

单词 on the
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕For years, two giant recording companies have had a stranglehold on the CD market. 许多年来,两家大唱片公司完全控制着光盘市场。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The new policy means that even higher bills will be inflicted on the taxpayer. 新的政策意味着将强迫纳税人支付更昂贵的账单。朗文写作活用〔Nuristan〕A region of northeast Afghanistan on the southern slopes of the Hindu Kush.努里斯坦:阿富汗东北部的一个地区,位于兴都库什山南坡上美国传统〔advertisement〕The rusted car on the lot was not much of an advertisement for the car dealership.停车场里那辆锈迹斑斑的车可不是汽车经销商的好广告。韦氏高阶〔afterthought〕As an afterthought on the recent summit, the magazine observed: ...对于最近举行的峰会,这本杂志又补充写道:…英汉大词典〔along〕The cars on the highway crept along beneath streetlamps.公路上的汽车在街灯下缓慢爬行。外研社新世纪〔bang〕I think she must have got a bang on the head.我想她肯定撞了头。剑桥高阶〔bang〕She banged his dinner on the table.她把他的晚餐砰地摔在桌上。外研社新世纪〔bear down on〕Their ship is bearing down on the shore.他们的船正向河岸疾驶。21世纪英汉〔brothel〕He used to visit a brothel on the outskirts of town.他以前常去城郊的一家妓院。牛津搭配〔case〕The detective on the case (= responsible for solving it) has been suspended from duty.负责调查这个案子的侦探被停职了。剑桥高阶〔cloud〕The only cloud on the horizon was her mother's illness.唯一令人担忧的是她母亲的病。朗文当代〔dab〕She dabbed iodine on the cuts on her forehead.她把碘酒轻搽在前额的伤口上。柯林斯高阶〔east〕They live on the east coast.他们住在东海岸。牛津高阶〔fall〕The soldiers fell on the enemy.士兵袭击敌军。英汉大词典〔fling〕The sun flings its bright rays on the fields.灿烂的阳光普照田野。英汉大词典〔focus〕He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat.他找到双筒望远镜,然后调焦对准那艘船看。柯林斯高阶〔hit on/upon sth〕When we first hit on the idea, everyone told us it would never work.当我们第一次想到这个主意时,所有人都跟我们说这行不通。剑桥高阶〔hold〕He still has a firm hold on the party.他仍然牢牢地控制着该党。牛津搭配〔inventory〕We'll be doing inventory on the collection soon.我们马上要盘点库存。韦氏高阶〔it〕A fly landed on the table and I swatted it.一只苍蝇落在桌子上,我把它拍死了。韦氏高阶〔job〕The top pay scale after five years on the job would reach $5.00 an hour.干满五年之后, 薪金最高可达每小时5美元。外研社新世纪〔know〕We are not in the know on the disarmament.我们不了解裁军问题的内情。英汉大词典〔lap〕Put the shingles on the roof so that they lap over each other.将木瓦重叠排放在屋顶上。21世纪英汉〔leave sth aside〕Leaving aside the question of cost, how many people do we need on the job? 先不谈费用问题,这项工作我们需要多少人?剑桥高阶〔light〕A warning signal lit up on the dashboard.警报信号在汽车的仪表板上亮了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔march〕Time is on the march.时光在流逝。韦氏高阶〔mark〕I'd like everyone to mark their progress on the chart every week.我希望每人每周将自己的进度标在图表上。剑桥高阶〔nanofabrication〕Any technique used to create objects or mechanisms on the scale of nanotechnology.纳米技术:运用纳米科技标准制造物品或机械装置的技术美国传统〔only〕The animal is found only on the continent of Australia.这种动物只见于澳大利亚大陆。韦氏高阶〔on〕He told me on the phone.他在电话里告诉我的。外研社新世纪〔order〕Some of the names on the list are out of order.次序颠倒;不按顺序次序颠倒;不按顺序麦克米伦高阶〔ordinate〕Arranged in regular rows, as the spots on the wings of an insect.按行排列的:按规则的行排列的,如昆虫翅膀上的斑点的排列美国传统〔pail〕The children played on the beach with their shovels and pails.孩子们拿着铲子和小桶在海滩上玩。牛津搭配〔plonk〕She plonked herself firmly down on the bed.她重重地躺在了床上。麦克米伦高阶〔portrait〕Ancient family portraits hung on the walls of the staircase.楼梯的墙上悬挂着古老的家族画像。牛津搭配〔pressure〕There is now greater pressure on the White House to take action.目前要求白宫采取行动的呼声更强了。麦克米伦高阶〔proportion〕The proportion of trucks to cars on the roads has changed dramatically.公路上卡车和汽车的比例有了大幅度的变化。麦克米伦高阶〔sleeper〕I usually go up to London on the sleeper.我通常坐卧铺去伦敦。外研社新世纪〔smoke〕He sat on the grass smoking a cigarette.他坐在草地上吸烟。朗文当代〔squiggle〕What do these squiggles on the map mean? 地图上的这些波形曲线是什么意思?英汉大词典〔station〕I have stationed another platoon on the island.我已向那个岛派出了又一个排的守军。21世纪英汉〔toe〕I stubbed (= hit) my toe on the edge of the bed.我的脚趾撞到了床沿。剑桥高阶〔turn on〕When he turns on the charm, few women can resist him.他施展魅力的时候, 很少有女人能够抗拒。外研社新世纪〔whistle〕He likes to wet his whistle on the way home from work in the evening.他总爱在晚上下班回家的路上喝上一杯。英汉大词典I could hear the fluttering of the birds'wings on the roof.我可以听到屋顶上鸟的翅膀扑扑拍打的声音。剑桥国际My office is the third door along the corridor on the left.我的办公室在沿走廊左边第三个门。剑桥国际Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.以冷战为背景来安排情节的惊险间谍片现在看来已相当过时了。剑桥国际The cabinet has crotched mahogany veneers on the base. 柜子的底座上有成分叉的红木饰面。译典通There are paperback mysteries on the bookshelf. 书架上有平装的神秘小说。译典通




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