

单词 one word
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Is ‘lunchtime’ one word or two? lunchtime是一个单词还是两个单词?朗文写作活用〔box〕Only insert one word per box.每格只能填一个词。外研社新世纪〔congruent〕English stone and German stein are congruent because they used to be one word in Primitive Germanic.英语 stone 和德语stein在形态上是一致的,因为两者在原始日耳曼语中是同一个词。英汉大词典〔cross-refer〕In this dictionary capital letters are used to cross-refer from one word to another.在这本词典中,大写字母被用来指引读者从一个词去参看另一个词。英汉大词典〔dead〕One word of this to Sam and you're dead meat (=you are in serious trouble and someone is very angry with you) ! 这事让萨姆知道的话你要倒大霉的!朗文当代〔explode〕This time Cambronne exploded with a one word response: 'Damn!'这次坎布伦大怒, 只回应了一个字:“呸!”外研社新世纪〔more〕She will not speak one word more.她不再说了。文馨英汉〔neutralize〕My efforts were neutralized by your one word.你的一句话把我的一切努力全给毁了。21世纪英汉〔not〕He didn't speak to me—not one word.他没跟我说话,一个字也没说。牛津高阶〔not〕I sent report after report. But not one word was published.我寄了一篇又一篇的报告,但一个字都没有发表。柯林斯高阶〔stultification〕Your efforts would be stultified by one word of mine.只要我说一句话就能使你的一切努力化为灰烬。21世纪英汉〔suffice for〕The clever man is sufficed for one word.聪明人一点就通。21世纪英汉〔unflagging〕The book is not one word too long and its narrative pace is unflagging.这本书文字简洁,叙事流畅。柯林斯高阶〔unflagging〕The book is not one word too long and its narrative pace is unflagging.这本书文字简练, 叙事流畅。外研社新世纪〔untruth〕I have never uttered one word of untruth.我从未说过一句假话。柯林斯高阶〔untruth〕I have never uttered one word of untruth.我从未说过一句假话。外研社新世纪〔uppermost〕The one word which seems to be uppermost in every discussion is money.每次讨论都好像只有一个字最重要,那就是“钱”。朗文当代〔wrap ... up〕Our goal can be wrapped up in one word ——quality!我们的目标可以归结为一个词 ——质量!21世纪英汉Her translation is too literal (= done one word at a time and therefore unnatural) , resulting in heavy, colorless prose.她的翻译完全按字面来翻,使散文变得沉闷、没有生气。剑桥国际There was one tomb more lordly than all the rest, and on it was but one word, Dracula.有一个坟墓比其他所有的坟墓更庄严肃穆,上面只有四个字,德拉库拉(吸血鬼之王)。剑桥国际




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