

单词 open field
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔break〕The dog made a break toward the open field.狗向田野冲去美国传统〔campestral〕Of, relating to, or growing in uncultivated land or open fields.野外的,乡村的:未开垦土地或野外土地的,与之相关的,或生长在其中的美国传统〔course〕The deer coursed the open field.这只鹿奔跑越过开阔的原野。21世纪英汉〔cover〕The troops had to run across open fields with no cover.部队不得不在没有任何掩护的空地上跑过。麦克米伦高阶〔land ... in〕Because the airport was closed, the pilot had to land the plane in an open field.由于机场关闭,飞行员只得将飞机降落到一片旷野里。21世纪英汉〔open〕It's not a good idea to camp in the middle of an open field (= one which is not covered with trees, bushes, etc.).在旷野之中宿营可不是个好主意。剑桥高阶〔place〕Houses and factories gave place to open fields as the train gathered speed.火车逐渐加速驶过了房屋和工厂进入旷野。牛津高阶〔stretch〕We drove fast on a stretch of open field.我们开车在一片开阔的田野上飞驰。英汉大词典〔unblemished〕They looked across an open field of unblemished snow.他们朝全是白雪的空地另一边望去。外研社新世纪〔woody〕It's too woody here — I prefer open fields.这里树木太多,我倒更喜欢空旷的田野。英汉大词典In front of us we saw a stretch of open fields. 眼前我们看到一片开阔的田野。译典通It isn't a very good idea to camp in the middle of an open field (= one which is not covered with trees, bushes, etc.), where there isn't any shelter.在没有任何遮蔽物的旷野中宿营不是一个很好的主意。剑桥国际The pilot pancaked his damaged plane onto an open field. 飞行员将他那损坏的飞机平降在一片开阔地上。译典通




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