

单词 on the canvas
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHAPE〕In her later works, large, amorphous shapes seem to float on the canvas. 她后期的作品中,一个个大大的、说不清楚是什么形状的图案就好像漂浮在画布上似的。朗文写作活用〔knockdown〕There was another knockdown, but this time it was a push from Khan that put the American on the canvas.再次出现击倒对手的一击, 但是这次是卡恩把美国人击倒在拳击台上。外研社新世纪〔lay〕In Impressionism the paint was laid on the canvas in dabs.在印象派绘画中, 颜料被一点点轻涂在画布上。外研社新世纪〔swirl〕He painted swirls of color on the canvas.他在画布上画了色彩旋涡。韦氏高阶She mixes her colours on the canvas rather than on the palette.她在油画布而不是调色板上调色。剑桥国际With a few bold strokes of her brush she had captured his face on the canvas.她用雄浑的寥寥几笔就在画布上捕捉住了他的面容。剑桥国际




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