

单词 outlet
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Freudian〕Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许, 正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样, 在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。外研社新世纪〔IN CHARGE OF〕Managing four pizza outlets is extremely hard work. 经营四家比萨饼外卖店是很累人的工作。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕DIY outlets reported sales growth of 1.8%. 自己动手做商店报告销售增长了1.8%。朗文写作活用〔Inari〕A lake of northern Finland with an outlet to the Arctic Ocean. The island-studded lake is a tourist attraction.伊纳里湖:芬兰北部湖泊,有一出口流入北冰洋。湖内散布众多岛屿,是旅游胜地美国传统〔Moray Firth〕An inlet of the North Sea on the northeast coast of Scotland. It is the northern outlet of the Caledonian Canal system.马里湾:北海上的一个海口,位于苏格兰东北部海岸,是喀里多尼亚运河系统的排泄口美国传统〔SHOP/STORE〕Benetton has retail outlets in every major European city. 贝纳通在欧洲各大城市都有零售店。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕The company has been forced to close hundreds of its retail outlets. 这家公司被迫关闭了数百家零售店。朗文写作活用〔Van〕A salt lake of eastern Turkey. The largest lake in the country, it has no known outlet.凡湖:土耳其东部咸水湖。是全国最大的湖泊,且是内陆湖美国传统〔aim〕Mr Martin said he was aiming at a target of 1,000 outlets, to be opened over the next three years.马丁先生说他要力争做到在三年内开一千家直销店。外研社新世纪〔aim〕The project aims to provide an outlet for children's creativity.该项目试图为孩子们的创造性提供一个表现场所。麦克米伦高阶〔blockage〕They had to redirect the flow through the blockage of alternative outlets.他们不得不封闭其他出口来改变流向。外研社新世纪〔canalize〕To provide an outlet for; channel.疏导,流入渠道:为…提供一个出口;导引美国传统〔competition〕Clothing stores also face heavy competition from factory outlets.成衣店也面临着来自工厂直销店的激烈竞争。柯林斯高阶〔concert〕Concert tickets should never be bought from irregular outlets.音乐会门票绝对不要从非正规销售点购买。外研社新世纪〔connect〕To plug in (an electrical cord or device) to an outlet.插入插座:把(电线或电器)插入插座美国传统〔debouch〕The huge outlet debouched the wastewater.大出口排出废水。21世纪英汉〔empire〕In the space of just ten years, her company has grown from one small retail outlet to a multi-million-dollar empire.仅仅10年的时间,她的公司就由一个小商店发展成为一家拥有数百万英镑资产的企业集团。剑桥高阶〔energy〕Football gives them an outlet for their energy.踢足球能让他们释放精力。牛津搭配〔excess〕Basketball provided an outlet for their excess energy.篮球为他们过盛的精力提供了释放途径。韦氏高阶〔exclusive〕These products are exclusive to our outlets.这些商品是我们的门店专卖的。牛津搭配〔factory outlet〕Osage Beach has shopping centers, factory outlet stores, and small shops with country crafts and antiques.欧塞奇比奇有购物中心、工厂直销店以及出售乡村手工艺品和古玩的小店。柯林斯高阶〔franchise〕Most of the Burger King outlets operate as franchises.汉堡王的大多数快餐店都是特许经营的。麦克米伦高阶〔hickey〕A threaded electrical fitting to connect a fixture to an outlet box.螺纹接口:用于接合电气装置和引出盒的螺纹接口美国传统〔jet〕An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream.喷嘴:用于施放流体的出口,如喷嘴美国传统〔nationwide〕We have 350 sales outlets nationwide.我们在全国各地有 350 个销售点。朗文当代〔originate〕The concept of factory outlet shopping originated in America.厂家直销这一概念源于美国。麦克米伦高阶〔outlet mall〕In the last ten years, outlet malls have sprung up all over the country.过去10年中,廉价商品销售中心如雨后春笋般在全国各地冒了出来。剑桥高阶〔outlet〕Basketball provided an outlet for his energy.篮球使他的精力有了释放的渠道。牛津搭配〔outlet〕Benetton has retail outlets in every major European city.贝纳通公司在欧洲各主要城市都有零售店。朗文当代〔outlet〕Clean the sink outlet.清理水槽的排水口。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕Clean the sink outlet.清除洗涤槽出水口的污物。英汉大词典〔outlet〕He took up exercise as an outlet for his anger.他进行锻炼来泄愤。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.她父亲在工作中找到了施展抱负的机会。柯林斯高阶〔outlet〕Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents.她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。剑桥高阶〔outlet〕Is football a good outlet for men's aggression? 足球是男人发泄好斗情绪的有效途径么?朗文当代〔outlet〕Many young people find music their best outlet for creative expression.许多年轻人发现音乐是他们表现创造力的渠道。麦克米伦高阶〔outlet〕Most of their sales are through traditional retail outlets.他们大部分的销售是通过传统的零售店进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔outlet〕She has found an outlet for her talents in the writing of a clever and humorous novel.她在创作一部构思巧妙、语言幽默的小说时找到了施展自己天赋的途径。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕She needed to find an outlet for her many talents and interests.她多才多艺、兴趣广泛,需要找个施展的机会。牛津高阶〔outlet〕She needs an outlet for her talents.她需要发挥才能的机会。牛津搭配〔outlet〕She took up boxing because she needed an outlet for her aggression.她开始练习拳击, 因为她需要为自己的好斗脾性找一个发泄口。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕She used poetry as an outlet for her sadness.她用诗歌表达自己的悲伤。韦氏高阶〔outlet〕Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression.运动成为他攻击性心理的最佳出路。牛津高阶〔outlet〕The appliance can be connected to any standard outlet.这件电器可以连接到任一标准电源插口。牛津搭配〔outlet〕The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone.那家商号仅在本州就有 34 个零售店。牛津高阶〔outlet〕The child needs an outlet for all the energy.这孩子需要有个办法让他发泄浑身的精力。英汉大词典〔outlet〕The railway is the only outlet to the sea.这条铁路是去海边的惟一通道。英汉大词典〔outlet〕They must find new outlets for their industries.他们得为他们的工业品寻找新市场。英汉大词典〔outlet〕They needed a healthy outlet for their anger.他们需要一种健康的方式来宣泄怒火。韦氏高阶〔outlet〕Try to find another outlet for the feelings that are bubbling away inside you.想办法为你心中躁动的情绪寻找另一个宣泄的出口。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕What he needed was an outlet for all his excess energy.他需要的是一个能让他发泄浑身过多精力的途径。麦克米伦高阶〔outlet〕Writing poetry was his only form of emotional outlet.写诗是他宣泄感情的唯一方式。剑桥高阶〔overflow〕An outlet or a vent through which excess liquid may escape.溢流口,溢流管:能使过剩的液体流出去的出口或漏洞美国传统〔overload〕That outlet is overloaded and could start a fire.那个电源插座负荷过多,有可能引起火灾。韦氏高阶〔pansexual〕Exhibiting or suggesting a sexuality that has many different forms, objects, and outlets.泛性主义的:通过不同的形式、物体或发泄方法来展示或显示性的美国传统〔plug〕To connect (an appliance) to an electrical outlet.插入电源:将(电器)联在一个电源插座上美国传统〔point〕Chiefly British An electrical socket or outlet.【多用于英国】 电源插头美国传统〔retail〕The clothing company has six retail outlets (= shops) in Perth.这家服装公司在佩思开设了6家零售店。剑桥高阶〔retail〕We are looking for more retail outlets for our products.我们在为产品寻找更多的零售店。朗文当代〔retort〕A closed laboratory vessel with an outlet tube, used for distillation, sublimation, or decomposition by heat.蒸馏瓶:具有流出口管的实验室封闭器皿,用于加热蒸馏、升华或分解美国传统〔rival〕Local hardware stores can't compete with discount outlets.地方五金商店不能与那些削价商行相竞争。美国传统〔safety valve〕An outlet for the release of repressed energy or emotion.发泄情感方式:发泄被压抑的能量或情感的途径或事物美国传统〔sale〕The novels are delivered to outlets on a sale or return basis.这些小说发给各经销门店,余货包退。牛津搭配〔sprinkler〕An outlet on a sprinkler system.喷洒头:喷射装置上的喷洒头美国传统〔sprout〕Since its first shop was opened in 1976, it has sprouted outlets in 39 countries.自1976年开设第一家店以来, 该公司已在39个国家开设经销店。外研社新世纪〔sprout〕Since its first shop was opened in 1976, it has sprouted outlets in 39 countries.自从 1976 年开设第一家店以来,它已经在 39 个国家里开设了大量分店。柯林斯高阶〔suppress〕These verbs mean to hold in check something requiring or struggling to find an outlet.这些动词表示抑制需要找到发泄途径的某事。美国传统〔surge protector〕A portable device containing electrical outlets that protects equipment plugged into it from a surge in current.电量防止器:配有电源插座的便携装备,可防止插入的配件因电量猛增而受损美国传统〔thoracic outlet syndrome〕Thoracic outlet syndrome can be caused by compression of nerves or blood vessels in the area between the neck and shoulders.胸部出口综合症可能会因颈肩之间的神经或血管受压迫而造成。剑桥高阶〔typical〕With typical energy he found new journalistic outlets.他以其特有的干劲开拓了新的报刊销售渠道。外研社新世纪〔typical〕With typical energy he found new journalistic outlets.他凭着自己特有的干劲找到了新的新闻渠道。柯林斯高阶〔unavailable〕News outlets tried to contact the Senator, but she was unavailable for comment.新闻机构试图联系参议员,但是她无暇发表评论。剑桥高阶〔unplug〕To disconnect (an electric appliance) by removing a plug from an outlet.通过把一个插头从插座上拔下而切断(一个电器的)电源美国传统〔unplug〕To remove (an electric plug) from an outlet.从插座上拔去(一个电源插头)美国传统〔world〕Fast food outlets seem to be taking over the world.快餐店似乎正占领全球。牛津搭配A heat sensor in the nose of the missile locks on/onto (= finds and then follows) the hot exhaust outlet from a target aircraft.导弹头部的热遥感器会锁定跟踪敌机的热排放口。剑桥国际Clean the sink outlet. 清除洗涤槽出水口的污物。译典通Nike outlets are supplied direct from the factory.耐克专卖店由厂家直接供货。牛津商务The bigger breweries own hundreds or thousands of pubs that are outlets for their own beers.更大一些的酿酒厂拥有成千上万家酒馆,这些酒馆是他们自产啤酒的经销店。剑桥国际The business has 34 retail outlets in this state alone.这家企业仅在本州就有 34 家零售专卖店。牛津商务The clothing company has six retail outlets (= shops) in south-eastern Australia.这家服装公司在澳大利亚东南部有6家零售商店。剑桥国际The company multiplied its outlets from 20 to 120.这家公司将其分销店的数量从 20 家增至 120 家。牛津商务The group is rebranding its outlets as ‘Game’.这集团将其门店更名为“游戏”。牛津商务The new law does not allow any retail outlets in this zone but the grandfather clause exempts existing retail outlets.新法规定在这个地区不允许开零售店,但祖父条款规定现有零售店可不受限制。牛津商务The shoe manufacturer had several outlets. 那家鞋业制造商有好几家商店。译典通There is a huge sales outlet for pocket computers. 袖珍电脑有极大的市场。译典通These boys want an outlet for their energy. 要有个办法让这些男孩子发泄他们的精力。译典通These days it's possible to travel in any developed country without ever tasting the native cuisine, thanks to the ubiquity of fast-food outlets (= the fact that they are found everywhere).现今人们可以到任何一个发达国家旅游而不去品尝当地的菜肴, 这得益于无所不在的快餐店。剑桥国际They won the franchise to operate outlets in the UK.他们获得了在英国经营专卖店的特许经营权。牛津商务




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