

单词 nuclear power
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔arrival〕the arrival of nuclear power 核能的出现英汉大词典〔civil〕the development of nuclear power for military and civil use 供军用及民用核能的发展麦克米伦高阶〔construction〕the only nuclear power station that is under construction in Britain英国唯一一座在建核电站外研社新世纪〔construction〕the only nuclear power station under construction in Britain.英国唯一一家在建的核电站柯林斯高阶〔cost〕the environmental cost of nuclear power 核动力的环境代价牛津搭配〔cost〕the environmental cost of nuclear power 核能对环境的破坏牛津高阶〔credible〕a credible alternative to nuclear power 原子能的可靠替代物朗文当代〔decommission〕to decommission a nuclear power plant关闭一间核动力工厂21世纪英汉〔documentary〕a television documentary about/on the future of nuclear power 关于核能前景的纪实电视片牛津高阶〔emphasis〕opposition to nuclear power plants, with the accent on total elimination; 反对核电站,并强调要彻底消除;美国传统〔factory〕a nuclear power plant 核电厂牛津高阶〔full-scale〕a full-scale campaign against the use of nuclear power plants.坚决反对建立核工厂的运动美国传统〔generation〕the first generation of nuclear power stations 第一代核电站朗文当代〔hostility〕public hostility to nuclear power 公众对核动力的愤然反对牛津高阶〔incidence〕an increased incidence of cancer near nuclear power stations 核电站附近癌症发病率的上升剑桥高阶〔instrumentation〕instrumentation of a nuclear power reactor 核能反应器的仪器使用文馨英汉〔line〕bring a nuclear power plant on line 使核电站投产 英汉大词典〔mothball〕the decision to mothball the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, for safety and political reasons.出于安全和政治原因,暂时关闭巴丹核电厂的决定柯林斯高阶〔multimedia〕a multimedia exhibition on nuclear power 多媒体核能展览朗文当代〔nuclear〕a nuclear power plant 核电站剑桥高阶〔nuclear〕a nuclear power plant 核电站英汉大词典〔nuclear〕a nuclear power plant 核电站麦克米伦高阶〔nuclear〕a nuclear power station 核电站朗文当代〔nuclear〕a nuclear power station 核电站牛津高阶〔nuclear〕a nuclear power station.核电站柯林斯高阶〔objection〕a common objection against nuclear power 对核能的普遍反对牛津搭配〔operator〕the operator of a nuclear power plant 核电站管理者韦氏高阶〔out of date〕out-of-date nuclear power stations.废弃的核电站柯林斯高阶〔out-of-date〕out-of-date nuclear power stations废弃的核电站外研社新世纪〔peaceful〕the use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes 为了和平目的的核能利用朗文当代〔perception〕the public/public's perception of nuclear power 公众对核能的认识韦氏高阶〔power station〕a nuclear power station 核电站牛津高阶〔quest〕a quest for nuclear power 对核动力的探求英汉大词典〔radiation〕a radiation l eak from a nuclear power station 核电站的辐射泄漏牛津高阶〔radiation〕radiation leaking from nuclear power stations 核电站泄漏出的辐射牛津搭配〔radioactivity〕the amount of radioactivity released by nuclear power plants 核电厂释放出的辐射量牛津搭配〔station〕a nuclear power station 核电站英汉大词典




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