

单词 against
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕an unsuccessful attempt to mount a rebellion against British rule 一次发动反抗英国统治的不成功的尝试朗文写作活用〔act〕act against the public interest 违反公众利益英汉大词典〔against〕against the current逆流21世纪英汉〔against〕a vaccine which is effective against pneumonia 一种预防肺炎的疫苗朗文当代〔against〕act against one's conscience 行事违背良心英汉大词典〔against〕discrimination against women 对妇女的歧视朗文当代〔ally〕groups allied against the Taliban联合起来抵抗塔利班的团体外研社新世纪〔antidote〕an antidote against inflation. 反通货膨胀的手段 美国传统〔blunder against〕to blunder against the wall误撞墙上21世纪英汉〔bring against〕to bring an accusation against someone控诉某人21世纪英汉〔conspiracy〕a conspiracy against the king 反对国王的阴谋牛津搭配〔demonstrator〕demonstrators protesting against the lack of housing 抗议住房紧缺的示威者牛津搭配〔discrimination〕discrimination against immigrants.对移民的歧视柯林斯高阶〔discrimination〕discrimination against women [immigrants] 歧视妇女[移民]文馨英汉〔dismiss〕their attempt to have the case against them dismissed.想让指控他们的诉讼案被驳回的企图柯林斯高阶〔draw against〕to draw a cheque against an account开一张与账户有往来的支票21世纪英汉〔etch〕a landscape that is forever etched in my memory; trees that were etched against the winter sky.永远铭刻在我记忆中的一幅风景画;在冬日天空的衬托下轮廓清晰的树美国传统〔eventuality〕take precautions against every eventuality 预防各种意外事件的发生英汉大词典〔file〕file complaints against sb.对某人提起控诉英汉大词典〔for〕the case for and the case against disarmament 支持和反对裁军的理由韦氏高阶〔frame〕frame a case against sb.捏造案子陷害某人英汉大词典〔grunt〕the civilians' grunts against the soldiers 老百姓对士兵们的啧啧怨言英汉大词典〔guerrilla〕operations against anti-government guerrillas in the countryside打击农村反政府游击队的军事行动外研社新世纪〔hedge〕a strong hedge against inflation 避免通货膨胀损失的强有力的保值措施英汉大词典〔helpless〕be helpless against a formidable enemy 无力抵御强敌 英汉大词典〔hostility〕the deep hostility felt by many teenagers against the police 很多青少年对警察怀有的根深蒂固的敌视情绪牛津搭配〔implement〕implement the ban against press censorship 实施停止新闻检查的禁令英汉大词典〔intrigue〕to intrigue against one's friends阴谋陷害朋友21世纪英汉〔launch〕launch an offensive against the enemy 对敌人发动攻势文馨英汉〔lean〕to lean against the fence.倚靠着篱笆。牛津同义词〔line up against〕to line up against the wall靠墙排齐21世纪英汉〔offensive〕launch an all-out offensive against the enemy 向敌人发动全面进攻英汉大词典〔offset〕to offset beauty against ugliness把美和丑放在一起(以突出美)21世纪英汉〔oscillation〕the oscillations of the pound against foreign currency 英镑兑外币汇价的波动牛津高阶〔overtime〕an impressive overtime win against Denver 击败丹佛队的一场漂亮的加时赛牛津搭配〔play〕a parent who played off one child against another.让一个孩子与另一个孩子相斗的家长美国传统〔polemicize〕to polemicize against something为反对某事而争辩[亦作 polemize]21世纪英汉〔principled〕to take a principled stand against abortion 采取反堕胎的原则性立场牛津高阶〔proof〕be proof against all temptations 能抵制一切诱惑英汉大词典〔protest〕a protest against the company's tests on live animals对该公司进行动物活体实验的公开抗议外研社新世纪〔rally〕a mass rally against the treaty 反对该条约的群众集会牛津搭配〔rebellion〕rebellion against their parents 他们与父母对抗牛津搭配〔rebel〕military operations against the rebels 对抗叛乱者的军事行动牛津搭配〔reprisal〕take bloody reprisals against the enemy 对敌人进行血腥报复 英汉大词典〔revolt〕a revolt against authority 对权威的反抗朗文当代〔row〕row against a champion team 与冠军队进行划船比赛英汉大词典〔sanction〕to sanction the embargo against (a country)对(某国)实行禁运制裁21世纪英汉〔skyline〕a church silhouetted against the skyline 凸现在地平线上的教堂轮廓英汉大词典〔smack〕the smack of ball against bat球拍击球的声音外研社新世纪〔stack〕logs stacked up against a wall 靠墙码放着的木头牛津高阶〔stream〕run against the stream of current fashion 违背时尚潮流英汉大词典〔stricture〕the old stricture against cutting salad with a knife 对用餐刀切色拉的一贯批评英汉大词典〔stringent〕take stringent measures against bribery 对行贿受贿采取严厉措施英汉大词典〔uprising〕stage an armed uprising against tyranny 举行武装起义反对暴政英汉大词典〔up〕be up against starvation (a worsening economic crisis) 面临饥饿(日趋恶化的经济危机) 英汉大词典〔victory〕a victory against racism 反种族主义的胜利牛津搭配〔warranty〕a warranty against storm damage 对风暴造成的损坏的保修牛津搭配〔war〕war against vice (illness) 与罪恶(疾病)作斗争英汉大词典〔weakness〕the weakness of the dollar against the pound 美元对英镑的疲软牛津高阶〔wham〕wham one's fist against the wall 用拳头砰砰地捶墙英汉大词典




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