

单词 occupying
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETRAY〕Newly-released records show there was extensive collaboration with the occupying army. 新公布的记录显示有许多人曾和占领军勾结。朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕It is a mountainous region, occupying a large area near the border with Nepal. 这是一片山区,面积很大,靠近尼泊尔边界。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕They promised to abide by the peace agreement and surrender all their weapons to the occupying forces. 他们答应遵守和平协议,并向占领部队交出所有武器。朗文写作活用〔Silures〕A people described by Tacitus as occupying southeast Wales at the time of the Roman invasion.志留人:据塔西佗记载罗马入侵时期占据威尔士东南部的民族美国传统〔canton〕A usually rectangular division of a flag, occupying the upper corner next to the staff.旗上端靠近旗杆的部分:一面旗帜上通常为长方形的部分,位于靠旗杆的上角美国传统〔center〕A person, object, or group occupying a middle position.中间人物、物体或集体:占据中间位置、立场的人、物或团体美国传统〔coincidence〕The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.占同一位置:在空间上占据相同的有关位置或区域的状态和事实美国传统〔collaborate〕Anyone who was suspected of collaborating with the occupying forces was arrested.任何涉嫌与占领军勾结的人都被逮捕了。剑桥高阶〔collaborate〕He was suspected of collaborating with the occupying army.他被怀疑勾结占领军。韦氏高阶〔conciliate〕Douglas Hurd was widely seen as a conciliator, occupying the central ground of Conservative politics.道格拉斯·赫德占据着保守党政治的中心舞台,人们普遍认为其扮演着调解员的角色。柯林斯高阶〔conciliator〕Douglas Hurd was widely seen as a conciliator, occupying the central ground of Conservative politics.道格拉斯•赫德被公认为是持保守党中间政治立场的调停人。外研社新世纪〔countless〕The occupying forces committed countless atrocities.占领军犯下了罄竹难书的暴行。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕To protect, as from enemy attack, by occupying a strategic position.防卫:通过占据战略性位置防止敌人攻击美国传统〔diktat〕The occupying force ruled by diktat.占领军实行严格的军事统治。剑桥高阶〔drive〕By the end of the year, most of the occupying troops had been driven from the city.到年底时大部分占领军都被赶出了这个城市。剑桥高阶〔expel〕They were forcibly expelled from their farm by the occupying authorities.他们被占领当局强制驱逐出自己的农场。牛津搭配〔explosion〕It was an explosion of anger against the practices of the occupying forces.这是人们不满占领军行为而爆发的怒火。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕It was an explosion of anger against the practices of the occupying forces.这是人们不满占领军行为而爆发的怒火。柯林斯高阶〔faldstool〕A folding chair or stool, especially one used by a bishop when not occupying the throne or when presiding away from the cathedral.折叠椅:可折叠的椅子或凳子,特指主教离开主教座或他的主教座堂以外主持圣事时使用的美国传统〔force〕He called on the local population to rise up against the occupying forces.他号召当地人民起来反抗占领军。牛津搭配〔gable〕The generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof.三角墙建筑部分:斜屋顶末端的墙的大体三角区,占据屋顶两个斜面间的空间美国传统〔gallery〕The audience occupying a gallery or cheap section of a theater.楼座的观众,低票价座的观众美国传统〔government〕A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew.占领军撤退时安插了一个傀儡政府。牛津搭配〔harem〕The wives, concubines, female relatives, and servants occupying such a place.居住在闺房中的妻子、妾、女眷和婢女等的总称美国传统〔lead〕One occupying such a position; a leader.领导:占据这样一个位置的人;领导者美国传统〔maisonette〕An apartment occupying two or more floors of a larger building and often having its own entrance from outside.复式住宅:大型建筑物中包含两个或多个楼层的公寓,且常有单独入口美国传统〔martial law〕The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces.军事管制法:交战国占领军在占领区内实施的法规美国传统〔mean〕Occupying a middle or intermediate position between two extremes.居中的,中间的;中庸的美国传统〔middle class〕The members of society occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower working classes and the wealthy.中产阶级:社会经济地位介于下层工人阶级和富有者之间的社会成员美国传统〔middle management〕A group of persons occupying managerial positions intermediate between lower and higher executives.中级管理阶层;中级管理人员:职位位于低级和高级管理人员之间的一群管理人员美国传统〔noncooperation〕Failure or refusal to cooperate, especially nonviolent civil disobedience against a government or an occupying power.不合作:不合作或拒绝合作,尤指非暴力反抗政府或强权力量美国传统〔occupancy〕The act of occupying or the condition of being occupied.占有:占有的行为或被占用的状态美国传统〔occupied〕There were over 40 tenants, all occupying one wing of the hospital.共有40多位房客,他们全部住在这家医院的一个病区。柯林斯高阶〔occupy〕Many patients who are occupying hospital beds could be transferred to other places.许多占用医院病床的病人可以被转到其他地方去。朗文当代〔occupy〕The army is occupying half of the country.那支军队占领了国家的半壁江山。韦氏高阶〔occupy〕The problem has been occupying me all week.我整个星期都在想这个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔occupy〕There were over 40 tenants, all occupying one wing of the hospital.共有40多位房客, 他们全部住在这家医院的一个病区。外研社新世纪〔parcel out〕The occupying armies parcelled out the area between them.两支占领军瓜分了这个地区。外研社新世纪〔passive resistance〕Resistance by nonviolent methods to a government, an occupying power, or specific laws, as refusing to comply, demonstrating in protest, or fasting.消极抵抗:借助非暴力手段来反抗一个政府、占领势力或特定的法律,如拒绝服从、游行反抗、或绝食美国传统〔point source〕A source, especially of pollution or radiation, occupying a very small area and having a concentrated output.点源:占据很小的区域并具有集中输出的源,尤批污染或辐射的美国传统〔preoccupancy〕The act or right of occupying a place beforehand or in advance.先占权:事先或预先占据某地的行为或权利美国传统〔prominent〕Occupying a prominent place in the room is a blackboard.在房间抢眼的位置放着一块黑板。外研社新世纪〔puppet〕He seized power and ruled the country as a puppet of the occupying forces.他夺取了政权并作为占领军傀儡统治国家。外研社新世纪〔puppet〕The occupying forces set up a puppet government.占领军建立了一个傀儡政府。牛津高阶〔quisling〕A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country.卖国贼、内奸:在敌人占领国土期间充当傀儡的卖国贼美国传统〔rule〕The country remained under direct rule by the occupying powers.这个国家仍处于占领国的直接统治之下。牛津搭配〔sere〕The entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.演替系列:从开始阶段到演替顶极地区,连续拥有生态群落的整个顺序美国传统〔sit-in〕The act of occupying the seats or an area of a segregated establishment to protest racial discrimination.占座抗议:占领被隔离设施的座位或地方的行动,以抗议种族歧视美国传统〔sitting〕Occupying an official position; incumbent.在任期内的;现任的美国传统〔spearhead〕Continuous bombing spearheaded the way to occupying the city.持续不停的轰炸为攻克该城铺平了道路。21世纪英汉〔supergene〕A group of closely linked genes occupying a large chromosomal segment and frequently functioning as a genetic unit.超基因:占据一具较大的染色体片断,并且经常以单个基因单位起作用的一组紧密连接的基因美国传统〔sympatric〕Occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas without interbreeding. Used of populations of closely related species.分布区重叠的,同域的:其分布的地理区域相同或部分重叠,但相互间并不杂交的用于紧密相联的物种群体美国传统〔union〕A device on a flag or an ensign, occupying the upper inner corner or the entire field, that signifies the union of two or more sovereignties.联合旗帜:旗子或国旗上的设备,占据内上角或整个区域,表示两个或更多的主权的联合美国传统〔use〕Enjoyment of property, as by occupying or exercising it.收益权:对财产的享有,如占有它或使用它美国传统〔vanguard〕Those occupying a foremost position.先驱者:占有最前位置的人美国传统〔yield〕They were forced to yield (up) their land to the occupying forces.他们被迫将领土割让给占领军。剑桥高阶Anyone who was suspected of collaborating with the occupying forces was arrested.任何被怀疑与占领军有通敌行为的人都被逮捕了。剑桥国际By the end of the year, most of the occupying troops had been driven from the city.到了年底,大多数占领军被赶出了城市。剑桥国际Snipers still harass the occupying army from ruined apartment blocks.狙击手仍然从毁坏的路边公寓袭击占领军。剑桥国际The occupying force ruled by diktat.占领军以绝对命令进行统治。剑桥国际The occupying forces behaved with appalling brutality.占领军的行为野蛮得令人震惊。剑桥国际The role the underground played was to harass the occupying forces with a campaign of bombings and assassinations.地下组织的作用是利用爆炸和暗杀不断地骚扰占领军。剑桥国际




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