

单词 oceanic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕Outstanding hospitality and scrupulous attention to detail make The Oceanic one of the finest hotels in the resort. 宾至如归以及关怀备至的特色使大洋宾馆成为度假胜地最好的宾馆之一。朗文写作活用〔NOAA〕National Oceanic and Aeronautic Administration.国家海洋和大气局美国传统〔Oceanic〕Oceanic speakers说大洋洲语族语言的人外研社新世纪〔being〕A staggering multiplicity of oceanic lifeforms came into being.出现了种类异常繁多的海洋生物。外研社新世纪〔epipelagic〕Of or relating to the part of the oceanic zone into which enough sunlight enters for photosynthesis to take place.光合作用带的:与能够获得足够阳光以发生光合作用的广大区域有关的美国传统〔oceanic〕Oceanic art 大洋洲艺术英汉大词典〔oceanic〕But the sky is oceanic, infinite in depth and variety.但天空广阔无垠, 深邃无边, 变化多样。外研社新世纪〔oceanic〕In Chapter 9 we looked at how the atmosphere affects oceanic circulation and waves.在第9章里, 我们了解了大气是如何影响海洋环流和海浪的。外研社新世纪〔oceanic〕Many oceanic islands are volcanic.很多海洋岛屿都是因火山活动而形成的。柯林斯高阶〔oceanic〕Many oceanic islands are volcanic.许多大洋岛都是火山作用形成的。外研社新世纪〔thalassic〕Europe was passing from a thalassic to an oceanic stage of civilization.欧洲正在由近海文明阶段进入大洋文明阶段。英汉大词典




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