

单词 pedalling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENERGETIC〕A group of cyclists passed us, pedalling energetically up the hill. 一群自行车手从我们身边经过,有力地蹬着踏板往山上骑去。朗文写作活用〔furiously〕I was pedalling furiously to try to keep up with the other children.我拼命蹬车试图赶上其他的孩子。剑桥高阶〔pedal〕He began pedalling home as fast as he could.他开始尽可能快速地蹬车奔向家里。麦克米伦高阶〔pedal〕His legs were aching from pedalling too fast.他的两条腿因为蹬得太快而酸疼。外研社新世纪〔pedal〕I saw her pedalling along the towpath.我看见她在纤道上骑自行车。牛津高阶〔pedal〕She had been pedalling her exercise bike all morning.她整个上午都在蹬健身车。牛津高阶〔pedal〕She was pedalling furiously (=very fast) .她飞快地踩着踏板。朗文当代〔pedal〕We were pedalling like mad (= very fast) against the wind, but didn't seem to be getting anywhere.我们逆着风拼命地骑着车,但似乎没有骑多远。剑桥高阶We were pedalling like mad (= very fast) against the wind, but didn't seem to be getting anywhere.我们拼命地顶着风骑,但好像一点都不前进。剑桥国际




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