

单词 pain
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PAIN〕to feel pain 感到痛朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕when something makes someone feel pain 某物使某人感到疼痛朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕when there is no pain 不痛朗文写作活用〔addiction〕an addiction to pain medication 对止痛药上瘾韦氏高阶〔assuage〕assuage pain 镇痛英汉大词典〔bad〕a bad pain 剧痛英汉大词典〔base〕a pain at the base of the spine 脊柱末端的疼痛牛津高阶〔beyond〕pain beyond endurance难以忍受的痛苦21世纪英汉〔bring〕a tragic love affair that brought forth only pain 只能带来痛苦的一场婚外情悲剧朗文当代〔chest〕have a pain in the chest 胸部疼痛英汉大词典〔chronic〕chronic back pain 长期的背部疼痛麦克米伦高阶〔convulse〕to convulse with pain 痛苦地抽搐剑桥高阶〔distort〕a face distorted by (或with) pain 因疼痛而扭曲的脸英汉大词典〔extreme〕extreme pain (joy) 极度的痛苦(欢乐) 英汉大词典〔flinch〕flinch at pain 因痛而畏缩英汉大词典〔frightful〕a frightful illness that causes extreme pain 引起极端痛苦的可怕疾病韦氏高阶〔howl〕to howl in pain 疼得直叫喊牛津高阶〔illness〕the pain and distress caused by your illness 由于你的疾病引起的痛苦和焦虑牛津搭配〔insensibility〕insensibility to pain 对疼痛无感觉牛津高阶〔insupportable〕insupportable pain 难以忍受的疼痛朗文当代〔intractable〕a patient experiencing intractable pain 痛病难愈的病人韦氏高阶〔intramuscular〕intramuscular pain 肌疼痛牛津高阶〔involuntary〕an involuntary cry of pain 不由自主的痛苦的喊叫牛津高阶〔killing〕a killing pain 难以忍受的痛苦英汉大词典〔kill〕taking drugs to kill the pain 吃药止痛韦氏高阶〔low〕low back pain 腰疼牛津高阶〔lumbosacral〕lumbosacral pain 腰尻痛剑桥高阶〔menstrual〕menstrual pain 痛经韦氏高阶〔misery〕patients who are in constant pain and want to be put out of their misery 持续疼痛、想用死结束痛苦的病人韦氏高阶〔moan〕a moan of pleasure / pain / despair 快活的/痛苦的/绝望的呻吟牛津搭配〔mordant〕mordant pain 灼痛英汉大词典〔obtund〕an agent that obtunds pain 缓和药英汉大词典〔of〕a pain in the back of my head 我后脑勺的疼痛麦克米伦高阶〔pain〕a cry of pain 痛苦的喊叫牛津高阶〔pain〕an off-and-on pain in the abdomen 腹部断断续续的疼痛英汉大词典〔palliate〕palliation of pain 疼痛的减轻韦氏高阶〔recourse〕people who deal with emotional pain by recourse to drugs and alcohol 靠毒品和酒精缓解感情痛苦的人牛津搭配〔rend〕pain that rends the heart绞心的疼痛外研社新世纪〔royal〕a royal pain in the neck 脖子上的剧痛英汉大词典〔severe〕severe pain 剧痛英汉大词典〔severe〕severe stomach pain 剧烈的胃痛麦克米伦高阶〔shock〕the economic pain of two oil shocks两次原油冲击下的经济萧条外研社新世纪〔shoot〕a shooting pain in the back 背部的一阵剧痛牛津高阶〔shout〕to shout in anger / frustration / pain 愤怒地/懊恼地/痛苦地叫喊牛津搭配〔spasmodic〕spasmodic pain 阵发的疼痛英汉大词典〔stinging〕a stinging pain 刺痛麦克米伦高阶〔stomach〕a pain in the stomach 胃痛英汉大词典〔terrible〕to be in terrible pain 处于极度痛苦之中牛津高阶〔throbbing〕the throbbing tooth whose pain had woken her把她疼醒的那颗抽痛的牙外研社新世纪〔throb〕a steady throb of pain 有规律的抽痛朗文当代〔throb〕a throb of pain 一阵疼痛牛津搭配〔throb〕the throbbing tooth whose pain had woken her.把她疼醒的阵阵牙痛柯林斯高阶〔unbearable〕unbearable pain (heat) 难以忍受的疼痛 (炎热) 英汉大词典〔unbearable〕unbearable pain 无法忍受的疼痛牛津高阶〔unendurable〕unendurable pain 难以忍受的疼痛英汉大词典〔upper〕relief of upper back pain 背部上方疼痛的缓解韦氏高阶〔whiplash〕the pain of whiplash 鞭打的疼痛英汉大词典〔wince〕a wince of pain 痛得龇牙咧嘴牛津高阶〔yell〕yell with pain (fury, fright) 痛(狂怒,吓)得叫喊起来英汉大词典〔yelp〕a yelp of pain 疼痛的尖叫牛津搭配




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