

单词 originally
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AGREE〕to agree by accepting less than you originally wanted 同意作出让步朗文写作活用〔Diaspora〕diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or a culture: diaspora 传播:原本同一种民族实体的传播,比如语言或文化:美国传统〔Diaspora〕diaspora A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people. diaspora 移居:原本同一种族人群的迁移美国传统〔bone〕bones Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show. bones 打拍者:巡游演出中站在一端敲击骨制或木制响板的人美国传统〔estimate〕the $800 million it originally estimated for the job最初对项目所作的8亿美元的估价外研社新世纪〔forecast〕higher costs than those originally forecast 比起初预测要高的成本牛津搭配〔inter〕the spot where his bones were originally interred.他的骸骨起初埋葬的地点柯林斯高阶〔inter〕the spot where his bones were originally interred最初埋葬他尸骨的地方外研社新世纪〔originally〕originally named Johnston.他原本名叫庄士顿美国传统〔originally〕a New Yorker who is originally from Mexico 来自墨西哥的纽约人韦氏高阶〔originally〕a plant originally American 原产于美洲的植物英汉大词典〔originally〕not what I had originally expected.不是我事先期盼的美国传统〔submit〕the manuscript I originally submitted to them 我最初提交给他们的手稿牛津搭配〔transpose〕a story originally set in London that has been transposed to Paris for this film 一个原本设定发生在伦敦、在这部影片中改为发生在巴黎的故事韦氏高阶




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