

单词 prefix
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Herr〕Used as a courtesy title in a German-speaking area, prefixed to the surname or professional title of a man.先生,阁下:在说德语的地区,加于人的姓或职称之前的礼貌称呼美国传统〔Monsignor〕Used as a form of address prefixed to the name of such a cleric.用于这种神职人员姓名前的一种称呼形式美国传统〔affix〕Linguistics A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root.【语言学】 词缀:词素,如前缀或后缀,其只能通过附加于词基、词干或词根而出现美国传统〔dedication〕A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem.题献,献辞:写在文学,艺术,或音乐作品前,献给某人以示爱戴和敬仰的话语美国传统〔prefixed〕Calls to Dublin should now be prefixed with 010 3531.现在往都柏林打电话前面要加拨010 3531。柯林斯高阶〔prefixed〕Sulphur-containing compounds are often prefixed by the term 'thio'.含硫化合物的名称前通常有前缀 thio。柯林斯高阶〔prefix〕Prefix “un” to “do” to form the word “undo.” 在do前加un-,构成单词undo。韦氏高阶〔prefix〕A new introduction has been prefixed to the third printing of the book.本书第三次印刷时前面增加了一篇新的序言。21世纪英汉〔prefix〕Add the prefix “re-” to form the words “retell” and “recall.” 加上前缀re-,构成单词retell和recall。韦氏高阶〔prefix〕American members have the letters US prefixed to their code numbers.美国会员的代码前加了字母 US。牛津高阶〔prefix〕Car insurance policies have the prefix MC (for motor car).汽车保险单标有 MC 代号(表示汽车)。牛津高阶〔prefix〕I soon learnt to read the licence plates' prefixes.我很快就学会了看汽车牌照上的前置代号。外研社新世纪〔prefix〕I soon learnt to read the licence plates' prefixes.我很快就学会了识别牌照前面的代码。柯林斯高阶〔prefix〕In the word "unimportant", "un-" is a prefix.在单词 unimportant 中,un- 是前缀。剑桥高阶〔prefix〕She prefixed a few complimentary remarks to her speech.她在演说之前说了几句客套话。21世纪英汉〔prefix〕Stop yourself from prefixing a statement about your feelings with 'I know it's silly but … '.当你说到自己的感受时, 别在前面加上“我知道这很蠢, 不过…”这样的话。外研社新世纪〔prefix〕The cost of the item was prefixed by/with a dollar sign.项目成本前加了美元符号。韦氏高阶〔prefix〕Their code numbers are prefixed with US.他们的代码前加上了字母 US。牛津高阶〔prefix〕To add a prefix to.加上前缀美国传统〔prefix〕To add as a prefix.作为前缀加上美国传统〔prefix〕To telephone from the U.S. use the prefix 011 33 before the numbers given here.从美国打电话要在这里提供的号码前加拨01133。外研社新世纪〔prefix〕To telephone from the US use the prefix 011 33 before the numbers given here.如果从美国打电话,就要在所给号码前加拨011 33。柯林斯高阶〔prepositive〕Put before; prefixed.前置的,前缀的美国传统〔prevocalic〕Of or relating to a form of a linguistic element, such as a suffix, prefix, or word, that occurs only before a vowel.与那些只出现在元音之前的语言要素形式,如后缀、前缀或词语有联系的或仅出现于元音之前的语言要素形式(如后缀、前缀或词语)的美国传统〔productive〕Un- is a productive prefix.un-是一个构词力活跃的前缀。英汉大词典




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