

单词 papal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Acton〕British historian who led English Roman Catholics in their opposition to the doctrine of papal infallibility.阿克顿:英国历史学家,领导英国的罗马天主教徒反对教皇的绝对可靠主义美国传统〔Peter's pence〕A tax of one penny per household paid in medieval England to the Papal See.一便士税金:中世纪英格兰每户向罗马教皇缴纳的一便士税金美国传统〔Vatican〕The papal government; the papacy.教皇政府;教皇职权美国传统〔apostolic〕Roman Catholic Church Of or relating to the pope as the successor of Saint Peter; papal.【罗马天主教】 罗马教皇的:圣彼得的继承人罗马教皇的或与之相关的;罗马教皇的美国传统〔bigamous〕He incurred papal wrath by contracting a bigamous marriage.他犯了重婚罪, 惹怒了教皇。外研社新世纪〔brief〕Roman Catholic Church A papal letter that is not as formal as a bull.【罗马天主教】 教皇通谕,教廷通牒:不如教皇诏书正规的教皇通谕美国传统〔bulla〕A round seal affixed to a papal bull.印玺:一个圆形的教皇的正式宣布训令或法令的封印美国传统〔bull〕A papal bull was issued in 1582.*1582年颁布过一份教皇诏书。韦氏高阶〔chamberlain〕Roman Catholic Church An often honorary papal attendant.【罗马天主教】 内侍:罗马教皇的名誉侍从美国传统〔consistory〕Roman Catholic Church An assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the solemn promulgation of papal acts, such as the canonization of a saint.【罗马天主教】 教议会上院:正式颁布天主教法令并由教皇主持的红衣主教集会,如正式封某人为圣徒等美国传统〔crusade〕A holy war undertaken with papal sanction.圣战:经教皇认可而发动的神圣战争美国传统〔decretal〕A decree, especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law.法令集:法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件美国传统〔domestic prelate〕A priest who is an honorary member of the papal household.国内高级神父:属教廷荣誉成员的神父美国传统〔encyclical〕A papal letter addressed to the bishops of the Church or to the hierarchy of a particular country.教谕:罗马教皇对教会主教或特定国君主的教谕(通告)美国传统〔nuncio〕A papal ambassador or representative.罗马教皇的使节或代表美国传统〔papal〕No date has yet been set for the planned papal visit.教皇的预定访问日期尚未确定。外研社新世纪〔pardoner〕A medieval ecclesiastic authorized to raise money for religious works by granting papal indulgences to contributors.出售免罪符的人:中世纪获准出售教会的赦免书而为宗教事务筹钱的神职人员美国传统〔penitentiary〕A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions.宗教裁判所:罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭美国传统〔ultramontane〕Often Ultramontane Roman Catholic Church One who advocates support of papal policy in ecclesiastical and political matters. 常作 Ultramontane 【罗马天主教】 教皇绝对权力主义论者:提倡在宗教和政治事务中支持教皇的政策的人美国传统〔ultramontane〕Relating to or supporting the doctrine of papal supremacy.支持或和教皇至上教义有关的美国传统〔ultramontane〕Supporting the authority of the papal court over national or diocesan authority.教皇至上论的:支持教皇法庭的权力超越国家或教区权力的美国传统




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