

单词 on strike
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANGEROUS〕If an ambulance crew goes on strike, it is putting people's lives at risk. 假如救护车工作人员罢工,那就是把病人的生命置于危险境地。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕The engineers have gone on strike for better pay and shorter working hours. 工程师举行了罢工,要求提高工资,缩短工作时间。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕The government just didn't expect teachers to come out on strike in support of the miners. 政府根本没有料到教师会罢课支持矿工。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕There were frequent power cuts when the electricity workers were out on strike. 电力工人罢工时经常会停电。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The miners came out on strike in support of the nurses. 矿业工人举行罢工支持护士。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The new law would take away the rights of workers to go on strike. 这项新法规将剥夺工人罢工的权利。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕The city's janitors went on strike, leaving thousands of workers to straighten their own offices up and empty their own trash. 该市的清洁工人都罢工了,弄得数千员工只好自己打扫办公室和倒垃圾。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕The workers went on strike after efforts at negotiation with management broke down. 与资方的谈判失败后,工人就进行了罢工。朗文写作活用〔belt〕Miners in Zambia's northern copper belt have gone on strike.赞比亚北部铜矿带的矿工已经罢工了。柯林斯高阶〔collective〕We made a collective decision to go on strike.我们共同做出了举行罢工的决定。韦氏高阶〔come out〕On September 18 the dockers again came out on strike.9月18日,码头工人再次举行罢工。柯林斯高阶〔come〕We decided to come out on strike .我们决定举行罢工。朗文当代〔condition〕In May, staff went on strike, demanding better pay and conditions .5 月份,员工举行罢工,要求提高工资和改善工作条件。朗文当代〔disgruntled〕The disgruntled workers went on strike.不满的工人进行罢工。文馨英汉〔go〕If the postal workers go out on strike, other sectors may well join them.如果邮局工人罢工的话,其他部门也很有可能参加。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕Workers voted by a large majority to go on strike.罢工麦克米伦高阶〔lock out〕The company locked out the workers, and then the rest of the work force went on strike.公司禁止工人入厂, 其余工人便开始罢工。外研社新世纪〔man〕The men have been on strike for several weeks.工人们已经罢工好几个星期了。英汉大词典〔man〕The men have threatened to go on strike.那些工人威胁要罢工。韦氏高阶〔mass〕Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard.工人们罢工后不久,警察就开始在船厂集结。柯林斯高阶〔mass〕Shortly after the workers went on strike, police began to mass at the shipyard.工人刚开始罢工, 警察就在造船厂集结起来。外研社新世纪〔out〕In June last year, 26 people came out on strike protesting against a compulsory 65-hour week.去年6月,26人举行罢工,抗议强制实行每周65小时工作制。柯林斯高阶〔plunge into〕The railways were plunged into chaos this morning when train drivers decided to go on strike.今天早晨火车司机决定罢工, 铁路系统陷入混乱。外研社新世纪〔pursuit〕The union is on strike in pursuit of (= trying to achieve) a ten percent pay increase.工会为了争取10%的加薪而罢工。剑桥高阶〔rap〕I joined the workers on strike and was rapped over the knuckles.我参加了工人的罢工,因而受到了训斥。柯林斯高阶〔sack〕We didn't want to risk getting the sack by going on strike.我们不想因继续罢工而冒被解雇的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔solidarity〕Various other groups of workers went on strike in solidarity with the train drivers.其他不同团体的工人进行罢工以示与火车司机们站在一起。牛津搭配〔strike〕Air traffic controllers are threatening to come out on/go on strike.空中交通管制员威胁要举行罢工。牛津高阶〔strike〕All 2,500 employees went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory.2500名雇员全部参加了罢工,以抗议关闭工厂的决定。剑桥高阶〔strike〕Half the workforce are now(out) on strike.现在有半数职工罢工。牛津高阶〔strike〕He has a criminal record, so that's one strike against him.他有犯罪记录,所以这对他是个不利因素。韦氏高阶〔strike〕Most of the employees were on strike.许多雇员在罢工美国传统〔strike〕Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.医院员工举行罢工抗议这些事件。外研社新世纪〔strike〕Teachers went on strike last week to demand job security.上周教师举行罢工,要求得到工作保障。朗文当代〔strike〕They've been on strike for nearly three weeks now.现在他们已经罢工快三周了。外研社新世纪〔strike〕Workers had been out on strike for 8 months.工人已经罢工 8 个月了。朗文当代〔strike〕Workers have been out on strike since Friday.工人自上周五以来一直在罢工。麦克米伦高阶〔university〕University lecturers intend to go on strike.大学教师们打算罢课。外研社新世纪〔walk〕To go on strike.继续罢工美国传统〔walk〕To go out on strike.外出罢工美国传统Practically the entire workforce has gone on strike.几乎所有的工人都罢工了。剑桥国际The coalminers have been out on strike for several weeks now. 煤矿工人已罢工了几个星期。译典通The country's coal reserves/supplies were rapidly depleted when the miners were on strike.煤矿工人罢工时,国家的煤炭储备/供应很快捉襟见肘了。剑桥国际The miners have come out on strike in support of their pay claim.矿工们为支持加薪要求而举行罢工。剑桥国际The miners went on strike for higher pay. 矿工举行罢工,要求增加薪资。译典通The steelworks is/are (= The people who work there are) on strike.炼钢厂正在罢工。剑桥国际The union is on strike in pursuit of (= the act of trying to achieve) a 10% pay increase.工会为了增加10% 的工资而罢工。剑桥国际The union is balloting its members on strike action.工会正要求会员对罢工行动进行无记名投票表决。牛津商务They went on strike Monday in demand of a 30 percent wage increase. 他们于星期一举行罢工,要求增加百分之三十薪资。译典通




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