

单词 oath
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dunker〕A member of the German Baptist Brethren, a group of German-American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of legal oaths.德美浸社会教派成员:德国浸礼会教派成员,该教派是反对兵役和宣誓的德美浸信会教派团体美国传统〔Hippocratic oath〕An oath of ethical professional behavior sworn by new physicians, attributed to Hippocrates.希波克拉底誓言:由刚开始行业的医生向希波克拉底进行的宣誓,内容是涉及医生职业道德美国传统〔Jove〕Used as a mild oath to express surprise or emphasis.啊:用作温和的咒骂语,表示惊讶或强调美国传统〔Od〕Used as a mild oath.天啊,哎呀:指温和的诅咒语美国传统〔PROMISE〕Adams was elected to the British Parliament, but refused to swear an oath to the English Queen. 亚当斯获选进入英国议会,但拒绝向女王宣誓。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕He admitted that he had lied under oath. 他承认在宣誓后说了谎。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Public officials must take an oath to support the U.S. Constitution. 公务员必须宣誓支持美国宪法。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The president takes the oath of office in a public ceremony. 总统在公开的典礼上进行就职宣誓。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The loyalty oath was intended to protect students from so-called subversive teachers. 效忠宣誓的目的是保护学生免受所谓的颠覆教师的影响。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕He swore an oath of absolute secrecy.他发誓要绝对保密。韦氏高阶〔administer〕An oath was administered to the newly-elected president.新当选的总统履行宣誓手续。21世纪英汉〔administer〕The Chief Justice administers the oath of office to the President at his or her inauguration.首席大法官在总统就职典礼上主持其宣誓仪式。外研社新世纪〔administer〕The test was administered to all 11-year-olds.这项测试的实施对象为所有 11 岁的孩子。 administer an oath (=be the official person who listens to it) 主持宣誓仪式朗文当代〔administer〕To impose, offer, or tender (an oath, for example).宣誓:强迫接受、提供或提出(如誓言)美国传统〔administration〕The dispensing, applying, or tendering of something, such as an oath, a sacrament, or medicine.施用:诸如誓言、誓约或药物的分配、使用、提供美国传统〔affidavit〕A written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized officer.宣誓书:在公证人或其他裁判官员面前经宣誓而立下的书面声明美国传统〔affirmation〕Law A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.【法律】 证词:代替宣誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对宣誓的人做出美国传统〔affirm〕Of 63 Opposition MPs sworn in, 30 opted to affirm rather than swear an oath on the Bible.在宣誓就职的63名反对党议员中, 有30人选择发表确认声明, 而非手按《圣经》起誓。外研社新世纪〔affirm〕To declare solemnly and formally but not under oath.承认:未经宣誓但庄严且正式地声明美国传统〔allegiance〕New officers take an oath of allegiance to their country.新上任的军官宣誓效忠自己的国家。牛津搭配〔attest〕To certify by signature or oath.证明,证实:用签名或誓言来证明是真的美国传统〔attest〕To put under oath.使宣誓,使发誓美国传统〔begorra〕Used as a mild oath.天作证:用作委婉的发誓美国传统〔bind〕He bound himself with an oath.他以誓言约束自己。韦氏高阶〔bind〕I was bound by oath to tell the truth.我受誓言约束必须说真话。牛津同义词〔bind〕Law To place under legal obligation by contract or oath.【法律】 使负义务:为合约或誓言的法律责任所约束美国传统〔call ... back〕You cannot call back your oath.你不能收回你的誓言。21世纪英汉〔complaint〕A formal charge, made under oath, of the commission of a crime or other such offense.控告:经过发誓的对犯罪或其它违法行为的正式指控美国传统〔crossexamination〕Evidence is given on oath and witnesses are subject to cross-examination.证人宣誓后作证,并接受盘问。牛津搭配〔deliberation〕Grand jurors took an oath to keep secret their deliberations.大陪审团成员们宣誓对他们的审议情况保密。英汉大词典〔deponent〕Law One who testifies under oath, especially in writing.【法律】 宣誓证人:写下宣誓书的证人美国传统〔depone〕To testify or declare under oath.宣誓证明:在誓言下证明或宣称美国传统〔deposition〕Law Testimony under oath, especially a statement by a witness that is written down or recorded for use in court at a later date.【法律】 宣誓作证:宣誓作证,尤指通过写下的证词或记录的形式作出的在今后法庭上使用的证词美国传统〔desert〕To abandon (a military post, for example) in violation of orders or an oath.誓绝:以命令或以誓言强制放弃(军队官职等)美国传统〔dishonor〕She dishonored her oath of office.她违背了入职誓言。韦氏高阶〔expletive〕An exclamation or oath, especially one that is profane, vulgar, or obscene.诅咒语:喊叫或誓言,尤指不敬的、粗俗的或淫秽的美国传统〔fealty〕The oath of such fidelity.对此类效忠的宣誓美国传统〔forswear〕To renounce or repudiate under oath.放弃,发誓抛弃美国传统〔grind ... out〕He ground out an oath.他咬牙切齿地诅咒。21世纪英汉〔heck〕Used as a mild oath.咒骂:用作程度较轻的咒骂美国传统〔impatience〕He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off.他不耐烦地把它扔到一边,又骂了一句,然后走开了。柯林斯高阶〔interrogatory〕A formal or written question, as to a witness, usually requiring an answer under oath.质询书:一个向证人提出的正式或书面问题,通常要求以宣誓回答美国传统〔lard〕The sailors' language was richly larded with oaths.水手的言语中搀杂着不少骂人话。英汉大词典〔liege〕No man would break an oath to his liege.没人会违背对君主的承诺。剑桥高阶〔loyalty〕I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.我已发誓效忠皇室。外研社新世纪〔loyalty〕I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy.我已发誓效忠皇室。柯林斯高阶〔mutter〕She heard him mutter an oath under his breath.她听见他低声诅咒。牛津搭配〔nonjuror〕One who refuses to take an oath, as of allegiance.拒绝宣誓(效忠)者:拒绝宣誓的人,如宣誓效忠的美国传统〔oath〕Carl screamed and hurled oaths as he was dragged out of the room.卡尔被从房间里拖出去时大叫大骂。英汉大词典〔oath〕Even today, all new American citizens officially take an oath of allegiance.即使在今天,所有的美国新公民都要进行正式的效忠宣誓。麦克米伦高阶〔oath〕He gave testimony under oath before the grand jury.他在大陪审团面前宣誓作证。外研社新世纪〔oath〕He let out a torrent of oaths.他狠狠咒骂了一通。外研社新世纪〔oath〕He said in testimony given under oath that he was not there the night of the crime.他在法庭上宣誓后做证,案发当晚他不在现场。韦氏高阶〔oath〕He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country's laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕He swore an oath promising to uphold the country's laws and constitution.他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。外研社新世纪〔oath〕He swore on oath that he had never seen me before.他发誓说以前从未见过我。牛津搭配〔oath〕He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.他宣誓效忠于自己移居的国家。牛津搭配〔oath〕He took an oath of loyalty to the government.他宣誓效忠政府。外研社新世纪〔oath〕He took an oath of loyalty to the government.他宣誓效忠政府。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕He uttered an oath and walked away.他咒骂了一句就走了。韦氏高阶〔oath〕He was bound by an oath of secrecy.他受到保密誓言的约束。外研社新世纪〔oath〕He was shouting out oaths as they led him away .他们把他带走时,他大声咒骂着。朗文当代〔oath〕His girlfriend had gone into the witness box and taken the oath.他的女朋友走上证人席宣了誓。外研社新世纪〔oath〕His girlfriend had gone into the witness box and taken the oath.他的女朋友进入证人席并立了誓。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕I promise upon oath to restore to him all the islands which the Ottoman emperors have captured from the Order.我立誓承诺将奥斯曼帝国各个皇帝从骑士团手里夺取的所有岛屿归还给他。外研社新世纪〔oath〕In a U.S. court of law, a witness must swear under oath to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” 在美国的法庭上,证人必须宣誓“说实话,说全部的实话,只说实话”。韦氏高阶〔oath〕Lying under oath is not a trivial offence.已宣誓却撒谎不是小过失。麦克米伦高阶〔oath〕Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪骑士宣誓效忠于君主。剑桥高阶〔oath〕One of the witnesses in the original case confessed that he had lied under oath.原案中的一个证人承认他在宣誓之后撒了谎。外研社新世纪〔oath〕Only a judge is allowed to administer the oath.只有法官才可以主持宣誓(仪式)。牛津搭配〔oath〕Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country.军人必须宣誓效忠于自己的祖国。朗文当代〔oath〕She gave evidence upon oath.她在宣誓之后作了证。外研社新世纪〔oath〕She heard the sound of breaking glass, followed by a muttered oath.她听到打碎玻璃的响声,接着是低声的咒骂。牛津高阶〔oath〕Soldiers under oath to a lord deserted in the cold and lean winters.宣誓效忠君主的士兵在饥寒交迫的冬天逃跑了。外研社新世纪〔oath〕The evidence was given under oath.这一证词是立过誓的。朗文当代〔oath〕The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath.法官提醒证人,他仍然受宣誓的约束。牛津高阶〔oath〕The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.法官提醒证人她宣过誓要据实作证。剑桥高阶〔oath〕The president took the oath of office (=promised to do a government job well before beginning it) .总统宣誓就职。朗文当代〔oath〕The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath (= promised to tell the truth).证人将手放在《圣经》上,起誓要讲真话。剑桥高阶〔oath〕Three officers gave evidence on oath against him.3位警官经宣誓提出了对他不利的证据。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕Three officers gave evidence on oath against him.3名警官在法庭上宣誓后提出了对他不利的证据。外研社新世纪〔oath〕Under oath, Aston finally admitted that he had lied.在宣誓的约束下,阿斯顿终于承认自己撒了谎。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕Wellor let out a foul oath and hurled himself upon him.韦勒骂了一句粗话,然后向他猛扑过去。柯林斯高阶〔oath〕Wellor let out a foul oath and hurled himself upon him.韦勒骂了一句脏话, 然后向他猛扑过去。外研社新世纪〔oath〕Witnesses are required to take the oath (=make this promise) .规定证人要宣誓。朗文当代〔oath〕Witnesses must testify under oath.证人必须先宣誓再作证。牛津搭配〔oath〕Witnesses sometimes lie on oath.证人有时在法庭上宣誓后却作假证。外研社新世纪〔obtestation〕They made oath and obtestation to stand faithfully by one another.他们发誓并庄严地承诺要相互忠贞不渝。英汉大词典〔perjure〕To render (oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately testifying falsely under oath.使做伪证:使某人犯有在宣誓后故意提供假证据的罪责美国传统〔perjury〕Law The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony under oath.【法律】 伪证罪:在宣誓后故意提供假的、易引起误解的或是不完整的证据美国传统〔perjury〕The breach of an oath or a promise.违背誓言或诺言美国传统〔plight〕To give one's solemn oath.庄严地发誓:给某人庄严的誓约美国传统〔plight〕To give or pledge (one's word or oath, for example).保证,发誓:给予或发誓(例如,自己的话或誓言)美国传统〔receive〕The judge received their oath of allegiance.法官听取了他们的忠诚誓言美国传统〔rip out〕He often rips out an oath when he gets angry.他常常一生气就乱骂人。21世纪英汉〔rip〕He ripped out an oath.他狠狠地咒骂了一句。英汉大词典〔shrillness〕Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out.骚乱爆发时,我们周围充斥着尖厉的哭喊声和难以入耳的咒骂声。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕Barons had to swear an oath of allegiance to the king.男爵须宣誓效忠国王。牛津高阶〔swear〕I have sworn an oath to defend her.我发誓要保护她。柯林斯高阶〔swear〕I swore an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.我发誓要陈述实情,言无不尽,绝无半点虚言。剑桥高阶〔swear〕I would be prepared to swear on oath that they didn't see me.我敢发誓他们没看见我。牛津搭配〔swear〕Law To give evidence or testimony under oath.【法律】 起誓后作证:在誓言保证下提供证据或证词美国传统〔swear〕Members have to swear an oath of secrecy.各成员必须宣誓保证要保密。麦克米伦高阶〔swear〕Remember that you have sworn an oath and so must tell the truth.记住你已经宣过誓了,所以必须讲真话。朗文当代〔swear〕They swore (an oath of) allegiance to the United States of America. [=they formally promised that they would be loyal to the United States of America] 他们宣誓效忠于美利坚合众国。韦氏高阶〔swear〕To swear out (a warrant for arrest) by making a charge under oath.经宣誓保证属实后而获得(逮捕令)美国传统〔swervable〕You are being swerved from your oath.你现在的行为背离了你的誓言。21世纪英汉〔take〕The constitution requires MPs to take an oath of allegiance.宪法规定, 议员必须宣誓效忠。外研社新世纪〔testification〕She testified under oath that the defendant was innocent.她发誓证明被告无罪。21世纪英汉〔testify〕The basis for the perjury conviction was he had testified falsely under oath.判定伪证罪的依据是他在宣誓后做了伪证。牛津搭配〔testimony〕A declaration by a witness under oath, as that given before a court or deliberative body.证词:证人在誓言下所做的陈述,如在法庭或审议机构前做的证词美国传统〔unswear〕To retract (an oath), often by swearing another oath.取消前誓:撤回(一个誓言),经常是通过发另外一个誓美国传统〔uphold〕He took an oath to uphold the Constitution.他宣誓捍卫宪法。韦氏高阶〔verify〕To affirm formally or under oath.证明:正式地或在宣誓下证实美国传统〔voir dire〕A preliminary examination of prospective jurors or witnesses under oath to determine their competence or suitability.忠实回答宣誓:宣誓后对陪审员或证人的预先审查,以决定他们的能力或是否胜任美国传统Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath. 在作证之前你得先发誓。译典通Chief executives have to swear an oath certifying that accounts are accurate.总裁必须宣誓证明账目准确。牛津商务He ripped out an angry oath. 他愤怒地咒骂了一句。译典通He took an oath to give up gambling. 他发誓不再赌博。译典通He was answered with a torrent of oaths. 他得到的回答是滔滔不绝的诅咒。译典通I swore an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.我起誓我说的一切都是真的,完完全全,绝无谎言。剑桥国际In the Middle Ages, knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪时,武士要向君主宣誓效忠。剑桥国际Once in the courthouse, they were too frightened to lie under oath, so the whole story came out.一旦站在法庭上,他们就害怕得不敢立誓后说谎,事情真相就暴露出来了。剑桥国际She proudly recited the Oath of Allegiance.她骄傲地背诵了《忠诚誓言》。剑桥国际The oath was administered to him. 他受命宣誓。译典通The Hippocratic oath obliges doctors not to give information about their patients to people who are not involved in treating them.希波克拉底誓言要求医生不能把有关他们病人的消息透露给与病人治疗无关的人。剑桥国际The President took the solemn oath of office. 总统正式宣誓就职。译典通The judge reminded the witness that he was still under oath. 法官提醒证人,他是发过誓的。译典通The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath (= promised to tell the truth).这个证人把她的手放在《圣经》上,起誓要说真话。剑桥国际Witnesses are, of course, under/ (Br also) on oath (= have promised) to tell the truth.证人当然要宣誓说真话。剑桥国际




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