

单词 nylon
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD ENOUGH〕I need strong nylon thread. Cotton won't do. 我需要结实的尼龙线,棉的不行。朗文写作活用〔Lastex〕A trademark used for a yarn having a core of elastic rubber wound with rayon, nylon, silk, or cotton threads.橡皮线:一种商标名,用于内有弹性橡皮线、外由人造纤维、尼龙、丝或棉线包裹的松紧线美国传统〔abrade〕The outer surface of the nylon rope was badly abraded.尼龙绳的表层磨损严重。外研社新世纪〔bite〕There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh.甚至可能有一些金属丝或者尼龙线勒到肉里。柯林斯高阶〔come in〕Nylon stockings came in soon after the end of the war.战后不久尼龙袜子就时兴起来。21世纪英汉〔cord〕The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.门用一段尼龙绳拴上了。外研社新世纪〔cord〕The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.门用一段尼龙绳拴住了。柯林斯高阶〔cord〕Tie it with a nylon cord.用尼龙绳把它系好。麦克米伦高阶〔dunk〕Dunk your nylons in rich suds of neutral soap.把你的尼龙衣服泡在中性皂的浓液中。英汉大词典〔fastener〕The engine was shielded and steel fasteners were replaced by brass or nylon.发动机被保护起来, 钢制的扣件换成了铜制的或尼龙的。外研社新世纪〔fiber〕Nylon is a very strong man-made fiber.尼龙是一种很结实的人造纤维。韦氏高阶〔fiber〕A natural or synthetic filament, as of cotton or nylon, capable of being spun into yarn.天然纤维:如棉纤维或尼龙纤维等能够被纺成线的天然或人造长丝美国传统〔half〕The fabric is half nylon, half cotton.这种面料里尼龙和棉各占一半。麦克米伦高阶〔lustre〕It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.它比棉布和尼龙质地更柔软, 光泽则与丝绸相仿。外研社新世纪〔lustre〕It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。柯林斯高阶〔marquisette〕A sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon, used for clothing, curtains, and mosquito nets.尼龙薄纤维:一种用棉、人造丝、丝或尼龙制成的薄纤维,用作布料、窗帘和蚊帐美国传统〔mesh〕We covered the blueberry bushes in nylon mesh to keep the birds from the fruit.我们用尼龙网把蓝莓灌木丛给罩住了,不让鸟儿啄食。韦氏高阶〔monofilament〕A single strand of untwisted synthetic fiber, such as nylon, used especially for fishing line.单丝:一根未捻的合成纤维,如尼龙,尤指用于钓鱼线美国传统〔mophead〕Fluffy nylon mopheads collect dirt and dust.轻软的尼龙拖把头部会藏污垢。文馨英汉〔ninon〕A sheer fabric of silk, rayon, or nylon made in a variety of tight smooth weaves or open lacy patterns.尼龙绸:用丝、粘胶或尼龙制成的平滑的绸,有多种紧密光滑的编织或稀疏的花边图案美国传统〔nylon〕Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。外研社新世纪〔nylon〕Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。柯林斯高阶〔nylon〕I put on a new pair of nylon socks.我穿上了一双新尼龙袜。外研社新世纪〔nylon〕I put on a new pair of nylon socks.我穿上了一双新尼龙袜。柯林斯高阶〔nylon〕The rope is made of nylon.这是尼龙绳。韦氏高阶〔nylon〕The tent was made of nylon.那顶帐篷是尼龙做的。朗文当代〔nylon〕These covers are 100 percent nylon.这些套子是百分之百尼龙的。剑桥高阶〔nylon〕This material is 45% nylon.这种材料含 45% 的尼龙。牛津高阶〔nylon〕This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt.这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整。柯林斯高阶〔out〕Nylon shirts went out years ago.尼龙衬衫好几年前就不流行了。麦克米伦高阶〔parafoil〕A nonrigid, parachutelike, usually nylon airfoil of ribbed or cellular construction, used especially in kites and paragliders.伞翼:通常为非刚性的,如同降落伞般的尼龙制肋状或格状结构飞行翼,尤其用于滑翔翼及飞行伞美国传统〔polyamide〕A polymer containing repeated amide groups, as in various kinds of nylon.聚酰胺:一种含有重复酰胺基的聚合物,如在各种尼龙中的美国传统〔polymer〕Many polymers, such as nylon, are artificial.许多聚合物是人造的,比如说尼龙。剑桥高阶〔run〕Silk stockings run more easily than nylons.丝织长统袜比尼龙长统袜容易抽丝。英汉大词典〔softly〕When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.当头发干后,用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕When it's dry, brush the hair using a soft, nylon baby brush.待头发干后, 用柔软的婴儿用尼龙发刷梳理头发。外研社新世纪〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔spin〕The machine spins nylon thread.这部机器是纺尼龙丝的。21世纪英汉〔stocking〕A close-fitting, usually knitted covering for the foot and leg made from nylon, silk, cotton, wool, and similar yarns.长袜:用尼龙、真丝、棉线、羊毛或相似的纺纱制成的紧身的遮盖腿脚之物,常编织而成美国传统〔strain〕Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope? 尼龙绳能比老式绳承受更大的力吗?英汉大词典〔string〕Guitar strings are made from steel or nylon.现在的吉他弦是由钢丝或尼龙制成的。剑桥高阶〔synthetic〕Nylon is a synthetic material.尼龙是人造料子。牛津同义词〔taffeta〕A crisp, smooth, plain-woven fabric with a slight sheen, made of various fibers, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, and used especially for women's garments.塔夫绸:一种略微带有光泽、脆而滑的平纹织造的织物,由各种纤维(比如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙)做成,尤指被用来制造女用服装美国传统〔tear〕These nylon fabrics will not tear.这些尼龙织物不易撕破。英汉大词典〔tear〕This nylon will arrest a tear.这种尼龙能防撕裂。英汉大词典〔textile〕Linen, cotton, silk, nylon and wool are common textile materials.亚麻、棉花、蚕丝、尼龙和羊毛都是常用的纺织原料。英汉大词典〔than〕Nylon is considerably stronger than cotton.尼龙比棉线要结实得多。麦克米伦高阶〔tire〕A covering for a wheel, usually made of rubber reinforced with cords of nylon, fiberglass, or other material and filled with compressed air.轮胎:车轮的覆盖物,通常由用尼龙绳、玻璃纤维或其它材料加固的橡胶制成,并注入了压缩的空气美国传统〔truss〕She was trussed up with yellow nylon rope.她被人用黄尼龙绳子捆得动弹不得。柯林斯高阶〔tulle〕A fine, often starched net of silk, rayon, or nylon, used especially for veils, tutus, or gowns.面纱:一种浆过的细纱网、人造丝网或尼龙网,专门用作面纱、芭蕾舞短语和衣服美国传统〔upper〕A lot of shoes now have nylon uppers, rather than the old-fashioned leather.现在有许多鞋用尼龙做鞋帮,而不用过时的皮革。英汉大词典〔velvet〕A soft fabric, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, having a smooth, dense pile and a plain underside.丝绒:一种柔软的织物,如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙,具有光滑、浓密的绒毛以及平整的底面美国传统〔wool〕The carpets are made in wool and nylon.这些地毯是用毛料和尼龙制成的。柯林斯高阶〔yarn〕A continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic material, such as wool or nylon, used in weaving or knitting.纺线,纤维线:天然或人工合成材料制成的盘绕成股的连线,如羊毛或尼龙,用于纺织或编织美国传统〔zipper〕A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.拉链:由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物美国传统〔zip〕I slowly zipped and locked the heavy black nylon bags.我慢慢地把那些沉重的黑色尼龙袋的拉链拉上并锁好。柯林斯高阶Nylon ropes are extremely strong.尼龙绳非常结实。剑桥国际Guitar strings are made from steel or nylon, but they used to be made from the dried intestines of animals such as sheep.吉他的弦是用钢丝或尼龙做的,但过去常用羊之类动物的干肠子做成。剑桥国际Her nightdress was made of brushed nylon / cotton (= cloth treated to make it soft and furry).她的睡衣是拉绒尼龙 / 棉做的。剑桥国际She bought a pair of nylons. 她买了一双尼龙袜。译典通Some polymers occur naturally but many, such as nylon, are artificial.一些聚合物是天然的,但许多是人造的,如尼龙。剑桥国际The American soldiers used to give presents of nylons, cigarettes and chocolate.美国士兵过去常把尼龙长袜、香烟和巧克力当作礼物来赠送。剑桥国际The poncho is made of nylon. 这雨披是用尼龙制造的。译典通The shirts are 100% nylon.这些衬衫是100%尼龙的。剑桥国际Tights are often made of nylon.紧身裤袜常常是尼龙做的。剑桥国际You should use a nylon scourer rather than a metal one to clean non-stick pans.在洗刷不粘锅时你不能用钢丝球,而应该用尼龙的擦洗块。剑桥国际




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