单词 | ocean |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abaco and Cays〕An island group, the northernmost of the Bahamas, in the Atlantic Ocean east of southern Florida.阿巴科和塞斯群岛:巴哈马最北部的一个群岛,在南佛罗里达东部的大西洋上美国传统〔Admiralty Inlet〕An arm of the Pacific Ocean in northwest Washington. It is the northernmost part of Puget Sound and lies between Whidbey Island and the mainland.阿德默勒尔蒂湾:太平洋一海湾,位于美国华盛顿州的西北部。是普吉特湾的最北端,位于惠德贝岛及美国大陆之间美国传统〔Albemarle Sound〕A large body of shallow, generally fresh water in northeast North Carolina. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow barrier island.阿尔伯马尔湾:美国位于北卡罗来纳州东北部的大湖湖体,水浅且基本为淡水。它被一狭长岛礁与大西洋隔开美国传统〔Antarctic Ocean〕The waters surrounding Antarctica, actually the southern extensions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.南冰洋:南极洲周围的水域,实际上是大西洋、太平洋和印度洋南部的延伸美国传统〔Assateague Island〕A long narrow island along the coast of Maryland and Virginia separating Chincoteague Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular resort area.阿萨蒂格岛:沿马里兰和弗吉尼亚海岸将琴可替格湾和大西洋分割开的一个狭长岛屿。是一受欢迎的风景胜地美国传统〔Atlantic〕Abbr. Atl.Of, in, near, upon, or relating to the Atlantic Ocean.缩写 Atl.大西洋的:大西洋的、大西洋里的、大西洋附近的、大西洋上的、或与大西洋有关的美国传统〔Atlantic〕Of or concerning countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean, especially those of Europe and North America.大西洋沿岸国家的:大西洋沿岸国家的或与之有联系的,尤指这那些欧洲及北美国家美国传统〔Atlantis〕A legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, said by Plato to have sunk beneath the sea during an earthquake.亚特兰蒂斯:大西洋中一传说岛屿,位于直布罗陀西部,柏拉图声称在一场地震中沉入海底美国传统〔Austronesia〕The islands of the Pacific Ocean, including Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.南岛:太平洋岛屿总称,包括印度尼西亚群岛、美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚及波利尼西亚美国传统〔Axel Heiberg〕An island of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean west of Ellesmere Island.阿克塞尔:加拿大西北地区北部的一个岛,位于埃尔斯米尔岛西部的北冰洋中美国传统〔Banks Island〕An island of northwest Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean west of Victoria Island. It is the westernmost island of the Arctic Archipelago.班克斯岛:加拿大西北领地西北部一岛屿,位于北冰洋内维多利亚岛以西。是北极群岛最西的岛屿美国传统〔Bengal〕An arm of the Indian Ocean bordered by Sri Lanka and India on the west, Bangladesh on the north, and Burma and Thailand on the east.孟加拉湾:印度洋的一个海湾,西面以斯里兰卡和印度为界,北面以孟加拉国为界,东面以缅甸和泰国为界美国传统〔Bras d'Or Lake〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting deeply into Cape Breton Island in southeast Canada.布拉斯德奥湖:大西洋的一个海湾,深嵌入加拿大东南部的布雷敦岛海角美国传统〔Bristol Channel〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean stretching west from the Severn River and separating Wales from southwest England. It is a major shipping route.布里斯托尔海峡:大西洋的一个海湾,从塞文河向西延伸,把威尔士同英格兰西南部分开。是一主要的船运航线美国传统〔COPY〕The 1957 photo shows him holding a scale model of an ocean liner he built entirely by hand. 在这张摄于1957年的照片上,他拿着一艘自己完全用手工制作的按比例缩小的远洋邮轮模型。朗文写作活用〔Casco Bay〕A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southwest Maine. The bay, with its wooded, hilly islands, is a popular vacation area.卡斯科湾:大西洋的一个深水小湾,位于美国缅因州西南部。该湾以其林木葱郁、多山的岛屿而成为一个大众喜爱的度假圣地美国传统〔Coast Ranges〕A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.海岸山脉:北美洲最西部的一系列山脉,沿太平洋海岸线从美国阿拉斯加东南延伸到下加利福尼亚.美国传统〔Connemara〕A region of western Ireland on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The area is noted for its peat bogs and mountainous terrain.康尼马拉:爱尔兰西部一地区,位于大西洋沿岸。此地以泥炭沼和山地出名美国传统〔Delaware Bay〕An estuary of the Delaware River emptying into the Atlantic Ocean between eastern Delaware and southern New Jersey.特拉华湾:特拉华河流入大西洋的河口,位于特拉华州东部和新泽西州南部之间美国传统〔Drake Passage〕A strait between Cape Horn and Antarctica. It connects the southern Atlantic and Pacific oceans.德雷克海峡:好望角与南极洲之间的一个海峡,连接大西洋与太平洋美国传统〔EXIST〕The Atlantic Ocean did not exist 150 million years ago. 一亿五千万年前大西洋并不存在。朗文写作活用〔East Siberian Sea〕An arm of the Arctic Ocean extending from Wrangel Island to the New Siberian Islands.东西伯利亚海:北冰洋一个海湾,从弗兰格尔岛一直延伸到新西伯利亚各岛美国传统〔Faial〕An island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Faial is noted for its abundant plant life.法亚尔:北大西洋中的一个岛,位于艾兹鲁中部。法亚尔因其大量的植物而闻名美国传统〔Florida〕A sea passage between Cuba and the Florida Keys, linking the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic Ocean.佛罗里达海峡:古巴和佛罗里达岛之间将墨西哥湾和大西洋连接起来的海上通道美国传统〔Formosa Strait〕An arm of the Pacific Ocean between Taiwan province and mainland China. It links the East China Sea with the South China Sea.台湾海峡:台湾省和中国大陆之间的一个太平洋海湾。连结着中国的东海和南海美国传统〔Foxe Basin〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between the Melville Peninsula and Baffin Island in Northwest Territories, Canada.福克斯湾:大西洋麦维尔半岛与巴芬岛之间的狭长港湾,位于加拿大的西北地区美国传统〔Fundy〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in southeast Canada between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.芬迪湾:加拿大东南部大西洋的一个小海湾,位于新不伦瑞克省和新斯科舍省之间美国传统〔Gambier Islands〕An island group of the south-central Pacific Ocean, part of French Polynesia.甘比尔群岛:处于太平洋中南部的一组群岛,是波利尼西亚的一部分美国传统〔Great South Bay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between the southern shore of Long Island and offshore barrier islands.大南湾:大西洋的一块狭长海域,位于长岛南面海岸和离岸的障碍岛屿之间美国传统〔Guinea〕A broad inlet of the Atlantic Ocean formed by the great bend in the west-central coast of Africa. It includes the Bights of Benin and Biafra.几内亚湾:大西洋一宽阔海湾,由非洲中西部海岸的大转弯形成。包括贝宁湾和比夫拉湾美国传统〔HERE/NOT HERE〕I love it here - it's so quiet and peaceful near the ocean. 我很喜欢这里—靠近海边,那么地宁静。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕Rescue workers saved a 9-year-old boy who was clinging to rocks after he was swept into the ocean by the tide. 营救人员救起了一名九岁男孩,他被潮水冲到海里后紧紧地攀附在岩石上。朗文写作活用〔Hawke Bay〕A large inlet of the southern Pacific Ocean on the east-central coast of North Island, New Zealand.霍克湾:位于新西兰北岛中东部海岸太平洋南部的一个大海湾美国传统〔Humboldt Bay〕A sheltered inlet of the Pacific Ocean in northwest California.洪堡湾:美国加利福尼亚州西北一濒临太平洋的避风港湾美国传统〔IMPRESS〕The guest house was on the side of the cliff, with breathtaking views of the ocean below. 宾馆坐落在悬崖边,一眼望去,下面就是大海,景色壮观。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕The discovery of the Titanic, twenty miles below the ocean surface, rekindled interest in the ship. 在离海面20英里深的海底发现了泰坦尼克号,于是又引发了人们对这艘船的兴趣。朗文写作活用〔Kyushu〕The southernmost of the major islands of Japan, in the southwest on the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.九州:日本最南端的主要岛屿,在西南部,位于东中国海和太平洋上美国传统〔LITTLE〕The United States pledge of $100 million to the rainforest fund is a drop in the ocean. 美国许诺向雨林基金提供的一亿美元只是杯水车薪。朗文写作活用〔Labrador Current〕A cold ocean current flowing southward from Baffin Bay along the coast of Labrador and turning east after intersecting with the Gulf Stream.拉布拉多寒流:一股从巴芬湾沿拉布拉多半岛东岸向南流动的大洋寒流,它与墨西哥湾流汇合后转向东流美国传统〔Leeward Islands〕A chain of small islets of Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean west-northwest of the main islands. The Leewards constitute a government bird sanctuary.利华德群岛:太平洋中部的夏威夷一带的小岛,位于主要岛屿的西北偏西方向。利华德群岛是一处政府规定的鸟类保护区美国传统〔Loyalty Islands〕A group of coral islands of the southwest Pacific Ocean northwest of New Caledonia, of which they are an administrative division.洛亚提岛:新大不列颠岛西北部,太平洋西南部的一群珊瑚岛屿,它们属于新大不列颠岛的一个行政区域美国传统〔MIDDLE〕The islands lie in the Indian Ocean midway between Madagascar and Tanzania. 这些岛屿位于马达加斯加和坦桑尼亚中间的印度洋上。朗文写作活用〔Massachusetts Bay〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean off eastern Massachusetts extending from Cape Ann in the north to Cape Cod in the south.马萨诸塞湾:美国马萨诸塞州东部大西洋入口处,北起安角,南到鳕鱼角美国传统〔Morris Jesup〕A cape of northern Greenland on the Arctic Ocean. It is the northernmost point in the world.莫里斯杰沙角:格林兰岛北部一海角,位于北冰洋中。它是世界的最北端美国传统〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕El Nino is caused by abnormal amounts of warm water in the Pacific Ocean. “厄尔尼诺”现象是太平洋温水量异常造成的。朗文写作活用〔Narragansett Bay〕A deep inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in eastern Rhode Island. There are many good harbors and resort areas along its shores.纳拉甘塞特海湾:东部罗得岛的大西洋一个深水湾。沿此海岸有许多好的海港和名胜地区美国传统〔North Atlantic Current〕The northern extension of the Gulf Stream in the northern Atlantic Ocean. It warms the coast and affects the climate of northwest Europe.北大西洋流:墨西哥湾流于北大西洋的北支。其带来沿岸温暖的气候并影响西北欧的天气美国传统〔North Channel〕A strait between Scotland and Northern Ireland. It connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Irish Sea.北海峡:苏格兰与北爱尔兰岛之间的海峡。连接大西洋与爱尔兰海美国传统〔North Slope〕A region of northern Alaska between the Brooks Range and the Arctic Ocean. There are oil and natural gas reserves in the area around Prudhoe Bay.北斯洛蒲:北阿拉斯加的地区,在布鲁克斯山脉和北冰洋之间。普拉德霍湾附近有石油和天然气储藏美国传统〔Norwegian Sea〕A section of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Norway north of the North Sea.挪威海:大西洋的部分,离开挪威海岸,在北海北部美国传统〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕If you look out of the bedroom window, you can see the ocean. 从卧室的窗户往外看可以见到大海。朗文写作活用〔Oceanid〕Any of the ocean nymphs believed to be the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.大洋的女神:任何一个被认为是奥西娜斯和黛西斯的女儿的大洋女神美国传统〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Our knowledge of the deepest parts of the ocean has advanced considerably over the last ten years. 我们对于海洋最深处的知识在过去的十年里取得了相当大的进步。朗文写作活用〔Pacific Rim〕The countries and landmasses surrounding the Pacific Ocean, often considered as a socioeconomic region.太平洋圈:环太平洋的国家和地区,经常被认为是一个社会经济学区美国传统〔Pacific〕Of or concerning countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, especially those of Asia and North America.太平洋国家的:与太平洋临界或周边的国家的,尤指位于亚洲与北美的国家美国传统〔Pamlico Sound〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between the eastern coast of North Carolina and a row of low, sandy barrier islands. Fish, oysters, and wildlife abound.帕姆利科湾:大西洋的一个入口,位于北卡罗来纳东海岸和一排低的沙质岛屿之间。富产鱼、牡蛎和野生动物美国传统〔Panama〕A wide inlet of the Pacific Ocean on the southern coast of Panama.巴拿马海湾:巴拿马南部海岸,太平洋的一个宽的海湾美国传统〔Patos〕A shallow tidal lagoon of southeast Brazil. Separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a wide sandbar, it is an important fishing ground.帕托斯湖:巴西东南部一浅泻湖,由一道宽大的沙堤把它与大西洋隔开,是一重要的渔业基地美国传统〔Prince of Wales Island〕An island of northern Northwest Territories, Canada, in the Arctic Ocean northeast of Victoria Island.威尔士王子岛:加拿大西北领地北部一岛,位于维多利亚岛东北部的北冰洋内美国传统〔REACH〕The Soviet Union extended all the way from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. 苏联领土一直从波罗的海延伸至太平洋。朗文写作活用〔Ring of Fire〕An extensive zone of volcanic and seismic activity that coincides roughly with the borders of the Pacific Ocean.太平洋火圈:一个火山和地震活动的广大地带,它大致与太平洋的界线相吻合美国传统〔Sagami Sea〕A bay of the western Pacific Ocean on the east-central coast of Honshu, Japan, south-southwest of Tokyo.相模海:日本本州岛中东部海岸、太平洋西部的一个海湾,位于东京的西南偏南美国传统〔Saint George's Channel〕A strait between western Wales and southeast Ireland. It connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Irish Sea.圣乔治海峡:威尔士西部和爱尔兰东南部之间的海峡,连接大西洋和爱尔兰海美国传统〔San Lucas〕A cape of western Mexico at the southern tip of Baja California extending into the Pacific Ocean.圣卢卡斯角:墨西哥西部一个伸入太平洋内的海角,位于加利福尼亚半岛南端美国传统〔Savaii〕An island of Western Samoa in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It is the largest and most westerly of the Samoa Islands.萨瓦伊岛:西南太平洋岛国西萨摩亚的一个岛屿,是萨摩亚群岛中最大和最西边的岛屿美国传统〔Schouten Islands〕An island group of eastern Indonesia in the southern Pacific Ocean off the northern coast of New Guinea.斯考顿群岛的:南太平洋菲律宾东部的群岛,位于新几内亚北部海岸美国传统〔Svalbard〕A Norwegian archipelago comprising Spitsbergen and other islands in the Arctic Ocean north of the mainland. The islands are rich in mineral resources.斯瓦尔巴:挪威王国群岛,包括斯匹次卑尔根群岛和大陆北部的北冰洋中的其他岛屿,这些岛屿矿产资源丰富美国传统〔THROW〕Toxic waste is being dumped into the ocean. 有毒废弃物不断被倒进海里。朗文写作活用〔Tenerife〕An island in the Canary Islands of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest island in the group.特内里费岛:太西洋中属西班牙的加那利群岛中的一个岛屿。是群岛中最大的岛屿美国传统〔Terceira〕A Portuguese island of the central Azores in the northern Atlantic Ocean.特尔赛拉岛:北大西洋上亚速尔群岛中部,属于葡萄牙的一个岛屿美国传统〔Tillamook Bay〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean in northwest Oregon. The surrounding area is noted for its cheese.提勒莫克湾:太平洋一海湾,位于美国俄勒冈州西北部,其周围地区以生产奶酪闻名美国传统〔Vanua Levu〕A volcanic island of Fiji in the southern Pacific Ocean northeast of Viti Levu. Sugar cane is important to the island's economy.瓦努瓦岛:南太平洋斐济的一个火山岛,位于维提岛的东北部。甘蔗在此岛的经济中占重要地位美国传统〔West Coast〕A region of the western United States bordering on the Pacific Ocean and including Washington, Oregon, and California.西海岸:美国西部临太平洋的地区,包括华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚州美国传统〔Wilson cycle〕The cyclical opening and closing of ocean basins caused by movement of the earth's plates.威尔逊周期:由于地球板块移动所引起的周期性海洋出现和消失美国传统〔a drop in the ocean〕My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.我的抗议书不过是杯水车薪。剑桥高阶〔areal〕They attempted to calculate the areal extent of the Indian ocean earthquake of 2004.他们尝试计算2004年印度洋地震波及的区域范围。剑桥高阶〔backdrop〕The ocean provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic dinner.以大海为背景的浪漫晚餐真是再完美不过了!牛津搭配〔base〕The coast guard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.海岸警备队把营救小队分驻在沿海一带。英汉大词典〔beaked whale〕Any of various toothed whales of the family Ziphiidae, having a long beaklike snout and a small dorsal fin and inhabiting all of the oceans.啄鲸:剑吻鲸科的任一种齿鲸,有鸟啄状的长口鼻、小背鳍,并出没于所有海洋中美国传统〔beautiful〕Our hotel room had a beautiful view of the ocean.在我们宾馆的房间可看到美丽的海景。韦氏高阶〔begin〕The ocean begins here.海洋由此开始。文馨英汉〔beyond〕We passed the hotel and drove a bit beyond to see the ocean.我们驶过宾馆又开了一小段去看了看海。韦氏高阶〔block〕Our hotel is a block from the ocean.我们的旅馆与大海隔一个街区。韦氏高阶〔bluff〕They stood on the bluffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean.他们站在峭壁上眺望太平洋。韦氏高阶〔boil〕The ocean was boiling.海洋波涛汹涌。外研社新世纪〔border〕California borders the Pacific Ocean.加利福尼亚州与太平洋毗连。21世纪英汉〔border〕China borders on the Pacific Ocean.中国与太平洋毗连。21世纪英汉〔breathe〕Wyatt breathed in the cool ocean air.怀亚特吸入凉爽的海风。朗文当代〔brine〕The water of a sea or an ocean.海水,大洋水美国传统〔canal〕The Panama Canal provides a crucial shipping link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.巴拿马运河是连接大西洋和太平洋至关重要的航道。剑桥高阶〔capability〕Scientists were developing the capability to forecast ocean conditions in the same way as meteorologists forecast weather.科学家们正在设法预测海洋状况, 就像气象学家预测天气那样。外研社新世纪〔carry〕The raft was carried by ocean currents to a small island.这木筏被海洋的水流带到了一个小岛。英汉大词典〔chart〕Scientists have been charting temperature changes in the oceans.科学家们一直在记录海洋的温度变化。朗文当代〔chop〕An area of choppy water, as on an ocean.碎浪区:海洋等有碎浪的区域美国传统〔cisatlantic〕Situated on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.位于大西洋这一边的美国传统〔clear〕We have a clear view of the ocean from our hotel window.从酒店的窗口我们可以一览无余地看到大海。剑桥高阶〔come〕Legend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean.传说这个部落是从太平洋的那一边过来的。朗文当代〔condense〕Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是, 用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。外研社新世纪〔cruise〕Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.现在的班机以高速作越洋飞行。21世纪英汉〔denizen〕Gannets are denizens of the open ocean.鲣鸟栖息在外海地区。外研社新世纪〔diastrophism〕The process of deformation by which the major features of the earth's crust, including continents, mountains, ocean beds, folds, and faults, are formed.地壳变动:地壳上大陆、山脉、海床、褶皱和断层等主要地貌形成的变形过程美国传统〔disgorge〕The Changjiang River disgorges tons of waters and muds into the ocean.长江把大量泥水倾注入海。21世纪英汉〔down〕The space capsule came down in the ocean.太空舱落入了海里。剑桥高阶〔drift on〕The ship was drifting on the ocean.那条船正在海洋上漂流。21世纪英汉〔drop〕Even this is a drop in the ocean compared to the sums wasted on promotion.跟浪费在宣传上的钱相比, 这也只算是沧海一粟。外研社新世纪〔drop〕They were only a drop in the ocean of refugees.他们仅仅是大批难民中的少数。英汉大词典〔dumping ground〕It appals me how we use the oceans, forests and skies as dumping grounds.我震惊地发现我们是如何将海洋、森林和天空当作我们的垃圾倾倒场。外研社新世纪〔encroach〕The ocean is slowly encroaching upon the shoreline.海洋缓慢地侵蚀着海岸线。韦氏高阶〔envy〕I envy you your view of the ocean.我羡慕你对海洋的看法。麦克米伦高阶〔equatorial current〕One of the surface currents drifting westward through the oceans at the equator.赤道洋流:在赤道附近的海洋中向西流动的表面洋流美国传统〔exhilarate〕I felt very exhilarated after my day at the ocean.在海边过了一天后我感到很快活。21世纪英汉〔floor〕These fish spend hours feeding on the ocean floor.这些鱼儿用好几个小时在海底进食。外研社新世纪〔flow〕The river flows south-west to the Atlantic Ocean.河水向西南方流入大西洋。外研社新世纪〔food〕The ocean provides the people with an endless supply of food.海洋为人类提供了取之不尽的食物来源。牛津搭配〔frolic〕Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean.游客们在海里晒太阳嬉戏。外研社新世纪〔globefish〕Any of various fishes, especially the ocean sunfish or puffer, having or capable of assuming a globular shape.河豚:一种鱼,尤指翻车魨或刺魨,具有或能够膨胀形成球形美国传统〔green〕Ahead of us the green seemed like an ocean.我们前方的草地宛如一片海洋。英汉大词典〔gyre〕The area is one of the world’s five major ocean gyres – huge systems of rotating currents. 这一区域是世界上五大海洋环流之一:巨大的海水旋转流动系统。剑桥高阶〔harvest〕It's difficult to harvest fish in the ocean.远洋捕鱼最困难的是贮存已收获的鱼。21世纪英汉〔health〕We must protect the health of our oceans.我们必须要保护好我们的海洋。韦氏高阶〔impractical〕It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.乘坐远洋班轮进行商务旅行变得不合时宜了。柯林斯高阶〔kingfish〕Any of several similar or related fishes, indigenous to the Pacific Ocean.无鳔石首鱼,月鱼:太平洋产的几种相似或有亲缘关系的鱼之一美国传统〔limit〕This area of the ocean has been fished beyond sustainable limits.该海域已被过度捕捞。麦克米伦高阶〔medium〕Ocean fish live in a medium of salt water.海洋鱼类生活在咸水环境中。韦氏高阶〔narrow〕A part of a river or an ocean current that is not wide.狭窄的水道:河流的一部分或海洋的变窄部分美国传统〔oceangoing〕Made or used for ocean voyages.远洋航行的或用于远洋航行美国传统〔oceanic〕Produced by or living in an ocean, especially in the open sea rather than in shallow coastal waters.海洋生产的,住在海中的:产于或生长于海洋的,尤指在洋中而非沿岸或浅海地区的美国传统〔ocean〕Ocean levels are rising.海平面正在上升。牛津高阶〔ocean〕A storm started up once we got out into the open ocean.我们一进入公海就下起了暴风雨。牛津搭配〔ocean〕Before him lay the vast, endless ocean.他眼前是辽阔的海洋,一望无际。牛津搭配〔ocean〕He had never seen the ocean before.他以前从未见过海洋。韦氏高阶〔ocean〕She stood on the beach, gazing at the ocean.她站在海滩上,凝视着大海。朗文当代〔ocean〕The blues span an ocean of styles.布鲁斯音乐包括各种风格。外研社新世纪〔ocean〕The money spent on transplants – £10,000 per operation – is a drop in the ocean.花在移植手术上的钱——每次手术1万英镑——不过是沧海一粟。外研社新世纪〔ocean〕The ship quickly sank to the bottom of the ocean.轮船迅速沉入海底。韦氏高阶〔ocean〕There is an ocean of things for us to talk about and arrange.我们有许多事情要谈,要安排。英汉大词典〔ocean〕There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night.鲜有景致能与温暖夜色下风平浪静的大海媲美。柯林斯高阶〔ocean〕Various toxic substances have been dumped in the ocean.多种有毒物质被倾倒进海洋。牛津搭配〔overlook〕Our room overlooks the ocean.从我们的房间能眺望大海。朗文当代〔pale imitation〕Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.现代豪华游轮同早期远洋海轮相比,其魅力与风格都大为逊色。剑桥高阶〔plough〕The great ship ploughed across the ocean.大船乘风破浪横渡大洋。英汉大词典〔populate〕Strange creatures populate the ocean depths.许多奇特的生物生活在大洋深处。韦氏高阶〔propel〕The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.“太阳神康提基号”帆船借助风力横渡了太平洋。剑桥高阶〔queen〕This ship is the queen of all the ocean liners.这条船是所有远洋轮船中最豪华的。韦氏高阶〔release into〕The turtle will eventually be released into the ocean.海龟最终会被放生到海里。外研社新世纪〔ridge〕A long narrow elevation on the ocean floor.海脊:海底狭长的隆起部分美国传统〔rise〕A long, broad elevation that slopes gently from the earth's surface or the ocean floor.斜坡:从地球表面或海底缓缓倾斜的长而宽的高地美国传统〔rogue wave〕An unpredictable, abnormally large wave that occurs on a seemingly random basis in the oceans.滔天巨浪:在洋面上随意形成的无法预测、异常巨大的海浪美国传统〔sea bird〕A bird, such as a petrel or an albatross, that frequents the ocean, especially far from shore.海鸟:尤指远离海岸,栖息在海洋上的鸟,例如海燕或信天翁美国传统〔seamount〕An underwater mountain rising from the ocean floor and having a peaked or flat-topped summit below the surface of the sea.海(底)山:海水下突出海底的山脉,有低于海平面的尖顶或平顶山峰美国传统〔seawater〕The salt water in or coming from the sea or ocean.海水:来自海或海洋中的盐水美国传统〔seaway〕An inland waterway for ocean shipping.海道:内陆的为远洋航行而开辟的水道美国传统〔sea〕A tract of water within an ocean.海域:在海洋范围内的一片水域美国传统〔seven seas〕All the oceans of the world.七大洋:世界上所有的海洋美国传统〔southwest〕The river flows southwest to the Pacific Ocean.那条河向西南流到太平洋。文馨英汉〔splash〕The ocean splashed against the pier.海水哗啦哗啦地拍打着码头。朗文当代〔spot〕From this spot you can see the ocean.从此处你能望见海洋。英汉大词典〔spur〕It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。柯林斯高阶〔suboceanic〕Formed, situated, or occurring beneath the ocean or the ocean bed.海底的:在海洋中或海洋底部形成的,位于或发生于海洋中或海洋底部的美国传统〔sunfish〕Any of several large marine fishes of the family Molidae, especially the ocean sunfish.翻车鱼:翻车鱼科中的任一种大海鱼,尤指翻车海鱼美国传统〔swoop〕More than 20 helicopters began swooping in low over the ocean.二十多架直升机开始向下俯冲, 在海面上低空飞行。外研社新世纪〔tide〕The periodic variation in the surface level of the oceans and of bays, gulfs, inlets, and estuaries, caused by gravitational attraction of the moon and sun.潮,潮汐:由月球和太阳的重力吸引造成的海洋、海湾、水湾及河口等处水面高度的周期性变化美国传统〔transoceanic〕Spanning or crossing the ocean.横越大洋的:越过或跨过海洋的美国传统〔transpacific〕Situated on or coming from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.大洋彼岸的:太平洋那一边的或来自于太平洋那边的美国传统〔transpacific〕Spanning or crossing the Pacific Ocean.越过洋的:越过或横渡太平洋的美国传统〔trench〕A long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor.海沟:一种海底狭长而两边陡峭的山谷美国传统〔tsunami〕A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.海啸:由海底地震或火山喷发而造成的巨大海浪美国传统〔underset〕An ocean undercurrent.海洋暗流美国传统〔uninitiated〕For those uninitiated in scientific ocean drilling, the previous record was a little over 4 km.对于那些不熟悉科学大洋钻探的人来说,之前的纪录是4千米多一点。柯林斯高阶〔uninterrupted〕From the hotel window we had an uninterrupted view of the ocean.从酒店的窗户远望,海景一览无余。韦氏高阶〔unpredictability〕The unpredictability of the weather is a fundamental attraction of ocean racing.天气的变化莫测是远洋帆船赛最吸引人的地方。外研社新世纪〔untreated〕Untreated sewage should not be dumped into the ocean.未经处理的污水不应排到海洋里。文馨英汉〔upheaval〕The island was created by an upheaval of the ocean floor.这个岛由海底隆起形成。韦氏高阶〔vent〕An opening on the ocean floor that emits hot water and dissolved minerals.大洋底部散发热水并溶解矿物质的一个开口美国传统〔view〕It was my first view of the ocean.那是我第一次见到海洋。英汉大词典〔view〕Most rooms enjoy panoramic views of the ocean.大多数房间都能看到海的全景。牛津搭配〔voyaging〕Our boat would not have been appropriate for ocean voyaging.我们的船只本不适合远洋航行。外研社新世纪〔walk〕The cliff walk along the ocean is very popular.海边的悬崖小径很受人们欢迎。韦氏高阶〔wall〕Sports The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.【体育运动】 浪墙,直立浪:冲浪运动中海浪的重直面美国传统〔wilderness〕An extensive area, such as a desert or an ocean, that is barren or empty; a waste.荒野:大片土地, 例如沙漠、海洋,这些地区贫脊或空旷;荒野美国传统A whole boatload of oil (= The amount of this substance that can be transported by a boat) was discharged into the ocean, destroying the marine life of that entire area.一整船的石油被排放到大洋里,破坏了那里整个海域的海洋生物。剑桥国际Brazil has several large cities near the ocean, but not many people live in the interior. 巴西在海边有许多大城市,但是内陆人烟稀少。译典通For their honeymoon they went on a Caribbean cruise on a luxury ocean liner.他们乘豪华客轮去加勒比海蜜月旅行去了。剑桥国际He had been in the ocean for 10 hours with waves surging 13 feet or more.他已经在海里呆了10小时,汹涌的海浪达到13英尺甚至更高。剑桥国际Humans may be able to live in the depths of the ocean some day. 有朝一日人类也许能在海洋深处生活。译典通Magellan was trying to find a passage to the Indian Ocean. 麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋的通道。译典通Mining companies have been studying manganese nodules on the floor of the deep oceans.矿业公司正在研究深海底上的锰结核。剑桥国际Modern luxury ships are a pale imitation of the glamour and style of the early ocean liners.现代豪华船只同早期远洋轮的魅力与风格相比,实乃东施效颦也。剑桥国际Strange creatures live in the profound depth of the ocean. 在大洋深处生活著一些奇怪的生物。译典通The Atlantic Ocean is immense. 大西洋浩瀚无边。译典通The Atlantic isn't a sea --it's an ocean.大西洋不是海,而是洋。剑桥国际The Gulf is a shallow offshoot of the Indian Ocean.波斯湾是从印度洋分流出来的一个浅水湾。剑桥国际The best passenger cabins on ocean liners are rather like small hotel rooms.海轮上最好的客舱就像小型的饭店客房。剑桥国际The robot, initially designed to help draw detailed maps of the ocean floor, may serve as a prototype for mining and construction vehicles.这个最初设计为绘制海底详细地图的机器人可能被作为采矿和建筑工具的原型。剑桥国际The ship sank slowly to the depths of the ocean.轮船慢慢沉向海底。剑桥国际The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。译典通There is a metaphorical ocean (= a large area of disagreement) between the two opposing groups.对立双方之间用比喻说存在鸿沟。剑桥国际They own extensive land by the ocean. 他们拥有海边的辽阔土地。译典通We have a clear view of the ocean from our hotel window.从饭店的窗口我们能一览无遗地看到大海。剑桥国际What fascinates all of us is the very weirdness of these creatures from the deep ocean.吸引我们所有人的正是这些深海生物的怪诞神奇。剑桥国际 |
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