

单词 new idea
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IDEA〕Here are some new ideas for quick meals that taste great. 这里有几个快速煮出可口饭菜的新想法。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The person we are looking for must be flexible, creative, and able to assimilate new ideas. 我们要找的人必须灵活,富有创造力,能够很快地吸收新思想。朗文写作活用〔altogether〕This is a new idea altogether.这绝对是种新观念。麦克米伦高阶〔antagonistic〕Old people are often antagonistic toward new ideas.老年人常敌视新的观念。文馨英汉〔at〕It's a new idea, and a good one, at that.这是个新主意,还是个好主意哩。朗文当代〔come in〕It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.那时正是地理学真正开始发生改变、许多新观念兴起的时候。柯林斯高阶〔cross〕A new idea crossed my mind.我想到了一个新的主意。英汉大词典〔deepen〕Students explore new ideas as they deepen their understanding (=understand more) of the subject.随着对这门课的理解加深,学生们开始探究新的观点。朗文当代〔digest〕It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.吸收新思想往往需要很长时间。21世纪英汉〔dovetail〕How well do these new ideas dovetail into the existing system? 这些新理念能同现存制度相容到什么程度?英汉大词典〔few〕In this economic climate new ideas were few and far between.在这种经济环境下,新想法极为罕见。柯林斯高阶〔go-to〕He was the company's go-to guy for new ideas.他是公司里新点子的必找之人。剑桥高阶〔hardheaded〕He is very hardheaded and will not accept new ideas easily.他很固执,不易接受新思想。英汉大词典〔hardly〕This is hardly a new idea for a movie.这部电影的剧情毫无创新。韦氏高阶〔hindrance〕Her new ideas may be more of a hindrance than a help.她的新想法可能会帮倒忙。外研社新世纪〔hit a/the wall〕They seem to have hit the wall in terms of new ideas.他们这些新想法看起来是进行不下去了。韦氏高阶〔hotchpotch〕New Age thinking seems to be a hotchpotch of old and new ideas.新时代思想似乎就是新旧思想的大杂烩。剑桥高阶〔impregnate〕A good novel impregnates the mind with new ideas.一部好小说总是把新观念注入人心。英汉大词典〔in itself〕This is not in itself a new idea.本质上来说,这并不是什么新观点。韦氏高阶〔index〕These new ideas in education are an index of change to come.教育方面的这些新理念标志着变革即将到来。英汉大词典〔inject with〕The club needs injecting with new ideas.该俱乐部需要注入新思想。21世纪英汉〔invention〕An author must have rich invention to think up new ideas for stories.作家必须具有丰富的创造力,才能为故事构思出新意。英汉大词典〔liberal〕Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.开明的:赞成改革、接受进步新思想的,对别人的思想和行为宽容的;心胸开阔的美国传统〔mistrust〕His mistrust of new ideas is comical.他不信新思想达到了荒唐可笑的地步。英汉大词典〔penetrate〕The new idea penetrated.那个新概念弄懂了。英汉大词典〔politics〕A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas.未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。牛津高阶〔precis〕A precis of the manuscript was sent to the magazine New Idea.手稿的摘要寄给了《新思想》杂志。外研社新世纪〔receptive〕He is receptive to (或 of) new ideas.他能迅速接受新的思想。英汉大词典〔shake〕His new idea is really no great shakes.他的新主意实在不怎么样。英汉大词典〔slow〕New ideas have been slow in coming.迟迟没有想出新的办法来。朗文当代〔sounding board〕John always used her as a sounding board for new ideas.约翰有新想法总是征询她的意见。朗文当代〔sounding board〕My friend is my sounding board for new ideas.我一有新想法就会去向朋友征求意见。韦氏高阶〔sound〕Here's a new idea we liked the sound of.这个新主意我们很喜欢。外研社新世纪〔spring〕Mclaren sprang a new idea on him.麦克拉伦突然告诉他一个新想法。柯林斯高阶〔synthesize〕He synthesized old and new ideas to form his theory.他把新旧思想结合起来,形成了自己的理论。韦氏高阶〔with〕We need someone with new ideas.我们需要有新观念的人。朗文当代A new idea about management took hold in boardrooms and business schools.一种对管理的新观念在董事会和商学院的影响越来越大。牛津商务A new idea started up in his mind. 他忽然有了一个新主意。译典通An author must have invention to think up new ideas for stories. 作家必须具有为故事构思新意的创造力。译典通An international medical conference was established for the interchange of new ideas and approaches.召开了一次国际医学会议来交流新的思想及方法。剑桥国际Despite a certain superficiality of analysis (= it's only dealing with the obvious parts of its subject), the book contains some interesting new ideas.尽管这本书的分析相当肤浅,但也包含一些有趣的新思想。剑桥国际He had to whistle up some new ideas for lessons. 他只好勉强给上课的教材添些新内容。译典通She's determined to put her new ideas into practice.她决心把自己的新想法付诸实践。牛津商务Some interesting new ideas are flying about / around (=being talked about) at work.工作时我们聊了一些有趣的新观点。剑桥国际The new ideas have gradually permeated through the people. 新思想已逐渐深入民心。译典通The minister was accused of glorifying the proposals with an important-sounding name to hide the fact that they contained no new ideas.部长受到了指责,因为他通过取一个听起来很有价值的名字来美化这些提案,实则是要掩盖提案中没有任何创见的事实。剑桥国际They have a stick-in-the-mud attitude to new ideas.他们对新思想持守旧的态度。剑桥国际We should be encouraging imagination, creativity and new ideas, not stifling them.我们应当鼓励想象、创造和新思想,而不是扼杀它们。剑桥国际What we need here is some new blood with new ideas. 我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员。译典通Young people are readily pervious to new ideas. 青年人乐意接受新思想。译典通




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