

单词 new
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔New World〕the massive growth in imports of good wines from the New World and Australasia从新大陆和澳大拉西亚进口的优质葡萄酒的大量增加外研社新世纪〔REAL〕a new exhibition of abstract paintings 新的抽象画展朗文写作活用〔TWO〕the new twin bridges over the river Clyde 横跨克莱德河的两座新造的姊妹桥朗文写作活用〔appeal〕a new name to give the party wider appeal使该党更具吸引力的新名称外研社新世纪〔assume〕assume a new partner 接受新的合伙人英汉大词典〔attack〕make a new attack on the problem 重新着手解决这个问题英汉大词典〔big〕talked big about the new job.夸大新工作的好处美国传统〔blast〕blast away at that new doctrine 不断猛烈抨击那种新的主义英汉大词典〔blueprint〕the blueprint of a new plan of economic reform经济改革新计划的原型外研社新世纪〔break〕break in an assistant to the new work 训练一名助手使之适应新的工作 英汉大词典〔bud〕the bud of a new idea.一个新思想的萌芽美国传统〔buttery〕buttery new potatoes.抹过黄油的嫩土豆柯林斯高阶〔campaign〕a controversial new advertising campaign 备受争议的一则新广告的宣传活动剑桥高阶〔charge〕new charges alleging the misuse of funds 指称滥用资金的新指控牛津搭配〔child〕new programmes to address the problem of child poverty 致力于解决儿童贫困问题的新计划麦克米伦高阶〔confinement〕those birds that escape confinement and adapt to new environments 逃离樊笼适应新环境的那些鸟牛津搭配〔course〕a new course of medication 新的药物疗程韦氏高阶〔courtesy〕paid a courtesy visit to the new neighbors.对新来的邻居进行礼节性拜访美国传统〔creation〕the creation of a new political party 新政党的建立剑桥高阶〔embracer〕an embracer of new technology 新技术的接纳者韦氏高阶〔exchange〕the New York Futures Exchange, a subsidiary of the New York Stock Exchange纽约期货交易所——纽约证券交易所的下属单位外研社新世纪〔follow〕followed her new friends in everything they did; followed my example and resigned.她模仿新交朋友做的每一件事;他仿效我的例子辞职美国传统〔formation〕the formation of a new government 新政府的组成朗文当代〔friendship〕a hobby which led to a whole new world of friendship and adventure.打开了一片充满友谊和冒险的全新天地的爱好柯林斯高阶〔gangland〕fears of a new gangland drug war 对新一轮黑帮间毒品战的恐惧麦克米伦高阶〔glossary〕a new edition of Shakespeare with a glossary 附有注释词表的新版莎士比亚作品英汉大词典〔graft〕to graft new customs on to old traditions将新习惯引入传统习俗21世纪英汉〔gripping〕a new way of reinforcing rubber which gives car tyres better grip.加固橡胶以增强车胎抓地力的新方法柯林斯高阶〔indoctrinate with〕to indoctrinate one's children with new ideas向某人的孩子灌输新思想21世纪英汉〔initiative〕the government's major new initiative on crime 政府关于犯罪问题的重大新举措牛津搭配〔inject〕to inject somebody with new drugs给某人注射新药21世纪英汉〔kitchen〕a new fitted kitchen (= cupboards that look the same attached to the walls and floor in the kitchen) 全新的整体厨房剑桥高阶〔luggage〕a new set of luggage 一套新行李牛津搭配〔luxury〕a weekend in the luxury of one of New York's premier hotels 在纽约最好的一家旅馆度过的豪华周末麦克米伦高阶〔material〕the design of new absorbent materials新型吸水性材料的设计外研社新世纪〔minister〕the new minister for the Arts 新任艺术部长牛津搭配〔misconception〕had many misconceptions about the new tax program.对新税制有许多误解美国传统〔museum〕a new exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆的新展览麦克米伦高阶〔new wave〕one of the most exciting directors of the Australian new wave 澳大利亚新浪潮派中最为振奋人心的导演之一牛津高阶〔opportunity〕a golden opportunity to invest in new markets 投资新市场的良机牛津搭配〔oppose〕opposes new ideas.反对新的意见美国传统〔popularize〕to popularize a new product.推广新产品。牛津同义词〔pristine〕a pristine, air-conditioned new building 一幢全新的有空调的大楼英汉大词典〔production〕a new Broadway production of a musical.新上演的百老汇音乐剧美国传统〔promotion〕a promotion for a new washing powder一种新洗衣粉的优惠促销活动外研社新世纪〔prospect〕to prospect for new clients 寻找新客户牛津高阶〔publicly〕the New York Public Library.纽约公立图书馆柯林斯高阶〔restock〕to restock Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary in its new edition重新购置新版牛津英汉词典21世纪英汉〔revelation〕new revelations concerning their private lives 对于他们私生活的最新披露牛津搭配〔revolutionary〕a revolutionary new product 具有突破性的新产品韦氏高阶〔seek〕new graduates seeking employment 正在求职的刚毕业的大学生朗文当代〔send-off〕give a new bill a send-off 推动新法案的实施英汉大词典〔shade〕our new range of shades for lips and eyes 我们新色系的唇膏和眼影牛津搭配〔shiny〕a shiny new sports car一款闪亮的新跑车外研社新世纪〔stylist〕the latest exciting new car designed by our team of stylists 我们的设计团队设计的令人为之一振的最新款轿车剑桥高阶〔suite〕a new suite of offices.新的办公套间柯林斯高阶〔tax〕a cut in tax on new cars新车税款的削减外研社新世纪〔vessel〕a New Zealand navy vessel一艘新西兰海军军舰外研社新世纪〔wholly〕a wholly new idea 全新的想法英汉大词典a government bankrupt of new ideas 缺乏新构思的政府牛津商务




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