

单词 originated
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adam〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the neoclassic style of furniture and architecture originated by Robert and James Adam.亚当式的:由罗伯特·亚当和詹姆士·亚当开创的家具和建筑的新古典主义风格的,与这一风格有关的,具有这一风格特征的美国传统〔Ayrshire〕Any of various brown and white dairy cattle of a breed that originated in Ayr, Scotland.艾尔夏牛:原产于苏格兰埃尔郡的棕白色乳牛品种之一美国传统〔Brown Swiss〕One of a hardy breed of large brown dairy cattle that originated in Switzerland.瑞士褐牛:一种褐色大乳牛,产于瑞士美国传统〔COME FROM〕Buddhism originated in India and came to China in the first century A.D. 佛教源于印度,公元1世纪传入中国。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕Welfare is a program that originated in the 1930s to help widows. 福利救济源自20世纪30年代帮助寡妇的一项计划。朗文写作活用〔Calypso〕A type of music that originated in the West Indies, notably in Trinidad, and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects.卡力骚曲:一种起源于西印度的音乐,在特立尼达有影响,主要特征是根据主题或广泛的幽默体裁即席而作的音律美国传统〔East〕Martial arts originated in the East.武术起源于东方国家。朗文当代〔FIGHT〕Sumo wrestling originated in Japan. 相扑运动起源于日本。朗文写作活用〔Insular Celtic〕A branch of the Celtic languages comprising those spoken or having originated in the British Isles and divided into the Goidelic and Brittonic groups.凯尔特岛民:由英伦群岛的语言所发展或源自于英伦群岛所组成凯尔特语的一个分支,区分为盖尔及布立吞族群美国传统〔Linnaean〕Of or relating to Carolus Linnaeus or to the system of taxonomic classification and binomial nomenclature that he originated.林奈的或林氏分类法和双名法的:属于或和卡罗勒斯·林奈有关的或和他发明的分类学和双名法有关的美国传统〔SHOW〕The results imply that the disease originated in West Africa. 结果显示这种疾病最早可能源自西非。朗文写作活用〔Thespis〕Greek poet who reputedly originated Greek tragedy.泰斯庇斯:被认为创造了希腊悲剧的希腊诗人美国传统〔Tibetan spaniel〕Any of a breed of small dog that originated in Tibet, having a thick silky coat and a plumed tail that curls over the back.藏獚:源于西藏的一种毛厚而光滑且尾成羽状并卷于背上的小型狗美国传统〔Tibetan terrier〕Any of a breed of medium-sized dog that originated in Tibet, having thick, long hair over the eyes and a fluffy tail that curls over the back.藏㹴:源于西藏的一种毛厚长遮于眼上且尾蓬松并卷于背上的中型狗美国传统〔Weimaraner〕Any of a large breed of hunting dog having a smooth grayish coat that originated in Germany.威玛狗:一种原产于德国的大型猎犬,有光滑的淡灰色皮毛美国传统〔Welsh corgi〕Either of two breeds of dog that originated in Wales, having a long body, short legs, and a foxlike head.威尔士短脚狗:最初起源于威尔士的两种狗之一,有长身子、短腿和像狐狸的头美国传统〔Welsh springer spaniel〕Any of a breed of medium-sized hunting dog that originated in Wales and has a silky red and white coat.威尔士猎獚:一种原产于威尔士的中型猎犬,有光滑而亮泽的红色和白色皮毛美国传统〔acupuncture〕Acupuncture originated in China.针刺疗法起源于中国。剑桥高阶〔anal〕Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal-expulsive or anal-retentive.肛门性格的:在大小便训练过程中产生的性格特征,可分为肛门排泄型和肛门克制型美国传统〔cancan〕An exuberant dance that originated in France, performed by women and marked by high kicking.康康舞,坎坎舞:源于法国的一种快速活泼的舞蹈,由妇女表演,以高踢腿为特征美国传统〔cha-cha〕A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.恰恰舞:一种源自拉丁美洲的节奏明快的交际舞美国传统〔cultivar〕A horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation.栽培品种:某一植物的园艺品种或变种,在栽培条件下起源并只能在栽培条件下存活美国传统〔deeply〕The first goal originated from a free-kick deep inside Everton's half.第一粒进球源自于从埃弗顿队的后半场开出的任意球。柯林斯高阶〔forefather〕A person who is from an earlier time and has originated or contributed to a common tradition shared by a particular group.先人:生活在较早时代并且开创了某一特定集体的共同传统或为此作出了贡献的人美国传统〔idea〕The idea for the Olympics originated with Pierre de Coubertin.举办奥运会的想法是由皮埃尔・德・顾拜旦首先提出来的。牛津搭配〔in-joke〕A joke originated or appreciated by the members of a particular group.内部笑话:指起源于某特定集团内部并只为某成员领会的笑话美国传统〔native〕An animal or a plant that originated in a particular place or region.当地产的动(植)物:在某一特定地方或地区来源的动物或植物美国传统〔navicular〕The tumour originated from the navicular bone.从舟骨处滋生的肿瘤。剑桥高阶〔originable〕Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?21世纪英汉〔originable〕Our discord was originated by a quarrel.一次口角导致了我们之间的不和。21世纪英汉〔originable〕The film originated from a novel.这部电影源自一部小说。21世纪英汉〔originate〕Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the US 尽管这项技术起源于英国,但它在美国得到了发展。剑桥高阶〔originate〕Her book originated from a short story.她的书从一篇短篇小说发展而成。英汉大词典〔originate〕I intend to find out who originated this rumour.我想找出是谁最先散布了这个谣言。麦克米伦高阶〔originate〕I suppose no one has any idea who originated the story?我猜没人知道是谁编了这个故事?外研社新世纪〔originate〕Locke originated this theory in the 17th century.洛克于 17 世纪创立了这个理论。牛津高阶〔originate〕Many Christmas traditions originated in Germany.圣诞节的许多传统起源于德国。朗文当代〔originate〕The book originated as/from a series of lectures.这本书形成于一个系列讲座。韦氏高阶〔originate〕The bullfight originated in Spain.斗牛起源于西班牙。英汉大词典〔originate〕The concept of factory outlet shopping originated in America.厂家直销这一概念源于美国。麦克米伦高阶〔originate〕The custom is believed to have originated in the western U.S.人们认为这一习俗起源于美国西部。韦氏高阶〔originate〕The disease originated in Africa.这种疾病起源于非洲。外研社新世纪〔originate〕The disease originated in Africa.这种病源于非洲。柯林斯高阶〔originate〕The disease is thought to have originated in the tropics.这种疾病据说起源于热带地区。牛津高阶〔originate〕The flight originated in Banff.这架航班是从班夫始发的。外研社新世纪〔originate〕The game is thought to have originated among the native peoples of Alaska.据认为,这项运动始于阿拉斯加的土著人。剑桥高阶〔originate〕The idea originated with the ancient Greek philosophers.这种观念起源于古希腊哲学家。朗文当代〔originate〕The policy was originated by the previous administration.这项政策是由前任政府制定的。韦氏高阶〔originate〕The technique was originated by an Italian artist.这种技巧是由一位意大利艺术家首创的。朗文当代〔originate〕The town originated as a small fishing port.这个城镇最初是一个小渔港。朗文当代〔originate〕The train originated in Washington.火车由华盛顿始发。英汉大词典〔originate〕The use of steam originated many other reforms.蒸汽的使用引起了许多其他的革新。英汉大词典〔originate〕These beliefs originated in the 19th century.这些观念产生于19世纪。外研社新世纪〔originate〕These stories originated during earlier times.这些故事是早些时候形成的。韦氏高阶〔originate〕Who originated the idea?这个主意是谁想出来的?牛津同义词〔originate〕Who originated the saying "Small is beautiful"? “小即美”这句话最早是谁说的?剑桥高阶〔point〕The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.疼痛是从他右大腿的某处开始的。柯林斯高阶〔point〕The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.疼痛最初出现在他右大腿的某处。外研社新世纪〔precursor〕Real tennis, an ancient precursor of the modern game, originated in the eleventh century.室内网球,现代网球运动的古老前身,起源于11世纪。柯林斯高阶〔prehistoric〕Painting originated in prehistoric times.绘画始于史前时期。剑桥高阶〔problem〕No one ever asked why or how the problem originated.从没有人问过为什么会产生或怎么会产生这个问题。牛津搭配〔refer〕To assign or attribute to; regard as originated by.归因于…:指派或归因于……;认为起源于……美国传统〔religion〕He believes that all religions originated from a single source.他认为所有的宗教都有同一个本源。牛津搭配〔rumba〕A complex rhythmical dance that originated in Cuba.伦巴舞:一种起源于古巴的复杂而有节奏的舞蹈美国传统〔soft-coated wheaten terrier〕A medium-sized terrier of a breed that originated in Ireland, having a wheat-colored coat of soft, wavy hair.软毛灰黄㹴:一种原产于爱尔兰的中等大小的㹴,毛呈麦黄色、柔软并有波浪状美国传统〔summary〕In summary, nobody knows where the disease originated.总的来说,没有人知道病源。麦克米伦高阶〔wholesale〕The crops originated from wholesale growers.这些农作物来自做批发销售的种植者。韦氏高阶〔wield〕It does not matter whose hand wielded the pen – the decision originated in Downing Street.由谁执笔无关紧要——决策者都还是唐宁街的政客们。外研社新世纪〔work〕The smell is believed to have originated from the sewage works.气味据说来自污水处理厂。牛津搭配Acupuncture originated in China.针灸起源于中国。剑桥国际Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed on a large scale in the US.虽说这项技术起源于英国,但是它在美国得到了大规模发展。剑桥国际It was Alexander Calder who originated the mobiles. 活动雕塑是亚历山大‧考尔德首创的。译典通Jazz originated among black musicians in the southern US.爵士乐是由美国南部的黑人音乐家原创的。剑桥国际Neoclassicism originated in Rome in the 18th century, partly as a reaction against the ‘excesses’of Baroque and Rococo.新古典主义,18世纪起源于罗马,部分地作为对于巴洛克和洛可可的‘奢靡’的反动。剑桥国际Origami originated in Japan where it is still widely practised.折纸艺术起源于日本,在那里仍有很多人从事这项工作。剑桥国际Painting originated in prehistoric times with murals drawn on cave walls.绘画始于史前时期洞穴墙壁上的壁画。剑桥国际School uniform is thought to have originated in the 1840s and 50s.人们认为校服起源于19世纪40年代和50年代。剑桥国际Studies suggest that life originated only once, from a single ancestor.研究表明,生命现象是一次性地从单一的祖先起源的。剑桥国际The business originated as a shoe shop, but now offers a full range of clothing.这家企业原本是一家鞋店,但现在经营各式服装。牛津商务The game is thought to have originated among the native peoples of Alaska.人们认为这种比赛产生于阿拉斯加州本地人。剑桥国际The idea originated with her. 这主意是她最先想出来的。译典通The news story originated in Paris.这则新闻故事源于巴黎。剑桥国际The program tells you where your emails originated.这个程序会告诉你电子邮件从何处发过来。牛津商务The train originated in London. 火车发自伦敦。译典通The use of the computer has originated many other reforms. 电脑的使用引起了其他许多的革新。译典通Their estrangement originated in a misunderstanding. 他们的隔阂是由误会而起。译典通There is no guarantee that all or any of the manuscripts of unknown/uncertain provenance originated in Italy.不能保证这些不为人知/不可辨认的手稿的全部或其中任何一张是来自意大利的。剑桥国际




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