

单词 originating from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔biogenous〕Originating from living things.源于生命体的美国传统〔central〕Of, relating to, or originating from the nervous system.中枢神经的:属于、关与或起源于神经系统的美国传统〔cosmic noise〕Radio-frequency radiation originating outside Earth's atmosphere, such as that originating from sunspots.宇宙噪音:来自地球以外空间的无线电频段的辐射,例如来自太阳黑子的宇宙噪音美国传统〔dichasium〕A cyme having two lateral flowers or branches originating from opposite points beneath a terminal flower.歧伞花序,二歧聚伞花序:一种聚伞花序,有两个侧花或两个侧枝,其生于顶生花下面两个相对的点美国传统〔extent〕It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.目前仍不清楚这种批评有多少是来自执政党内部。外研社新世纪〔exteroceptor〕A sense organ, such as the ear, that receives and responds to stimuli originating from outside the body.外感受器:接受和反应体外传来的刺激的一种感觉器官,如耳美国传统〔extrinsic〕Originating from the outside; external.外来的;外部的美国传统〔interoceptor〕A specialized sensory nerve receptor that receives and responds to stimuli originating from within the body.内感受器:接受及反应源于体内刺激的特定神经感受器美国传统〔overhead〕Located, functioning, or originating from above.上面的,高架的:位于上部的,在上方运转的或来源于上部的美国传统〔primary growth〕Growth originating from the apical meristems of roots and shoots and resulting chiefly in extension of the plant body.初生:由根部和嫩芽的顶端分生组织引起的生长,其结果主要为植物体的延展美国传统〔psychosomatic〕Of or relating to a disorder having physical symptoms but originating from mental or emotional causes.心身失调的:一种有身体症状但是由心理或情感原因引起的病症的,或与之有关的美国传统〔remote〕A radio or television broadcast originating from a point outside a studio.实况节目:从演播室之外的地点传送的广播或电视节目美国传统〔terrestrial radiation〕Electromagnetic radiation originating from Earth and its atmosphere.地辐射:地球及其大气所发出的电磁辐射美国传统〔thoroughbred〕Thoroughbred Any of a breed of horses, bred chiefly for racing, originating from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares. Thoroughbred 良种马:一种源于阿拉伯雄马和英国母马杂交种马中的一匹,主要用于赛跑美国传统〔top-down〕Commanded by or originating from ones having the highest rank.高阶命令的:由最高阶层操控的,来源于最高阶层的美国传统〔vulcanian〕Geology Of, relating to, or originating from an explosive volcanic eruption.【地质学】 火山喷发的:活火山喷发的,与活火山喷发有关的,由活火山喷发而组成的美国传统




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