

单词 never the
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕It was never the department's intention to prevent teachers from trying out new ideas. 系里从未打算阻止老师们尝试新想法。朗文写作活用〔debacle〕After the debacle of the war the world was never the same again.经历了这场战争的惨败之后,世界再也不是原来的那个样子了。柯林斯高阶〔doleful〕He always looks at the doleful side, never the bright side.他总是看悲观的一面,从不看光明的一面。英汉大词典〔excerpt〕I've read only excerpts of/from Moby-Dick, never the whole book.我只读过《白鲸》的选段,从未读过全书。韦氏高阶〔facet〕My job has many different facets and is never the same from day to day.我的工作有许多不同的方面,每天都不一样。牛津搭配〔never the twain shall meet〕As far as he's concerned, work is work, family life is family life, and never the twain shall meet.对他来讲,工作是工作,家庭生活是家庭生活,二者永远也不会扯到一块儿。韦氏高阶〔never〕He was never the wiser for his experience.他虽经一事但并不长一智。英汉大词典〔thing〕Apologizing is never the easiest thing to do.道歉从来就不是一件容易的事情。牛津搭配〔twain〕My son has his views and I have mine and never the twain shall meet.儿子有儿子的观点,我有我的观点,我俩永远说不到一块儿去。英汉大词典〔twain〕They see money as bad and spirituality as good so never the twain shall meet.他们认为金钱邪恶而灵魂高尚, 因此, 二者永远不能共存。外研社新世纪〔twice〕He made mistake after mistake in rapid succession — but never the same mistake twice.他接二连三出差错——但从不出两次同样的差错。英汉大词典〔two〕Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.离婚从来都不是一方的错误:双方都有责任。柯林斯高阶〔two〕Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.离婚从来都不是一方的错误, 双方都有责任。外研社新世纪Bullies and ruffians, swaggerers and drunks occasionally invade these places, but they are never the real danger.仗势欺人者和流氓无赖,流浪汉和醉鬼时不时侵入这些地方,但他们决非真正的危险。剑桥国际For all my advice she was never the wiser. 虽然我全力指点,她还是一窍不通。译典通She wondered if she was destined to be always a / the bridesmaid, never the bride (= She asked herself if she would ever get married).她猜想也许自己注定只能总是做伴娘,永远当不成新娘。剑桥国际




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