

单词 norway
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Barents Sea〕A shallow section of the Arctic Ocean north of Norway and northwest European U.S.S.R. The North Atlantic Current keeps its southern ports ice-free all year.巴伦支海:北冰洋的一个浅区,位于挪威以北和苏联欧洲部分的西北。北大西洋暖流使其南部港口终年不冻美国传统〔INTEND/NOT INTEND〕A young man from Norway is out to be the youngest person ever to finish the race. 来自挪威的一名青年决心要成为完成该项比赛的最年轻的选手。朗文写作活用〔Lindesnes〕A cape of extreme southern Norway projecting into the North Sea.林海角:挪威最南端的海角并伸入北海美国传统〔NEW〕Scientists have found a new oilfield off the coast of Norway. 科学家在挪威海岸附近发现了一个新油田。朗文写作活用〔Nordkyn〕The northernmost point of the European mainland, in northern Norway east of North Cape.诺欣角:欧洲大陆的最北点,位于北挪威北角东部美国传统〔Norse〕Of or relating to Norway or its people, language, or culture.挪威的:是或与挪威或其人,语言或文化有关的美国传统〔North Cape〕A promontory on an island of northern Norway west of Cape Nordkyn. It is considered the northernmost important extremity of the continent of Europe.新西兰北岛的北端:北挪威诺尔辰角西部岛上的海角,被认为是欧洲大陆最北的重要末端美国传统〔Norwegian Sea〕A section of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Norway north of the North Sea.挪威海:大西洋的部分,离开挪威海岸,在北海北部美国传统〔Norwegian〕A native or inhabitant of Norway.挪威人:挪威本土人或居民美国传统〔Norwegian〕Many Norwegians feel that Norway is a culturally young country.很多挪威人认为就文化而言挪威是个年轻国家。柯林斯高阶〔Norwegian〕Of or relating to Norway or its people, language, or culture.挪威的:是或与挪威或其人民,语言,或文化有关的美国传统〔Scandinavian Peninsula〕A peninsula of northern Europe comprising Norway and Sweden.斯堪的纳维亚半岛:一个由挪威和瑞典组成的北欧半岛美国传统〔Scandinavia〕A region of northern Europe consisting of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Finland, Iceland, and the Faeroe Islands are often included in the region.斯堪的纳维亚:北欧一地区,包括挪威、瑞典和丹麦,通常芬兰、冰岛和法罗群岛也包括在这一地区内美国传统〔Skagerrak〕A broad strait between Norway and Denmark linking the North Sea and the Kattegat.斯卡格拉克海峡:挪威与丹麦之间的一宽阔海峡,连接北海与卡特加特海峡美国传统〔anchor〕We dropped anchor off the coast of Norway.我们在挪威近海抛锚停泊。麦克米伦高阶〔bombard〕I've been bombarded by the press and television since I came back from Norway.从挪威回来后, 我就受到报纸和电视记者的狂轰滥炸。外研社新世纪〔bombard〕I've been bombarded by the press and television since I came back from Norway.从挪威回来后我就一直被报纸和电视台的记者纠缠不休。柯林斯高阶〔border〕Sweden borders Norway and Finland.瑞典与挪威、芬兰接壤。21世纪英汉〔chart〕They tried to chart the sea area between Norway and Denmark.他们企图绘制挪威与丹麦之间的海域图。21世纪英汉〔do〕While I'm in Norway, I want to do some skiing.我到挪威的时候要去滑雪。麦克米伦高阶〔exercise〕The military truck was taking 14 men on an exercise in a remote area of Norway.这辆军用卡车当时正载着14个人在挪威偏远地区演练。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕The military truck was taking 14 men on exercise in a remote area of Norway.那辆军用卡车正载着14名士兵到挪威的一个偏远地区进行操练。柯林斯高阶〔frame〕He is back in the frame for the Norway game on Friday.他被重新纳入星期五与挪威队比赛的人选范围。麦克米伦高阶〔frontier〕Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.瑞典的边界与挪威和芬兰相接。英汉大词典〔guide〕The Complete Guide to Norway 挪威完全手册麦克米伦高阶〔heavy〕The ship went down in heavy seas off the coast of Norway.船在挪威海岸附近波涛汹涌的海面上沉没了。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕Norway held Holland to a 2-2 draw.挪威队以 2 比 2 逼平了荷兰队。朗文当代〔jail〕England got out of jail against Poland, but the door was slammed shut in their face in Norway.英格兰队虽然大难不死战胜了波兰队, 但却遭到挪威队迎头痛击。外研社新世纪〔join〕I'm going to Germany first, but we're planning to join up in Norway.我打算先到德国去,但我们计划在挪威会合。麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕Norway jumped from ninth to third place.挪威从第九位跃升至第三位。朗文当代〔kelp〕Kelp is an important part of the diet in Japan and Norway.海带是日本和挪威饮食中的重要部分。外研社新世纪〔next〕After Norway, Britain is Europe's next largest oil producer.英国是仅次于挪威之后的欧洲第二大石油生产国。麦克米伦高阶〔parachute〕The German army had parachuted troops into Norway.德军早把部队空投到挪威。外研社新世纪〔quadruple〕Norway has quadrupled its exports to the EU.挪威对欧盟的出口已经增加了3倍。柯林斯高阶〔scoreless〕Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam.挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。柯林斯高阶〔scoreless〕Norway held Holland to a scoreless draw.挪威队零比零战平荷兰队。外研社新世纪〔ship〕When my ship comes in, I will take a trip to Norway.什么时候发了财,我想去挪威旅行。英汉大词典〔sild〕A young herring other than a sprat that is processed as a sardine in Norway.小鲱鱼:挪威的一种小型鲱鱼,非西鲱鱼,被用来加工成沙丁鱼罐头美国传统〔sometime〕I'd love to visit Norway sometime.我想有朝一日能游览挪威。麦克米伦高阶〔somewhere〕Dan's working for a company in Denmark or Norway or somewhere.或某个类似的地方麦克米伦高阶〔sprinkling〕Norway has a fair sprinkling of women ministers.挪威有好几位女部长。外研社新世纪〔sprinkling〕Norway has a fair sprinkling of women ministers.挪威有好几位女部长。柯林斯高阶〔state〕The president is about to start a three-day state visit to Norway.总统即将开始对挪威进行为期3天的国事访问。麦克米伦高阶〔sun〕They call Norway the land of the midnight sun.挪威被称为子夜太阳之国。牛津搭配〔trip〕We're going on a trip to Norway this summer.我们今年夏天去挪威旅行。剑桥高阶〔white rat〕A domesticated albino variety of the Norway rat.白鼠:挪威鼠中被驯化了的白化变种鼠美国传统〔with〕Russia has just drawn up a trade agreement with Norway.俄罗斯刚刚与挪威草拟了一份贸易合约。剑桥高阶Norway won't have any problems beating France in the semi-final tomorrow --it should be a walkover.明天半决赛挪威战胜法国绝无问题----那应该是场一边倒的比赛。剑桥国际In Norway Willy supported himself by newspapering. 威利在挪威以办报为生。译典通Russia has just drawn up a trade agreement with Norway.俄国刚刚与挪威草拟了一份贸易合约。剑桥国际Several destroyers are on station off the coast of Norway 几艘驱逐舰在挪威近海保持战位。剑桥国际The dynastic union of Norway, Denmark and Sweden was built on shaky foundations.挪威、丹麦及瑞典的王朝联合基础并不稳固。剑桥国际These two lads from a remote village in Norway have enjoyed undreamed of success with their first album.这两个来自挪威一个遥远山村青年的第一张专辑获得了梦想不到的成功。剑桥国际We have sent a shipment of computers to Norway.我们向挪威发运了一批计算机。牛津商务




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