

单词 painfully
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Abbey was always painfully aware that she was not as pretty as her sister. 阿比一直痛苦地意识到自己不如姐姐那么漂亮。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Badly fitting shoes will rub more painfully if you are not wearing socks. 不合脚的鞋子在你不穿袜子的情况下磨擦得你更疼。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕He was painfully shy in public, but completely different at home with his family. 他在公共场合非常腼腆,但是在家里和家人在一起的时候却完全两样。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕She limped painfully over to a chair and sat down. 她一瘸一拐痛苦地走到椅子边坐下。朗文写作活用〔aid〕Father Poole walked painfully, with the aid of a stick.普尔神父拄着一根拐杖痛苦地行走。朗文当代〔apparent〕Local suspicion of the incomers was painfully apparent.当地人对外来者的怀疑态度十分明显,让人心痛。牛津搭配〔awaken from〕Mary was painfully awakened from her dream of owning a house when she saw how much it cost.当玛丽知道房价昂贵时,她痛苦地从想拥有一座房子的梦想中醒悟了过来。21世纪英汉〔awaken〕She was painfully awakened from her dream of owning a house when she saw how much it cost.她得知价钱以后便从拥有一座房子的美梦中痛苦地觉醒过来。21世纪英汉〔aware〕Moran was painfully aware of Luke's absence.发觉卢克没来,莫兰非常难过。牛津搭配〔awkward〕As a teenager he was painfully awkward in company.作为一个十几岁的少年,他在众人面前十分局促不安。牛津搭配〔bark〕He barked his shins painfully on the metal edge of a wastebasket.他的小腿让废纸篓的金属边划破了, 疼得很。外研社新世纪〔confessional〕Their first album was painfully frank to the point of being confessional.他们的第一张专辑是那么的坦率,近乎自白。柯林斯高阶〔conscious〕He was painfully conscious of how hard it was going to be to explain.他很烦恼,意识到要作出解释是多么地艰难。牛津搭配〔dig〕His fingers dug painfully into my arm.他的手指把我的手臂给抓痛了。牛津高阶〔dismember〕Keegan's team is being slowly and painfully dismembered.基冈的球队正在缓慢而痛苦地瓦解。麦克米伦高阶〔emptiness〕He was painfully aware of the emptiness of their life together.他痛苦地意识到他们在一起的日子非常空虚。外研社新世纪〔evident〕The strain of her work schedule was becoming painfully evident.她的工作日程越来越让她吃不消。牛津搭配〔feeding〕The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.离婚的事张扬出去,她十分痛苦,更加厌恶媒体了。柯林斯高阶〔feed〕The divorce was painfully public, feeding her dislike of the press.离婚的事尽人皆知, 她为此感到很痛苦, 对报界更加厌恶了。外研社新世纪〔genteel〕Her mannerisms were painfully genteel.她那种矫揉造作是假装斯文,看着让人难受。英汉大词典〔grip〕She felt his grip tighten painfully on her wrist.她感觉他把她的手腕抓得更紧了,很疼。牛津搭配〔hardly〕With great difficulty; painfully.非常困难地;痛苦地美国传统〔haul〕Patrick hauled himself painfully up the stairs.帕特里克拖着沉重的步伐痛苦地走上了楼梯。朗文当代〔hurt〕His head throbbed painfully.他的头一抽一跳地痛。牛津高阶〔impair〕His movements were painfully impaired by arthritis.他行动不便,深受关节炎之苦。柯林斯高阶〔inadequately〕Mary Ann felt painfully inadequate in the crisis.意识到自己在这场危机中无能为力,玛丽·安感到很痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔inadequate〕Mary Ann felt painfully inadequate in the crisis.玛丽•安在危机中意识到自己的无能为力, 很痛苦。外研社新世纪〔jab〕Whitlock jabbed him painfully in the back.惠特洛克戳了他的后背一下, 很疼。外研社新世纪〔limp〕Matt limped painfully off the field.马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场。牛津高阶〔lurch〕Virginia's heart lurched painfully in her chest.弗吉尼娅胸口一阵疼痛。朗文当代〔most〕I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。柯林斯高阶〔obvious〕It was becoming painfully obvious that the two of them had nothing in common.他们俩没有任何共同点,这一点日渐明显,令人难过。牛津搭配〔painfully〕After her tooth was pulled, her jaw was painfully swollen.拔牙后,她的下巴又疼又肿。韦氏高阶〔painfully〕After the injury she was painfully aware that her career in tennis would be over.受伤之后,她痛苦地意识到自己的网球生涯要结束了。韦氏高阶〔painfully〕As a teenager, I was painfully shy.我十几岁的时候非常害羞。朗文当代〔painfully〕He banged his knee painfully against the desk.他的膝盖撞到桌子上,疼得很。牛津高阶〔painfully〕He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.他的头磕到了碗柜上, 很疼。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕He labored painfully over his work.他艰难地干着自己的工作。韦氏高阶〔painfully〕He was painfully aware of his lack of experience.他痛苦地意识到自己缺乏经验。牛津高阶〔painfully〕Her shoulder throbbed painfully.她的肩膀痛苦地抽动着。麦克米伦高阶〔painfully〕I am painfully aware that I have made mistakes.我痛苦地意识到自己犯了错误。剑桥高阶〔painfully〕I am painfully aware that staff have a heavy work schedule.我非常清楚员工们工作繁重。柯林斯高阶〔painfully〕I was always painfully aware of my shortcomings.我从来都很清楚自己的缺点。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕It was painfully obvious he'd rather not see her again.很显然,他不愿意再见到她。朗文当代〔painfully〕It was a painfully slow journey.那是一次慢得让人难受的旅程。剑桥高阶〔painfully〕It's painfully obvious that Britain has so much catching-up to do.显然, 英国在很多方面都需要迎头赶上。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕It's just one wrenching moment in a painfully truthful play.在这部真实得令人心痛的戏剧中, 这只是其中的悲情一幕。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕New developments have been painfully slow.新的进展一直慢得令人难以忍受。韦氏高阶〔painfully〕Progress has been painfully slow.进度慢得令人焦急。牛津高阶〔painfully〕Progress was painfully slow.进展奇慢无比。英汉大词典〔painfully〕Robyn swallowed painfully.罗宾痛苦地吞咽着。朗文当代〔painfully〕She is painfully shy.她十分害羞。韦氏高阶〔painfully〕She looked painfully thin.她看起来瘦得可怜。麦克米伦高阶〔painfully〕She walked slowly and painfully, and eventually used a cane.她走得很慢很痛苦, 最后拄起了拐杖。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕She was painfully aware of his embarrassment.她痛苦地明白了他的窘迫。麦克米伦高阶〔painfully〕The $1.1-billion deficit left by the Summer Games made it painfully clear that governments couldn't shoulder the burden themselves.夏季奥运会政府留下了11亿美元的赤字, 这清楚表明政府无力独自承担这一重担。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕The dog was painfully thin.那条狗瘦得可怜。牛津高阶〔painfully〕The road to peace is a painfully slow process.和平之路是个非常漫长的过程。朗文当代〔painfully〕Their son was painfully shy.他们的儿子非常害羞。牛津高阶〔painfully〕Things are moving painfully slowly.事情进展奇慢无比。柯林斯高阶〔painfully〕Things are moving painfully slowly.事情进展得极其缓慢。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕This was painfully banal television.这档电视节目老套得让人看不下去。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕We are only too painfully aware of the damage his actions have caused.我们非常清楚他的行为所造成的损害。朗文当代〔painfully〕Without surgery, this animal will die slowly and painfully.不做手术的话,这只动物会缓慢而痛苦地死去。剑桥高阶〔painful〕He cracked his head painfully against the cupboard.他的头撞到了碗柜上,很疼。柯林斯高阶〔painful〕His tooth had started to throb painfully again.他的牙又开始抽痛了。柯林斯高阶〔remind〕The terrorist attack painfully reminded the Americans that they are vulnerable even at home.恐怖袭击以一种痛苦的方式提醒了美国人,即使在国内他们也是容易受到攻击的。牛津搭配〔scrape〕I scraped my knee painfully on the concrete.我的膝盖蹭到混凝土上,很痛。朗文当代〔seize〕Her back seized up painfully after she'd lifted the box.她提起箱子后,背部痛得僵住了。麦克米伦高阶〔shortcoming〕Peter was painfully aware of his own shortcomings.彼得痛苦地认识到了自己的短处。朗文当代〔shyly〕He is painfully shy of women.他见到女人就十分害羞。柯林斯高阶〔shy〕As a teenager I was painfully shy (=extremely shy) .我十几岁时害羞得很。朗文当代〔shy〕As a teenager I was painfully shy.我十几岁时非常害羞。牛津搭配〔shy〕As a teenager I was painfully shy.我十几岁的时候腼腆得很。牛津高阶〔shy〕I was painfully shy as a teenager.我十几岁的时候非常腼腆。韦氏高阶〔slow〕Collecting data is a painfully slow process.收集材料的过程慢得让人难受。牛津高阶〔slow〕Filming was painfully slow.拍电影进程很慢,很辛苦。牛津搭配〔slow〕It was painfully slow work.那是项极其耗时的工作。外研社新世纪〔slow〕Progress has been painfully slow.电影的第一部分很沉闷。麦克米伦高阶〔slow〕The legal system can be painfully slow (=much too slow) .这个法律体系有时效率极其低下。朗文当代〔sting〕My face was stinging painfully.我的脸感到刺痛。外研社新世纪〔sting〕To pierce or wound painfully with or as if with a sharp-pointed structure or organ, as that of certain insects.叮,螫:被或象被一个尖的物体或器官(如某些昆虫的)极痛地刺或伤美国传统〔summon〕Painfully shy, he finally summoned up courage to ask her to a game.他太过腼腆,不过最后终于鼓起勇气邀请她一起去看比赛。柯林斯高阶〔tenesmus〕A painfully urgent but ineffectual attempt to urinate or defecate.里急后重:一种疼痛急切但无发法排出的尿急或便急美国传统〔terrified〕The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me.缓慢而痛苦地死去的想法使我恐惧不已。柯林斯高阶〔terrify〕The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me.想到要缓慢而痛苦地死去, 我恐惧不已。外研社新世纪〔thin〕The old horse was painfully thin.那匹老马骨瘦如柴。牛津搭配〔throb〕His head throbbed painfully.他的头一抽一抽地痛。牛津搭配〔throb〕His head throbbed painfully.他的头一抽一跳地痛。牛津高阶〔throb〕The back of my neck throbbed painfully.我的后颈阵阵抽痛。朗文当代〔tighten〕His hand tightened painfully around her wrist.他的手紧紧握住她的手腕,弄得她生疼。牛津搭配〔toe〕The shoe pressed painfully against her big toe.鞋子把她的大脚趾挤得很痛。牛津搭配〔twist〕The boy's leg was twisted back painfully.男孩的腿被痛苦地往后扭转。牛津搭配〔unfunny〕The jokes are painfully unfunny.这些玩笑无趣到令人难受。剑桥高阶He painfully wrote the letter. 他费力地写成此封信。译典通He had painfully written out a first draft. 他辛苦写出了首稿。译典通I am painfully aware that I have made mistakes.我痛苦地意识到我犯了错误。剑桥国际I was always painfully aware of my shortcomings. 我一直强烈地意识到自己的缺点。译典通The brandy they made me drink burned my throat (= felt painfully hot).我喝了他们硬叫我喝的白兰地,感到喉咙如火烧 。剑桥国际The old lady made her way painfully slowly towards the door.这个老太太吃力地慢吞吞地朝门口走去。剑桥国际The plot is painfully cute. 剧情编得极不自然。译典通Without surgery, this animal will die slowly and painfully (= suffering pain).不动手术的话,这头动物将会慢慢地痛苦地死去。剑桥国际




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