美国传统〔donate〕He is willing to donate his organs after death.他愿意死后捐献器官。英汉大词典〔donate〕Please sign this form if you would like to donate your organs when you die.如果您愿意死后捐献器官,请签署这张表格。韦氏高阶〔donor card〕A card, usually carried on one's person, authorizing the use of one's bodily organs for transplantation in the event of one's death.捐赠卡:通常随身携带的卡片,授权在死亡时其身体器官可用于移植美国传统〔donor〕Donor organs are constantly required for transplant operations.器官移植手术经常需要有人捐献器官。牛津搭配〔dysplasia〕Abnormal development or growth of tissues, organs, or cells.发育障碍,发育异常:组织、器官或细胞引起的生长发育异常美国传统〔dysteleology〕Purposelessness in natural structures, as manifested by the existence of vestigial or nonfunctional organs or parts.无用器官学:自然结构中的无用性,如退化器官或机能丧失的部分所表现出的美国传统〔ectoderm〕The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue, and, in vertebrates, sense organs develop.外胚层:胚胎最初三层胚层中的最外一层,由此发育成为表皮、神经组织和脊椎动物的感觉器官美国传统〔edema〕Botany Extended swelling in plant organs caused primarily by an excessive accumulation of water.【植物学】 瘤腺体:主要由水分积存过多引起的植物器官膨大美国传统〔entrails〕The internal organs, especially the intestines; viscera.内脏:内部脏器,尤指大小肠;内脏美国传统〔epithelial〕Epithelial cells form tissues that make up organs such as skin and glands.上皮细胞形成组织,组织构成器官,比如皮肤和腺体。剑桥高阶〔excrete〕To separate and discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs.排泄分泌:从血液、组织或器官中分离或消除(废物)美国传统〔excretion〕The act or process of discharging waste matter from the blood, tissues, or organs.排泄:从血液、组织或器官中分离废物的动作或过程美国传统〔excretion〕The kidneys are organs of excretion.肾脏是排泄器官。韦氏高阶〔external respiration〕The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environment and respiratory organs such as gills or lungs.外呼吸:外界和呼吸器官(如鳃或肺)之间氧气和二氧化碳的交换美国传统〔fanciful〕Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful.设计硅芯片模仿人的器官听上去是异想天开。柯林斯高阶〔fascia〕Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.【解剖学】 筋膜:一层或一束纤维状连接组织,包裹、隔离或连结肌肉、器官和身体其它的软结构美国传统〔flesh wound〕A wound that penetrates the flesh but does not damage underlying bones or vital organs.皮肉之伤,轻伤:一种穿透肌肉但没有损及下面的骨骼和重要器官的伤美国传统〔form genus〕A genus of fossil plants or imperfect fungi classified according to their asexual organs.形态属:按无性生殖器分类的化石植物或半知菌属美国传统〔fugu〕Any of various poisonous fish related to the puffers that are used as food, especially in Japan, after the poisonous skin and organs have been removed.河豚:任何一种与做食物用的河豚有关的有毒鱼类。尤指日本河豚鱼。此类鱼除去有毒皮肤与内脏后可以食用美国传统〔gastroenterology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.胃肠病学:医学的一分支,致力于使胃、肠和有关器官感染的疾病的研究美国传统〔genital mutilation〕The cutting or excision of all or some of the genital organs, especially ritualistic clitoridectomy.生殖器受损:指的是全部或是某些部分生殖器官的割除或者切除,尤其是指仪式性的生殖器切除美国传统〔genitalia〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs; the genitals.生殖器:生殖器官,尤指外生殖器;外阴部美国传统〔genitals〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs.外生殖器:生殖器官,尤其是指外部性器官美国传统〔genital〕A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs. Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式美国传统〔genitourinary〕Of or relating to the genital and urinary organs or their functions.生殖泌尿的:属于或关于生殖器和泌尿器官的或它们的机能的美国传统〔gland〕Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a nonsecretory function.无分泌功能的腺:一种器官,比如淋巴结,象真的腺但却不起分泌作用美国传统〔great〕A division of most pipe organs, usually containing the most powerful ranks of pipes.主要键盘和管子:通常包括最有力的管子的管风琴的大部分部件美国传统〔great〕A similar division of other organs.其他风琴的类似部件美国传统〔gynandromorph〕An organism having both male and female characteristics, especially an insect exhibiting a mixture of male and female tissues or sex organs.雌雄嵌体:一种同时具有雄性和雌性特征的生物,特别是那种雄性和雌性组织或性器官混杂的昆虫美国传统〔gynoecium〕The female reproductive organs of a flower; the pistil or pistils considered as a group.雌蕊群:花的生殖器官;作为一个群体的雌蕊美国传统〔hematology〕The science encompassing the medical study of the blood and blood-producing organs.血液学:包括对血液及造血器官的医学研究的学科美国传统〔hematopoietic system〕The bodily system of organs and tissues, primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, involved in the production of blood.造血系统:身体的器官和组织系统,主要是产生血液的骨髓、脾、扁桃体和淋巴结美国传统〔hemocoel〕A cavity or series of spaces between the organs of most arthropods and mollusks through which the blood circulates.血腔:大部分节肢动物及软体动器官之间的穴腔或一连串空间,血液通过其循环美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕Biology An organism, such as an earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.【生物学】 雌雄同体:兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体,如蚯蚓或雌雄同花的植物美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕Cal is a hermaphrodite, born with both male and female sex organs.卡尔是阴阳人, 天生就有男女两性的性器官。外研社新世纪〔hermaphrodite〕One having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes.两性体:具有生殖器官和第二性征的许多特点的个体美国传统〔homogeny〕Similarity of structure between organs or parts, possibly of dissimilar function, that are related by common descent.同构发生,同源发生:源于同一祖先,可能功能不同的器官或部分在结构上的相似美国传统〔homoplasy〕Correspondence between parts or organs arising from evolutionary convergence.异体同功:由进化趋同而产生的部分或器官之间的对应现象美国传统〔humble pie〕A pie formerly made from the edible organs of a deer or hog.动物内脏馅煎饼:从前用鹿或猪的可食器官制做的一种馅饼美国传统〔immunosuppression〕High levels of immunosuppression are needed to prevent rejection of transplanted tissue or organs.需要高强度的免疫抑制来防止对移植器官或组织的排斥。剑桥高阶〔immunosuppressive〕While immunosuppressive drugs can help prevent rejection of transplanted tissues or organs, they can also give rise to infections.免疫抑制药物可以帮助防止移植器官或组织被身体排斥,但是它们也会引起感染增加。剑桥高阶〔implicate〕The disease may implicate various organs.这病可能涉及多种器官。英汉大词典〔individuation〕Embryology Formation of distinct organs or structures through the interaction of adjacent tissues.【胚胎学】 个体分离:通过相邻的组织间的相互作用,产生新的器官或组织结构美国传统〔internal medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially in adults.内科学:医学的分支,主要诊断影响身体内部器官的疾病的以及进行非外科手术治疗美国传统〔internal〕He sustained injuries to his arms, legs, and several internal organs.他的手臂、腿和一些内脏都受了伤。剑桥高阶〔isogenous〕Having the same or similar origin, as organs or parts derived from the same embryonic tissue.同源的:有相同或近似的本源的,如从相同的胚胎组织发展而来的器官或部分美国传统〔isomerous〕Having an equal number of parts, as organs or markings.等数量的:具有相等数量数分的,如有相等的器官或斑点的美国传统〔isthmus〕A narrow strip of tissue joining two larger organs or parts of an organ.峡:连接两个较大器官或一个器官的几部分的组织狭带美国传统〔lingual〕A sound, such as (t), (l), and (n), that is pronounced with the tongue and other organs of speech.舌音:用舌和其他言语器官发出的音;如(t),(l)和(n)美国传统〔lingual〕Linguistics Pronounced with the tongue in conjunction with other organs of speech.【语言学】 舌音的:利用舌头和其他言语器官发音的美国传统〔locomotive〕The octopus has a distinct head and prehensile and locomotive organs attached.章鱼的头很显眼, 上面长着具有吸附力的灵活腕足。外研社新世纪〔loin〕The reproductive organs.生殖器官美国传统〔lower〕As the diaphragm lowers it pushes against the abdominal organs.横隔膜下降会挤压到腹部器官。外研社新世纪〔lymphatic system〕The interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body.淋巴系统:身体组织与器官之间互相连接的空间和管道,淋巴液通过这些空间和管道在体内循环美国传统〔male〕Of, relating to, or designating the sex that has organs to produce spermatozoa for fertilizing ova.雄的,公的:属于、表明是或与某种性别有关的,此性别具有能产生使成熟卵子受精的精子的器官美国传统〔male〕Relating to or designating organs, such as anthers or antheridia, that produce gametes capable of fertilizing those produced by female organs.雄性的:表明是或与某种器官组织有关的,此组织可以产生使雌性组织产生的配子受精的配子,如花药或孢子植物精子囊美国传统〔malfunction〕Early physicians removed the malfunctioning organs.早年间的医生会把机能失常的器官摘除掉。柯林斯高阶〔mandible〕Any of various mouth organs of invertebrates used for seizing and biting food, especially either of a pair of such organs in insects and other arthropods.上颚:任一无脊椎动物用于啄咬食物的器官,尤指昆虫或其它节肢动物的上颚或下颚美国传统〔masturbation〕Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse.手淫,自淫:非性交的手动的接触或方式以刺激自己或他人的生殖器使其达到高潮美国传统〔match〕The available organs are carefully matched to people in need of transplants.可用的器官要与需要进行器官移植的病人进行审慎的匹配。牛津搭配〔medulla〕The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone.髓质:某些器官或身体结构的内部或深部,如骨髓美国传统〔membrane〕A thin, pliable layer of tissue covering surfaces or separating or connecting regions, structures, or organs of an animal or a plant.膜:薄而柔软的组织层,覆盖在表面或分割连接各种区域、结构或动植物器官美国传统〔miliary tuberculosis〕An acute form of tuberculosis characterized by very small tubercles in various body organs, caused by the spread of tubercle bacilli through the bloodstream.粟粒性结核病:一种急性结核病,以身体的各器官上生出很小的结核为特征,由血液中携带的结核杆菌扩散而引起美国传统〔monoecious〕Botany Having unisexual reproductive organs or flowers, with the organs or flowers of both sexes borne on a single plant, as in corn and pines.【植物学】 雌雄同株的:有雌雄异花的繁殖器官和花朵,并且其两性的器官或花朵长在同一株植物上的,如玉米和松树美国传统〔morphogenesis〕Formation of the structure of an organism or part; differentiation and growth of tissues and organs during development.形态发生:一有机体或部分之结构的形成;组织和器官在发展过程中的变异或生长美国传统〔oral sex〕Sexual activity involving oral stimulation of one's partner's sex organs.口交:涉及从性伙伴的性器官上得到的口唇刺激的性行为美国传统〔organicism〕The theory that all disease is associated with structural alterations of organs.器官决定理论:是关于所有的疾病都同组织的结构变化有关的理论美国传统〔organogenesis〕The formation and development of the organs of living things.器官形成:生物体器官的形成和发展美国传统〔organography〕Scientific description of the organs of living things.器官论:生物体的器官的科学描述美国传统〔organology〕The branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of organs.器官学:关于器官结构与功能的生物学分支美国传统〔organotherapy〕Treatment of disease with animal endocrine organs or extracts such as insulin and thyroxin.器官疗法或内脏制剂疗法:服用动物内脏或其提取物如胰岛素与甲状腺素的治疗疾病的方法美国传统〔organotropism〕The attraction of certain chemical compounds or microorganisms to specific tissues or organs of the body.亲器官性,向器官性:某化合物或微有机物对身体特定组织或器官的亲和性美国传统〔organ〕Electronic organs are much smaller and cheaper than pipe organs.电风琴比管风琴小得多,也便宜得多。剑桥高阶〔organ〕Extra doses of the hormone caused the animals' reproductive organs to develop sooner than usual.额外的荷尔蒙剂量使得这些动物的生殖器官比正常水平发育得更快。朗文当代〔organ〕The courts are organs of government.法院是政府机构。朗文当代〔organ〕The courts are the organs of justice.法院是司法机关。麦克米伦高阶〔paraphysis〕One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.侧丝:通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝美国传统〔penis〕Any of various copulatory organs in males of lower animals.阳具:低等动物雄性性交器官美国传统〔perception〕Ears and eyes are organs of perception.耳目是感觉器官。牛津同义词〔pinnigrade〕Walking by means of finlike organs or flippers, as the seals and walruses.用鳍(或鳍状肢)行走的动物:用鳍状器官或鳍状肢行走的动物,如海狮和海象等美国传统〔plutocracy〕Newspapers are the organs of plutocracy.报纸是富人的喉舌。英汉大词典〔portal vein〕A vein that conducts blood from the digestive organs, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder to the liver.门静脉:将血液从消化器官、脾脏、胰脏及膀胱输送到肝脏去的静脉美国传统〔positive〕Music A division of some pipe organs, similar in sound to the great but smaller and less powerful.【音乐】 琴管:管风琴的一种,与大管风琴的音质相似,但比其小而且音量较其弱美国传统〔private parts〕The external organs of sex and excretion.阴部:外生殖器,外排泄器官美国传统〔pronounce〕To use the organs of speech to make heard (a word or speech sound); utter.发音:使用发音器官使词或语音被听到;发出美国传统〔prothallus〕A small, flat, delicate structure produced by a germinating spore and bearing sex organs. It is the gametophyte of ferns and some other plants.原叶体:一种由孢子萌发产生的小而平面脆弱的结构,带有生殖器官它是蕨类和其它一些植物的配子体美国传统〔pseudohermaphrodite〕One that possesses the internal reproductive organs of one sex while exhibiting some of the external physical characteristics of the opposite sex.假两性体:内部有一个性别的生殖器官,而显出另一性别的外部身体特征的东西美国传统〔pulmonary〕Having lungs or lunglike organs.有肺的或肺状的器官美国传统〔pulmonate〕Having lungs or lunglike organs.有肺或类似肺的器官的美国传统〔pungent〕Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp, acrid sensation.刺鼻的:用强烈而刺鼻的气味影响味觉或嗅觉器官的美国传统〔purtenance〕An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs.内脏:尤指心脏、肝脏和肺等动物的内脏或内部器官美国传统〔receptacle〕Botany The expanded tip of a flower stalk or axis that bears the floral organs or the group of flowers in a head.【植物学】 花托:花茎或花轴的顶端臌胀的部分,它的顶端承受着花卉器官或一组花朵美国传统〔regeneration〕Biology Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs.【生物学】 器官再生:损坏的器官或身体部分的再生长美国传统〔reject〕The organs are automatically rejected by the immune system.这些器官受到免疫系统的自动排斥。牛津搭配〔respiratory system〕The integrated system of organs involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment.呼吸系统:有机体与环境之间进行氧气与二氧化碳的吸入和交换的器官综合系统美国传统〔respiratory〕The lungs are respiratory organs.肺是呼吸器官。英汉大词典〔retractor〕Medicine A surgical instrument used to hold back organs or the edges of an incision.【医学】 牵开器:一种手术仪器,用于将器官或切开的边缘撑住美国传统〔rigor〕Physiology A state of rigidity in living tissues or organs that prevents response to stimuli.【生理学】 僵直:一种存活组织和器官僵化的状态,阻止对刺激产生反应美国传统〔seal〕The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags.这些器官保存在密封塑料袋里。牛津高阶〔semen〕A viscous, whitish secretion of the male reproductive organs, containing spermatozoa and serving as their transporting medium.精液:雄性生殖器官产生的白色粘液,含有精子并是精子的输送媒介物美国传统〔sense organ〕Your ears, eyes, tongue, nose, and skin are your sense organs.你的耳朵、眼睛、舌头、鼻子和皮肤都是感觉器官。剑桥高阶〔sensory〕Transmitting impulses from sense organs to nerve centers; afferent.传递感觉的:从感觉器官向神经中枢传递感觉的;传入的美国传统〔sexual〕Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.性的:(有关、包含)性、性欲、两性或性器官、性功能的或其有这样特征的美国传统〔sex〕The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions.性别:基于生殖器官和功能而将生物体分为雌或雄的性质或特点美国传统〔shall〕The draft stipulates that all organs of state shall practise democratic centralism.草案规定所有国家机关都必须实行民主集中制。英汉大词典〔sinusoid〕Anatomy Any of the venous cavities through which blood passes in various glands and organs, such as the adrenal gland and the liver.【解剖学】 窦状隙:一种静脉腔,通过它血液在各种静脉和器官中循环,如肾上腺和肝脏美国传统〔sound〕The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such vibrations in the air or other medium.听力:受空气或其他传媒中这种振动的刺激,而在听觉器官中产生的感觉美国传统〔splanchnology〕The scientific study of the viscera and its organs.内脏学:内脏及内脏器官的科学美国传统〔sterilize〕To deprive (a person or an animal) of the ability to produce offspring, as by removing the reproductive organs.使绝育:消除(人或动物)生育子孙的能力,如切除生殖器官美国传统〔structure〕The arrangement or formation of the tissues, organs, or other parts of an organism.结构:组织,器官或生物体其它部份的排列或形成美国传统〔subvocalize〕To articulate or engage in articulation by moving the lips or other speech organs without making audible sounds, as in reading to oneself.默读,不出声地谈话:通过移动嘴唇或其他语言器官但不出声地说出或进行发音,如对自己默读美国传统〔suctorial〕Having organs or parts adapted for sucking or clinging.有吸附器官的:有适合吸附或粘住的器官或部分的美国传统〔supraglottal〕Linguistics Designating a phone or phoneme produced by the speech organs anterior to the glottis.【语言学】 表示由声门前的发音器官发出的音子或音素美国传统〔sympathy〕Physiology A relation between parts or organs by which a disease or disorder in one induces an effect in the other.【生理学】 感应,交感:身体的部位或器官之间的一种关系,一处部位的疾病或失调会在另一处引起反应美国传统〔symphysis〕The coalescence of similar parts or organs.愈合,黏联:类似的身体部位或器官的联合美国传统〔tonicity〕Normal firmness or functional readiness in body tissues or organs.强壮:身体组织或器官上的正常强壮程度和正常的功能性反应美国传统〔toponymy〕Anatomy Nomenclature with respect to a region of the body rather than to organs or structures.【解剖学】 部位命名法:不依照器官或结构而依据身体部位进行的命名美国传统〔transplantation〕Transplantation of organs from living donors raises ethical issues.移植活人捐献的器官引发出一些伦理问题。剑桥高阶〔transplant〕Organs are transplanted from donors into patients who need them.器官由供者移植到有需求的病人体内。牛津搭配〔transplant〕Patients often reject transplanted organs.患者经常排斥移植的器官。牛津高阶〔tropotaxis〕The movement or orientation of an organism in response to two stimuli, especially lights, by means of different sense organs.趋激性:生物体通过不同的感觉器官对两种刺激,尤其是光,反应产生的运动或趋向美国传统〔urinary system〕The bodily system consisting of the organs that produce, collect, and eliminate urine and including the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.泌尿系统:由产生、收集、排放尿液的器官所组成的身体系统、包括肾脏、输尿管、膀胱和尿道美国传统〔urinary〕Of or relating to the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine.泌尿器官的:尿液形成及排泄器官的,与这些器官有关的美国传统〔viscera〕The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.内脏,脏腑:身体的柔软内部器官,尤指包含于腹部和胸腔内的器官美国传统〔vitals〕The vital body organs.要害器官美国传统〔voice〕The sound produced by the vocal organs of a vertebrate, especially a human being.说话声,口声:脊椎动物用发音器官制造的声音,尤指人类美国传统〔vulva〕The external genital organs of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina.外阴:女性外部生殖器官,包括大阴唇、小阴唇、阴蒂和阴道前庭美国传统〔wall〕Muscles in the abdominal wall help protect organs.腹壁肌肉可以帮助保护器官。韦氏高阶〔whorl〕Botany An arrangement of three or more leaves, petals, or other organs radiating from a single node.【植物学】 轮生体:一个节上三个或多个叶子、花瓣或其它器官的排列美国传统〔wing〕Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect.昆虫翅膀:昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个美国传统〔wing〕One of a pair of movable organs for flying, as the feather-covered modified forelimb of a bird or the skin-covered modified digits of the forelimb of a bat.翅膀,翼:用于飞行的一对可移动器官,如鸟的羽毛覆盖的改进的前肢或蝙蝠的皮毛覆盖的改进的前肢脚趾美国传统〔xenotransplantation〕The surgical transfer of cells, tissues, or especially whole organs from one species to another.异体移植:将细胞、组织或某个器官从一物种转移到另一物种的外科移植美国传统A plant's male and female reproductive organs are contained in the flower.植物的雄性与雌性繁殖器官均在花朵里。剑桥国际Among the human organs, the brain and the kidney are known to have large amounts of cortices. 在人体的器官中,脑和肾都有大量的皮层。译典通Babies born before 22 weeks have a very low survival rate, because their organs are not sufficiently developed to support life outside the womb. 22 周以前出生的婴儿成活率很低,因为他们的器官尚未充分发育以维持其在子宫外的生命。剑桥国际Doctors said the husky teenager survived because none of the bullets punctured vital organs.医生说这个强壮的少年因没有被子弹打中重要器官而幸存下来。剑桥国际Electronic organs are much smaller and cheaper than pipe organs.电子琴要比管风琴小得多,便宜得多。剑桥国际Hands and feet are locomotive organs. 手和脚是运动器官。译典通He cut his head when he fell off his bicycle, but it was only a flesh wound (=his bones and inner organs were not damaged).他从自行车上摔下来磕破了脑袋,不过只是点皮肉伤。剑桥国际He was found guilty of exposing himself (= showing his sexual organs in public) to schoolgirls.他被判决有罪,他在女学生面前露出自己的性器官。剑桥国际In ancient Egypt, when a dead man was to be made into a mummy, his internal organs had to be eviscerated first. 在古埃及,把死人做成木乃伊的时候,要先取出他的内脏。译典通Sharks have sensory organs that can detect faint electrical fields from other fish.鲨鱼有种能感知其它鱼的微弱电场的感觉器官。剑桥国际Some organs in the body, especially the testicles, may develop torsion.身体上的一些器官,尤其是睾丸,会发生扭转。剑桥国际The bullet passed through his back and several internal organs and he died later in hospital.子弹穿过他的背部及一些内部器官,他不久就死在医院里了。剑桥国际The differentiation of the fetal organs occurs in the first few weeks after fertilization.胚胎器官的变异发生在受精后的头几个星期。剑桥国际The endoscope enables doctors to examine internal organs without resorting to major surgery.内腔镜使医生不必借助大手术就可以检查内部器官。剑桥国际The heart, lungs and kidneys are internal organs.心脏、肺和肾是内部器官。剑桥国际The largest church organs have three manual keyboards.最大的教堂风琴有三排键盘。剑桥国际The penis, the vagina and the womb are all sex organs.阴茎、阴道和子宫都是生殖器官。剑桥国际The police have just arrested an exhibitionist (= person who shows their sex organs in public) in the supermarket.警察刚在超市里逮捕了一个裸露狂。剑桥国际The tongue is one of the vocal organs. 舌头是发声器官之一。译典通Transplantation of organs from living donors raises ethical issues.移植活人捐赠的器官引起了伦理道德的问题。剑桥国际Your organs will only be used after your death if you give your consent beforehand.只有经过你事先同意,你的器官才能在你死后被使用。剑桥国际Your ears, eyes, tongue, nose and skin are your sense organs.你的耳朵、眼睛、舌头、鼻子和皮肤都是你的感觉器官。剑桥国际




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